The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Holy feck. Breaking on CNN right now. Dozens of black range rovers swarmed into the White House with FBI agents and SWAT police rolling out and 4 choppers circling Mar'a'lago with more unmarked vehicles pouring in. April fools wankers, someone had to.

Edit - Trump tower has been locked down.

Shit it's really happening.
Holy feck. Breaking on CNN right now. Dozens of black range rovers swarmed into the White House with FBI agents and SWAT police rolling out and 4 choppers circling Mar'a'lago with more unmarked vehicles pouring in. April fools wankers, someone had to.

Edit - Trump tower has been locked down.

Shit it's really happening.

They drive GM.
Holy feck. Breaking on CNN right now. Dozens of black range rovers swarmed into the White House with FBI agents and SWAT police rolling out and 4 choppers circling Mar'a'lago with more unmarked vehicles pouring in. April fools wankers, someone had to.

Edit - Trump tower has been locked down.

Shit it's really happening.
:lol: My heart was proper pumping for like 10 seconds then the date dawned on me!
April fools doesn't work after 12, though I suppose you could say it is before noon in the west coast...

Just read this again and it tickled me. You made it sound like it's a Cinderella/Midnight like phenomenon. :lol:

Get the Dirty Ayrab - Justin Amash (Palestinian Christian who is a Republican and also happens to be a Trump critic)

Did you see Amash's response? #Trumpstablishment :lol:


A day earlier but some more gold from Louise

(Bernie and the Russians)

A day earlier but some more gold from Louise

(Bernie and the Russians)


Hillary was a plant because she was incompetent enough to have lost to their incompetent plant. All voters are Russian plants, Trump voters obviously, Hillary voters were concentrated in regions where they gave the illusion of numbers but didn't threaten Trump's electoral college, and non-voters knew which states to sit out for. All adult Americans are sleeper agents, out to destablise America because Putin has an image crisis and wants to win re-election.
Hillary was a plant because she was incompetent enough to have lost to their incompetent plant. All voters are Russian plants, Trump voters obviously, Hillary voters were concentrated in regions where they gave the illusion of numbers but didn't threaten Trump's electoral college, and non-voters knew which states to sit out for. All adult Americans are sleeper agents, out to destablise America because Putin has an image crisis and wants to win re-election.
Much of this is well known historical fact, the USSR only lost the cold war because someone misplaced the activation phrases.

Get the Dirty Ayrab - Justin Amash (Palestinian Christian who is a Republican and also happens to be a Trump critic)

They're so petty. Trump and his team cant get over their loss on healthcare and the freedom caucus is their new target for the foreseeable future.

Also, What on earth is with that profile pic he's got on his page. He looks possessed.
Its in the Fox thread.

Its just as important here. These things are coming out about all of trumps powerbase. Remember, the biggest problem if trump is proven to have colluded is that around 40% of the electorate simply will not believe it right now, and that is a recipe for civil war.

Going after his media mouthpieces beforehand (there is another story this week about brietbart and alex jones being investigated) can lessen the risks involved when its time to start charging people in the white house by diluting the message beforehand.
Its just as important here. These things are coming out about all of trumps powerbase. Remember, the biggest problem if trump is proven to have colluded is that around 40% of the electorate simply will not believe it right now, and that is a recipe for civil war.

Going after his media mouthpieces beforehand (there is another story this week about brietbart and alex jones being investigated) can lessen the risks involved when its time to start charging people in the white house by diluting the message beforehand.

This has nothing to do with Trump, that's why it was put in the other thread, and its also why there is a Fox News thread.

Was saying this a month back. People are talking like they are trying to prevent Russian influence on US politics. It's too late for that. Putin has already distabilised US democracy. There's not outcome that doesn't hurt the US. Putin has already achieved his goal.
Some interesting numbers on Twitler but also many other topics in new McClatchy-Marist Poll.

Trump Approval Rating Slips to 38%… Cracks Forming in Republican Base

President Donald Trump’s job approval rating stands at 38%, down slightly from the 41% he received in the February McClatchy-Marist Poll.


Taking a closer look at the issues, a majority of Americans, 56%, think Trump has weakened the role of the United States on the world stage. 35% believe the country’s global position has been strengthened. These proportions are similar to those reported in late February. Again, Trump is down among Republicans. While 71% of the GOP believe the president has bolstered the United States’ role internationally, that proportion has declined from 82%.

A majority of Americans, 54%, think President Trump’s meetings with foreign leaders have weakened the standing of the United States. This is an increase from 48% previously. 37%, compared with 42% in February, report Trump’s talks with foreign leaders has strengthened the position of the United States. Republicans, 77%, down from 84%, think these meetings with international leaders have positively affected the standing of the United States. And, a plurality of Americans, 48%, still perceive Donald Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin to be a negative for the United States. 39% consider it to be advantageous. These proportions are little changed from the February survey.

More than six in ten Americans, 61%, also have little, 22%, or no, 39%, trust in the Trump Administration to deliver accurate and factual information to the public. 37% report they have a great deal, 13%, or good amount, 24%, of confidence in the White House to do so. This is little changed from when the McClatchy-Marist Poll previously reported this question.

Seven in ten Americans, 70% up slightly from 66%, consider the president’s communication through Twitter to be reckless and distracting. 19%, down from 25%, think it is an effective and informative tool. Here, the largest change has been among the president’s own party. A plurality of Republicans, 45%, think Trump’s use of Twitter is reckless and distracting while 36% say it is effective and informative. Last month, a majority of the GOP, 54%, described Trump’s Twitter communication as effective and informative, and 29% said it was reckless and distracting.
If Trump's presidency fractures the right considerably, would the Americans on here consider it a price worth paying?
Its just as important here. These things are coming out about all of trumps powerbase. Remember, the biggest problem if trump is proven to have colluded is that around 40% of the electorate simply will not believe it right now, and that is a recipe for civil war.

Going after his media mouthpieces beforehand (there is another story this week about brietbart and alex jones being investigated) can lessen the risks involved when its time to start charging people in the white house by diluting the message beforehand.

If Trump's presidency fractures the right considerably, would the Americans on here consider it a price worth paying?

Watching this thing playing out, I remain a skeptic on all these allegations (or that adequate evidence will ever be found to prove them) and am going ahead on the assumption that Trump will be with us for four years at least. However, the part of me that conceives that it all could be true and will be revealed feels kind of like I did watching the Turkish failed 'coup' last summer unfold - happy and absolutely fascinated to see a bullying dickhead get what's coming to him, but more concerned at what might come after. Looking at Trump heads on Twitter, and some I know in real life, there is absolutely no way they will take even something like Trump resigning without protest lying down. There will be violence. Now imagine Trump is forced out but claims it's a coup against him or something like that.

Rollins is a fabulous Tyro
If Trump's presidency fractures the right considerably, would the Americans on here consider it a price worth paying?
I'm hoping that's what it does. Part of me is optimistic that this is the last gasp of an odious part of our society that will soon be discredited by Trump's demise.

Is it worth it? Yes - if the left follows up with something like the FDR era.
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