The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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His English is so bad I'm not quite sure of the point he's trying to make with those tweets... and I grade high schoolers' work for a living.
Not sure where I heard it, but supposedly his speeches are popular in some areas overseas because his English is so remedial it is easier to understand than say...Obama.
If Trump's presidency fractures the right considerably, would the Americans on here consider it a price worth paying?
Both parties are already heavily fractured. See: Hillary as a center-left managing to lose the electoral vote and Ryumph getting their ACA repeal defeated by their own party.

Neither is keeping up with the changes in society. Both are vulnerable.
Was saying this a month back. People are talking like they are trying to prevent Russian influence on US politics. It's too late for that. Putin has already distabilised US democracy. There's not outcome that doesn't hurt the US. Putin has already achieved his goal.

Nah, this is merely a bump in the road whereby the US decides whether it is still a right of center country or whether its power structure has shifted to the progressive left. The Drumpf virus is merely an inciting incident that will force the country to decide one or the other, which imo will be the left. Putin, despite the fearmongering in the media, is quite weak. His economy is in tatters bxuae of the oil price and sanctions and a new generations of younger Russians are reaching demonstration age and eventually boot him out.
:lol: What a bunch of cnuts

Aye, bunch of cowardly shitebags the lot of them. In some ways the ones like McCain and Graham who kind of recognise how bad he is and who admit they don't like him are the worst in that they've mostly done feck all.
Nah, this is merely a bump in the road whereby the US decides whether it is still a right of center country or whether its power structure has shifted to the progressive left. The Drumpf virus is merely an inciting incident that will force the country to decide one or the other, which imo will be the left. Putin, despite the fearmongering in the media, is quite weak. His economy is in tatters bxuae of the oil price and sanctions and a new generations of younger Russians are reaching demonstration age and eventually boot him out.

And he'll probably be replaced by someone even worse...
Mensch is being really irritating recently. Now having a moan at Cuban because he posted his views on Trump/Russia.

She's posted like a dozen times to him that he's completely wrong.
Though if he think Bannon played a part in the Russia stuff, you have to wonder why Cuban met with Bannon in secret after the election.

A Manhattan diner isn't particularly secret is it?
A sober take:

Interesting. Not sure if Trump is completely unaware, but he's certainly not blabbered so far and expecting him to keep his mouth shut would be remarkable.
Interesting. Not sure if Trump is completely unaware, but he's certainly not blabbered so far and expecting him to keep his mouth shut would be remarkable.

I think it has the ring of truth to it if we accept that Trump never actually thought he would, or really wanted to, win, and was more interested in pushing his brand (remember all the rumours about the alt-right media empire he was planning to launch?) and making money.
Though if he think Bannon played a part in the Russia stuff, you have to wonder why Cuban met with Bannon in secret after the election.

Sorry I was just mocking that Tweet on its own sans context.
Read the lot now. Absolute guff to be honest. Control freak Trump has been blissfully unaware of all the naughty business around him. How wet behind the ears do you have to be to believe that?
Sorry I was just mocking that Tweet on its own sans context.

Yeah though parts of it could be plausible.

But on some parts he's way off the mark.

Trump and Manafort have known each other for decades (According to Bloomberg) and Manafort has lived in the same building as Trump for a decade.

Trump will have known a long long time ago that Manafort was a shady character, so if Trump was innocent in all this Russia stuff, he would not have agreed to have Manafort as his campaign manager.
The trouble with Cuban's tweet is that Trump has had every chance to be transparent about all of this by releasing his taxes and telling the public what happened. Each time, he's opted to invent some nonsense about fake news, wiretaps, is having his white house obstruct the house investigation etc. That's not the behavior of someone who is innocent and hellbent on transparently proving it. Instead, its the behavior of someone with something to hide.
Read the lot now. Absolute guff to be honest. Control freak Trump has been blissfully unaware of all the naughty business around him. How wet behind the ears do you have to be to believe that?

The trouble with Cuban's tweet is that Trump has had every chance to be transparent about all of this by releasing his taxes and telling the public what happened. Each time, he's opted to invent some nonsense about fake news, wiretaps, is having his white house obstruct the house investigation etc. That's not the behavior of someone who is innocent and hellbent on transparently proving it. Instead, its the behavior of someone with something to hide.

Perhaps it's a better explanation for how this all began?

I don't know, I've always found Trump's public expressions of admiration for Putin and his promise to break decades of established Republican policy towards Russia extremely baffling if indeed he did collude with Moscow in some way. Surely the last thing you'd want to do is draw suspicion?
Perhaps it's a better explanation for how this all began?

I don't know, I've always found Trump's public expressions of admiration for Putin and his promise to break decades of established Republican policy towards Russia extremely baffling if indeed he did collude with Moscow in some way. Surely the last thing you'd want to do is draw suspicion?

Perhaps, but then Trump's never exactly hidden from controversy either, has he? His memo has often seemed to be saying so many outrageous and baffling things that they all kind of become lost in each other to the point where no one knows what to focus on.
I think it has the ring of truth to it if we accept that Trump never actually thought he would, or really wanted to, win, and was more interested in pushing his brand (remember all the rumours about the alt-right media empire he was planning to launch?) and making money.

Yes I think thats true.

By always owning and working for his own company, he was also sheltered his entire life from the strategic and insidious career tactics that politicians and execs in MNC's engage in to get ahead. Every instance is a possibility to advance an individuals agenda, power and career.

And so when he ran essentially as an independent without any establishment infrastructure, he was a honey magnet for skilful people with agenda's. Child's play for someone as seasoned and without scruples like Putin.
Read the lot now. Absolute guff to be honest. Control freak Trump has been blissfully unaware of all the naughty business around him. How wet behind the ears do you have to be to believe that?

Trump has already shown that he is very naive within the politics profession and the dynamics of Washington itself. Thats wholly to be expected given his lifelong business and New York background. Thats why many voted for him.

With this new 24/7 focus, we also now know he's not very smart and simply just a narcissist. We have already seen that he doesn't really know whats going on in his Government and has little appetite for details.

It wouldn't surprise me that he was massively manipulated by Russia without him actually knowing what was really going on. And if he did, he didn't have the time or ability to stop it happening and just got swept away with it all. Those 3 months before the election would have been crazy busy like I cant imagine, and within that, his vote was increasing every day. It would have been intoxicating, especially for a narcissist like him.
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Cuban's theory is complete lunacy, if you believe that you'll believe anything

These days, if its believable its probably untrue, and if its unbelievable its most likely true.

Im willing to believe literally anything these days.
If Cuban is right, and thats a big if, there is still enough there to make Trump at least unelectable

Yeah if it was true then the man's absolute incompetence would be staggering.
Trump isnt that big a naive bumbling idiot as Cuban would prescribe. He is quite tactical and knows how to manipulate people or the press.

My take on Trump is as follows:

In the early to mid 80s, he made some money on some deals and got his ego stroked with the book. Then with an over-inflated ego, he started to expand way beyond his capabilities or knowledge base into casinos, New Jersey Generals, Eastern Airlines etc. Needless to say, he failed and was over-leveraged.The success of the book showed him that with a high level of publicity, it would open doors as well as generate business (his Trump brand.)
By the early to mid-90s, he was running out of cash as people were calling in their 'chips.'

With people are in dire straits, who do you go to but the shadiest characters -- start with your local shady characters of which there were plenty in the NY-NJ metro area.
But one thing lead to another and with the emergence of oligarchs and the new money in Russia, he found new ways of starting afloat and liquid. And eventually thrive. They know that his name is quite a well know name. So they start to funnel their ill gotten gains out of their countries into 'foreign investments' like real estate, casinos etc. (A very common practise for drug lords.)

He is like a venture cap -- he locates the investors and he also locates the investments. Both parties are trying to launder their cash. They use the umbrella of the name 'Trump' properties to be their investors to either build hotels/apartments or invest these 'investments'.

He makes money through this laundering via hotel/management fees, equity as well as locating these sources of cash.
Why else can you run this multi-billion enterprise without a proper corporate structure. He has no clue on how to run a large organisation as it clearly shows in the WH.
He uses other people's money, out-sources the managements and just focuses on making 'deals'.

Its all about perception or a mirage with Trump. His value is the figurehead of the Trump brand -- it opens up businesses as well as protects the investors.

He certainly didnt want to be President. It was a fun thing at first and besides, he wanted to elevate his brand.
But when the crap he spewed started gaining traction, I think that's when the patron saint of the oligarchs (ie Putin) started getting ideas. And he was out of his depth and cash by then. (Besides what 'multi-Billionaire' cant afford $40million in cash to fund his campaign?

He is a mirage -- not a billionaire in cash but the brand maybe worth potentially billions of (grey) dollars -- though it could be any brand name as long as it continues to be a 'umbrella.'
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Do you think Trump entered the primaries just to derail Jeb Bush? He sure seemed to have an axe to grind with them and the GOP establishment as a whole.

I agree he did not expect or really want to be president. Even if he survives an impeachment I think he has no desire to run for a second term.
Do you think Trump entered the primaries just to derail Jeb Bush? He sure seemed to have an axe to grind with them and the GOP establishment as a whole.

I agree he did not expect or really want to be president. Even if he survives an impeachment I think he has no desire to run for a second term.

I'd like to think this but people kind of assumed he'd never really be serious during his campaign, and that it just wouldn't happen once he was the candidate...and all the rest of it. Wouldn't surprise me if he somehow managed to eek out eight years in the job.
I'd like to think this but people kind of assumed he'd never really be serious during his campaign, and that it just wouldn't happen once he was the candidate...and all the rest of it. Wouldn't surprise me if he somehow managed to eek out eight years in the job.

If the GOP holds the house, it is difficult to see an impeachment. Would they go against their own base?
It would completely split the party.


If he runs a second time, he can only win if the Dems run another corporate stooge.
They need a populist to have a chance of winning.
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