The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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When appearing on a daytime TV show with Ivanka when asked what he had in common with his daughter he replied "well I would say SEX" and then tried to laugh it off. He's also said he would be dating her if she wasn't his daughter. He's a disgusting piece of shit. The fact he got elected made me lose a lot of faith in humanity, it's actually like a bad dream really, he's just so thick and ignorant, but not only that he's so fecking nasty and spiteful. I despise the fat cnut.

I wonder if we find out that the russians were more successful than they are willing to admit.
It's ok, they really don't need to fake pictures of him and his daughter.




They are quite close physically.

Jerrod must be a tad suspicious.

:lol: Just look at the way he slinks off, what the hell? I am no body language expert, but that does not look like a confident man to me. We all know hes a narcissist with an overblown ego, but also a thin skin, so no doubt with all the bad press around, this is starting to get to him.

He did not really knew what he was getting into. He loved the campaign, because then he could just spout his bullshit to an adoring crowd, but the actual presidency and the inevitable scrutiny that followed with it, not so much. Those post inauguration rallies must have been just for the sake of a morale boosts, and if this continues there will be a lot of rallies i suppose.

Also, considering how hamfisted he has handled his meeting with other states of head, i can't imagine he is looking forward to the G7/G20 meetings. Will probably call a sicky
@Billy Blaggs @langster It is beyond me how any human being can vote for someone who speaks that way about his daughter, and it wasn't just a lapse when he was drunk, he said it repeatedly. How can all these so-called Christians tolerate that, how can any person with moral fibre tolerate that?

Although I disagree with most of Twitlers agenda topics, I can understand that people have different opinions and convictions, lack knowledge or intellectual capacity to process knowledge. But I had wrongly hoped that there is consensus across opinions, convictions and party lines about a certain level of integrity of a president. Twitler's integrity on a scale from 0 to 10 is -10,000. Putin must be laughing his a** off.
@Billy Blaggs @langster It is beyond me how any human being can vote for someone who speaks that way about his daughter, and it wasn't just a lapse when he was drunk, he said it repeatedly. How can all these so-called Christians tolerate that, how can any person with moral fibre tolerate that?

Although I disagree with most of Twitlers agenda topics, I can understand that people have different opinions and convictions, lack knowledge or intellectual capacity to process knowledge. But I had wrongly hoped that there is consensus across opinions, convictions and party lines about a certain level of integrity of a president. Twitler's integrity on a scale from 0 to 10 is -10,000. Putin must be laughing his a** off.

Me either. I have a daughter and she is a person all the boys like.
To me she's just that annoying little shit that beats up my stove.
It's repulsive that a dad could refer to his daughter like that.
Me either. I have a daughter and she is a person all the boys like.
To me she's just that annoying little shit that beats up my stove.
It's repulsive that a dad could refer to his daughter like that.

"Me either. I have a daughter and she is a person all the boys like.
To me she's just that annoying little shit that beats up my stove.
It's repulsive that a dad could refer to his daughter like that
." - Carly Rae Jepsen.

:lol: Just look at the way he slinks off, what the hell? I am no body language expert, but that does not look like a confident man to me. We all know hes a narcissist with an overblown ego, but also a thin skin, so no doubt with all the bad press around, this is starting to get to him.

He did not really knew what he was getting into. He loved the campaign, because then he could just spout his bullshit to an adoring crowd, but the actual presidency and the inevitable scrutiny that followed with it, not so much. Those post inauguration rallies must have been just for the sake of a morale boosts, and if this continues there will be a lot of rallies i suppose.

Also, considering how hamfisted he has handled his meeting with other states of head, i can't imagine he is looking forward to the G7/G20 meetings. Will probably call a sicky
Fully agree wih your first two paragraphs. At the G20, however, he'll meet his pals Putin and Erdogan and possibly Le Pen if she gets elected (G20 is early July, I assume whoever gets elected will have taken office by then). Therefore he'll look forward to it and only wish that Berlusconi would still be around to exchange groping experience.
Supposedly next on the agenda: Bring more Breitbart staff in the WH to draw conclusions from raw intel data.

Wonder if our American friends can suggest when we should get the popcorn in? I even dreamt last night that Trump resigned. Waiting and waiting....or do you reckon he will last the term?
Wonder if our American friends can suggest when we should get the popcorn in? I even dreamt last night that Trump resigned. Waiting and waiting....or do you reckon he will last the term?

I'm not American but I think it's a bit early to start fist-pumping just yet! Long way to go to get rid of the cnut.
I wonder if the Caf owner(s) consider adding a popcorn smilie?
What he means (as he has said it many times before) is he wishes to try to copy the libel laws we have here in the UK. However, as I have said numerous times, if he does the person who would suffer the most would be him, Donald Trump. Basically it would allow people to sue newspapers who tell lies or who get their facts wrong all the time. Trump thinks that he's always right, however surely that must be more bullshit, surely deep down he must know he's lying all the time? Whatever, if the rules changed and he then didn't like stories printed by say the lying New York Times and the dishonest Washington Post or he didn't like stories broadcast by crooked CNN then he would attempt to sue them, however, as we all know they would have been telling the truth and as the accuser the onus would be entirely on Trump to prove they had lied. Of course he couldn't do that, and even if he tried then the publications being sued would just play the video tape of Trump bullshitting. Basically yet again the prick really doesn't understand what he is saying.

Unless he manages to make the burden of proof on the media organisation and limits it to media organisations. IE unless you have proof for a story it's slander/libel, which would curtail the press.

Saville managed to supress stories for years by having his lawyers threaten the press with legal action.

The thing is we know Trump would love to go beyond British libel laws
Seth Abramson did another thread on Twitter (bloody annoying to read) last night, this time about Flynn. It gives a nice insight into immunity in general and why his request was particularly interesting. I'll copy pasta it all into here in a bit but the most sensational bit is that his public request for immunity (very rare) could be a way of making public the fact he could be a key witness at a time when key witnesses (on the Russian side) are dropping like flies.

It makes it a lot harder to kill him off and makes it political suicide now the world knows he might have key evidence on an administration that are still pleading their innocence.
Unless he manages to make the burden of proof on the media organisation and limits it to media organisations. IE unless you have proof for a story it's slander/libel, which would curtail the press.

Yes, that's a possibility, and that would hinder stories such as the Russian/election hacking angle. However each time Trump has mentioned changing the libel laws, or brought up the UK as an example it has been for a more personal story such as the pussy grabbing incident. Each time it's been for a story that is easily proven, he's far too arrogant and narcissistic and hates the thought of people thinking badly about him. I honestly believe he thinks that the press simply wouldn't be able to print anything bad about him again. He's seriously deluded, and as we know, mentally ill.

The thing is we know Trump would love to go beyond British libel laws

Yup, I agree and think he would too, however he's up against something much bigger, older, tougher and important than he is. The constitution and The First Amendment.
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these so-called experts with their bloody "reality" eh, makes it a damn sight more difficult to run a bloody good autocracy these days
these so-called experts with their bloody "reality" eh, makes it a damn sight more difficult to run a bloody good autocracy these days

You really think that these career analysts, hand picked high flyers from the best Universities in the country and devoted their careers to critically analysing raw information are going to be better at drawing conclusions from intelligence than Steve Bannon?
The estimates seem to vary wildly here, but it does mention Ivanka still has a share in the Trump International hotel.

Documents released by the White House have revealed millions of dollars in assets held by its senior staff.

President Trump's daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, have assets valued between $240m and $740m (£191m- £590m).
I don't think Mensch is helping at all. She's constantly click-baiting on this story without providing anything new or any proof to back-up her claims, and she just comes across as a bit of a crack-pot.

Perhaps she's been bought off by someone inside the Trump campaign, or perhaps Farange, to push stories.
Its clearly an orchestrated strategy to deflect from his own investigation. All the conservative pundits on FoxNews, talk radio, and even some on CNN have suddenly started parroting this at the same time.
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@Billy Blaggs @langster It is beyond me how any human being can vote for someone who speaks that way about his daughter, and it wasn't just a lapse when he was drunk, he said it repeatedly. How can all these so-called Christians tolerate that, how can any person with moral fibre tolerate that?

Although I disagree with most of Twitlers agenda topics, I can understand that people have different opinions and convictions, lack knowledge or intellectual capacity to process knowledge. But I had wrongly hoped that there is consensus across opinions, convictions and party lines about a certain level of integrity of a president. Twitler's integrity on a scale from 0 to 10 is -10,000. Putin must be laughing his a** off.
These are the same people who agreed with the mother of the Duggar family when she said that her daughters wouldn't be seriously affected by repeated sexual assaults by their brother because they were asleep at the time. Hypocritical scumbags, you can tell by the porn consumption in red states and the conveyor belt of wanking material on Fox News.
Its clearly an orchestrate strategy to deflect from his own investigation.

It's so transparent though. His following will blindly shout it out, some believing it, some just happy to use it. The media isn't running with it though because their is no foundation to it, not because of some neo-liberal agenda. If there was a story there, they'd be rolling with it parallel to the Russian story because despite what they are trying to argue, one being true doesn't absolve the other.
It's so transparent though. His following will blindly shout it out, some believing it, some just happy to use it. The media isn't running with it though because their is no foundation to it, not because of some neo-liberal agenda. If there was a story there, they'd be rolling with it parallel to the Russian story because despite what they are trying to argue, one being true doesn't absolve the other.

It worked well during the campaign. He created a complete alternate reality narrative with CrookedHillary that actually worked to inject doubt into the minds of enough voters who either voted for Trump or stayed home on Nov 8th. I don't think it will work so much this time as he's now President and the only person under the spotlight.
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