The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It worked well during the campaign. He created a complete alternate reality narrative with CrookedHillary that actually worked to inject doubt into the minds of enough voters who either voted for Trump or stayed home on Nov 8th. I don't think it will work so much this time as he's now President and the only person under the spotlight.

Affecting popular opinion and convincing the general public is one thing, convincing two intelligence agencies as well as a house and senate committee is another altogether. It doesn't matter what the public thinks at this point, it's four criminal investigations.
Affecting popular opinion and convincing the general public is one thing, convincing two intelligence agencies as well as a house and senate committee is another altogether. It doesn't matter what the public thinks at this point, it's four criminal investigations.

Yes, and this new allegation from CBS News that the campaign actually coordinated fake news attacks with the Russian government is full on treason. If that sticks, then he's toast. But there are a lot of steps between here and there. Let's hope the GOP eventually fall in line and start supporting this instead of protecting him.
Affecting popular opinion and convincing the general public is one thing, convincing two intelligence agencies as well as a house and senate committee is another altogether. It doesn't matter what the public thinks at this point, it's four criminal investigations.
Investigating is one thing, but pressing charges? Can't see that happening without Reps ditching him first.
Its clearly an orchestrated strategy to deflect from his own investigation. All the conservative pundits on FoxNews, talk radio, and even some on CNN have suddenly started parroting this at the same time.
Not really working now though, he has 'cried wolf' way too many times. His tweets are already just a hysterical back sound.

On another issue, why are so many people dissing Spicer in past few hours. What has he said that has pissed everyone off so much?
Yes, and this new allegation from CBS News that the campaign actually coordinated fake news attacks with the Russian government is full on treason. If that sticks, then he's toast. But there are a lot of steps between here and there. Let's hope the GOP eventually fall in line and start supporting this instead of protecting him.

I think when the day comes, between all the people involved, we're going to be looking at literally hundreds of charges. I don't think it's going to be one smoking gun moment. It's going to be such a broad spread of charges and such a complicated case that it's going to take a a lot of years until sentencing happens.

I have to admit, this narrative of Manafort bringing in Pence is interesting although it feels a little bit like a liberal version of "Podesta spoke to the Russians too".

Investigating is one thing, but pressing charges? Can't see that happening without Reps ditching him first.

I don't think the FBI or the NSA give two shits what Nunes and McConnell think.
I think when the day comes, between all the people involved, we're going to be looking at literally hundreds of charges. I don't think it's going to be one smoking gun moment. It's going to be such a broad spread of charges and such a complicated case that it's going to take a a lot of years until sentencing happens.

I have to admit, this narrative of Manafort bringing in Pence is interesting although it feels a little bit like a liberal version of "Podesta spoke to the Russians too".

I don't think the FBI or the NSA give two shits what Nunes and McConnell think.

Yes, and the GOP will fall in line once his poll numbers drop into the low 30s.

Yes, and this new allegation from CBS News that the campaign actually coordinated fake news attacks with the Russian government is full on treason. If that sticks, then he's toast. But there are a lot of steps between here and there. Let's hope the GOP eventually fall in line and start supporting this instead of protecting him.

Clinton Watts laid out a pretty logical explanation.
I'm not too worried about getting the GOP rats to jump ship. Once the tide turns they'll be scrambling around trying to save their own asses. It's already started.
It's so fecking sad that they're politicising this.

It all goes back to the most important aspect of politics - self preservation. If Republicans jumped off ship now, and Trump didn't sink, they would risk exposing themselves to a primary challenge where they would be tarred as not supporting a GOP President. If however Trump's numbers fall into the gutter, that risk subsides significantly.
That wasn't fake news, it was muppet.

I think that's one of the most infuriating things about him, he really is as thick as pig-shit. He's a total feckwit who never makes sense or even forms a coherent sentence, let alone one that doesn't include a lie.
I don't think the FBI or the NSA give two shits what Nunes and McConnell think.

NSA is not a law enforcement agency. Their mandate is to collect foreign intelligence. FBI is law enforcement, however an actual US attorney has to bring the case in front of a court. And Trump can fire/appoint these.
NSA is not a law enforcement agency. Their mandate is to collect foreign intelligence. FBI is law enforcement, however an actual US attorney has to bring the case in front of a court. And Trump can fire/appoint these.

The NSA are still collecting intelligence without considering political agendas. They can dump all this intelligence at the door of the atorneys and leak whatever they need to to pile on the pressure.
The NSA are still collecting intelligence without considering political agendas. They can dump all this intelligence at the door of the atorneys and leak whatever they need to to pile on the pressure.
That would be revealing classified information , subverting the chain of command, a crime in itself and probably therefore inadmissible in court. It would also shift the focus of this whole thing. And as I said US Attorneys can be fired by the president. No prosecution can be done until he is impeached. Like it or not, it requires Reps to do it.
That would be revealing classified information , subverting the chain of command, a crime in itself and probably therefore inadmissible in court. It would also shift the focus of this whole thing. And as I said US Attorneys can be fired by the president. No prosecution can be done until he is impeached. Like it or not, it requires Reps to do it.

That's what the intelligence agencies do. It's not just one or two people deciding to take the law into their own hands and leaking to the press. It's a calculated tactic designed to put pressure on law enforcers and make it difficult for them to bury things.
That's what the intelligence agencies do. It's not just one or two people deciding to take the law into their own hands and leaking to the press. It's a calculated tactic designed to put pressure on law enforcers and make it difficult for them to bury things.
What they do is inform the applicable law enforcement agency when there is an evidence of a crime where a US person is involved. This is the due process, anything else is just mudding the waters, and while itcan influence various opinions, it doesn't necessarily lead to any concrete action.
What they do is inform the applicable law enforcement agency when there is an evidence of a crime where a US person is involved. This is the due process, anything else is just mudding the waters, and while itcan influence various opinions, it doesn't necessarily lead to any concrete action.

They provide intelligence and leak a certain amount so politics doesn't see it buried and justice is served.
We need Jose to start using Twitter like Drumpf.

"Some managers have not won the title in over ten years, zis is very sad".
We need Jose to start using Twitter like Drumpf.

"Some managers have not won the title in over ten years, zis is very sad".
"Zis news? False. Why talk about me? Why ignore Arsene's secret email?"
"I woke up today and was informed Mr. Guardiola was, khow do you say...wiretapping on my training sessions."

"He is master of altering narrative. He once said to me that he beat me often as Barcelona manager. Zis is obviously fake news, as I have never been manager of Barcelona."

Tweet: "Why is #baldy Pep allowed to accuse me of being Barcelona manager? SAD!"

The best form of defense is attack. It's just funny at this point, he's going down soon enough this bleating and moaning just makes it even more fun.
His English is so bad I'm not quite sure of the point he's trying to make with those tweets... and I grade high schoolers' work for a living.
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