The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'd imagine that sort of company would get business from all sorts of nation states.

They were doing undisclosed pro-Russia work around the same time of financing this Trump dossier. Wrongly, they're going to use this to cast doubt on the credibility of the Steele dossier.

It says they failed to register in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Edit - Fusion GPS have said they were not required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
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Republicans have found their next thing to latch on to.
This is one thing I was worried about and I think they'll try and pull this off. What that means I'm unsure

What he means (as he has said it many times before) is he wishes to try to copy the libel laws we have here in the UK. However, as I have said numerous times, if he does the person who would suffer the most would be him, Donald Trump. Basically it would allow people to sue newspapers who tell lies or who get their facts wrong all the time. Trump thinks that he's always right, however surely that must be more bullshit, surely deep down he must know he's lying all the time? Whatever, if the rules changed and he then didn't like stories printed by say the lying New York Times and the dishonest Washington Post or he didn't like stories broadcast by crooked CNN then he would attempt to sue them, however, as we all know they would have been telling the truth and as the accuser the onus would be entirely on Trump to prove they had lied. Of course he couldn't do that, and even if he tried then the publications being sued would just play the video tape of Trump bullshitting. Basically yet again the prick really doesn't understand what he is saying.

They keep saying this like it's news. Now pin it on Trump.

I see the Republicans are going after Clinton again. Can they not pull their heads out of their arses for just one day and focus on the real issue.

@Raoul When this finally blows up and the Feds start handing out charges, do you expect it to have any damaging effect whatsoever on the Republican Reps who have done their damned hardest to slow down or sabotage this investigation?
Grassley is pathetic. This is his (or WH) plan to try to cast doubt on the Steele dossier.

Though its alarming the company was working with an ex Russian intelligence officer.
Grassley is pathetic. This is his (or WH) plan to try to cast doubt on the Steele dossier.

Though its alarming the company was working with an ex Russian intelligence officer.

It's hardly surprising though is it? The majority of Steele's sources were Russian agents.
It's hardly surprising though is it? The majority of Steele's sources were Russian agents.

Not Steele. Was talking about Fusion GPS who were working with a shady ex russian spy around the same time they hired Steele to do the dossier.
Enter Sarah C, of Georgia - those of you that have visited this thread over the months will probably know of her (a local friend who posts on FB).

---The more disgusting and pathetic the liberal democrats get, the more thankful I am. So much corruption in our government. I chose Trump because I choose America. The swamp is full of snakes, alligators and pond scum. And our country is full of evil.---

Comments to her post from...
Jason F -- Me too girl. They're trying any and everything possible to make him look bad --

Vishal P -- Well said. I do agree. Now only if the US Mainstream Media and the Hollyweird Community would behave and stop acting like brats but sadly that's too tall of an order. They're the worst I've ever seen. --

How do you rationalise with these people when the basic facts cant be agreed on? I suspect even the colour of the skies would be disputed.
Random reddit comment

"Hi, my name's... Ronald Crump. I'd like to have £500M on m-... on Donald Trump to leave office early at evens please. ...What? Fifty quid at 1/3?! feck you Ladbrokes! Bigly!"

So Bannon released his financials but Trump can't and wont do the same.

Glittering Steel's filmography here. Torchbearer's one review here:

Meanwhile, Louise Mensch is saying a lot on her timeline about Cambridge Analytica (Bannon was VP until he joined Trump campaign).
Glittering Steel's filmography here. Torchbearer's one review here:

Meanwhile, Louise Mensch is saying a lot on her timeline about Cambridge Analytica (Bannon was VP until he joined Trump campaign).

:lol: That's brilliant, thanks Damo. Love that review.

Just checked Mensch's feed out and she's Tweeting another "exclusive theory" that Kushner was caught on tape talking to the Russians in Trump Tower and Trump called in on the phone so he was caught on the tape too. As with her other theory it's plausible I suppose but she offers little proof and to be honest her way of exclaiming she has stuff only to then say it's a theory is becoming extremely tiresome.
I don't think Mensch is helping at all. She's constantly click-baiting on this story without providing anything new or any proof to back-up her claims, and she just comes across as a bit of a crack-pot.
They're gonna find some way of weaselling out of it.

They aren't gonna go down, they'll never allow the smoking gun to be found, if it exists.
and she just comes across as a bit of a crack-pot.

I agree that has crossed my mind this week, she's gone off the deep end for sure. She's also lost it with many of her critics and been extremely rude to most of them too. Her replying to Greenwald was extremely juvenile and again backs up the lost the plot theory.
Coming from the Groper in Chief, I'm still not convinced that this is for real and not an April's fool thingy.

Trump administration stops disclosing troop deployments in Iraq and Syria

What's next? Not announcing when troops get killed? Typical disgusting shite from Trump. Seriously, every day he does something truly evil and despicable, he's just an abhorrent piece of shit. How will his voters back him up when the number of dead soldiers starts to rise? He's battling evil and winning wars will be the answer and sadly they won't give a shit until it's one of their sons or daughters or brother or sister.
Thank god. I hate the guy enough already. Groping pussy is one thing. Feeling up your own daughter is another. The fact I thought it possible though shows the kind of guy he is.

It's ok, they really don't need to fake pictures of him and his daughter.



Thank god. I hate the guy enough already. Groping pussy is one thing. Feeling up your own daughter is another. The fact I thought it possible though shows the kind of guy he is.
IIRC, somewhere in the election thread is a link to an article that gives Twitler quotes from a radio show that wouldn't dispell any doubts you might have about his feelings for his daughter.
The what do you have in common and the dating his daughter?
As I recall it, he said she's a voluptuous piece of ass and if he wasn't happily married and her father and then let the listeners fill the blank.
IIRC, somewhere in the election thread is a link to an article that gives Twitler quotes from a radio show that wouldn't dispell any doubts you might have about his feelings for his daughter.

When appearing on a daytime TV show with Ivanka when asked what he had in common with his daughter he replied "well I would say SEX" and then tried to laugh it off. He's also said he would be dating her if she wasn't his daughter. He's a disgusting piece of shit. The fact he got elected made me lose a lot of faith in humanity, it's actually like a bad dream really, he's just so thick and ignorant, but not only that he's so fecking nasty and spiteful. I despise the fat cnut.
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