The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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There was a leggy blonde on the State of America with Kate Bolduan today. Didn't get her name

Their politics aside, these are cute too:
Kayleigh McEnany
Indra Petersons
Anna Coren

Do you watch CNN proper or CNN International ? I think the latter two are on International only.
He walked out like a football manager who's up against it after a bad run of results?

He'll have gone to spin the wheel and see what it lands on, and I reckon his options are to send a Tweet, hold a rally, find a new demographic to appeal to, or tell Putin you're coming over.
Looks to me Justin Sink may have slightly exaggerated what happened. Looks like Trump decided he was going into the other room before the question was asked.

Go to 42:35

If there is evidence of them engaged in wrongdoing, then it provides them with a possible way to hide it. They're trying to muddy the waters and convince at least their own supporters that the wrongdoing is on the Democratic side, so people would be less likely to believe what comes later. Potentially they could even cover up the evidence by claiming it was illegally obtained.

Basically if this stuff is true, then they're getting desperate.

And his people are not the best at trying to add 1+1+1+1+1+1= X -- in terms of piecing together circumstantial evidence but instead just want simple taglines and jingoistic answers.

Enter Sarah C, of Georgia - those of you that have visited this thread over the months will probably know of her (a local friend who posts on FB).

---The more disgusting and pathetic the liberal democrats get, the more thankful I am. So much corruption in our government. I chose Trump because I choose America. The swamp is full of snakes, alligators and pond scum. And our country is full of evil.---

Comments to her post from...
Jason F -- Me too girl. They're trying any and everything possible to make him look bad --

Vishal P -- Well said. I do agree. Now only if the US Mainstream Media and the Hollyweird Community would behave and stop acting like brats but sadly that's too tall of an order. They're the worst I've ever seen. --
Enter Sarah C, of Georgia - those of you that have visited this thread over the months will probably know of her (a local friend who posts on FB).

---The more disgusting and pathetic the liberal democrats get, the more thankful I am. So much corruption in our government. I chose Trump because I choose America. The swamp is full of snakes, alligators and pond scum. And our country is full of evil.---

Comments to her post from...
Jason F -- Me too girl. They're trying any and everything possible to make him look bad --

Vishal P -- Well said. I do agree. Now only if the US Mainstream Media and the Hollyweird Community would behave and stop acting like brats but sadly that's too tall of an order. They're the worst I've ever seen. --

Surprised about that last name on the comments.
White House staffer under Bill Clinton

to be honest with respect to the last tweet... That's his "Trump card"

If shit hits the fan he can resign and get Pence to pardon him. I doubt he's going to do that anytime soon. But he has that in his back pocket.
Though one word of caution about Claude Taylor, he implied a few months ago that the BBC were in possession of a explicit Trump tape.
Don't believe for a second Trump's considering resigning.
I wonder if they'd offer immunity for Manafort. He'd have enough to bury the lot.

He'd have to provide some extremely valuable information/evidence on Trump/associates to stand a chance of getting immunity as it appears the FBI have got him "bang to rights".
He'd have to provide some extremely valuable information/evidence on Trump/associates to stand a chance of getting immunity as it appears the FBI have got him "bang to rights".

If anyone has got information that could bring the whole house down it is him. Worth it.

They'll nail him on something else down the line.
I don't know if Congress et al would approve the bill to change those libel laws. I also don't think they'd want the can of worms it would open. Couldn't Pres Obama could then file suit on Pres Trump for his wiretapping claim? It would crush the asshattery from the likes of Breitbart, Drudge, etc. with their ridiculous headlines and articles. Right-wing hate talk radio would be subject to suits. Mainstream media as well.
If anyone has got information that could bring the whole house down it is him. Worth it.

They'll nail him on something else down the line.

Doubtful. He'll want guarantees that he avoids prosecution on all previous crimes committed if he were to snitch.
One of the next shoes to drop could be this British firm Cambridge Analytica/ SCL group.

Not liking what im reading about their practices and their links to the likes of Flynn, Mercer, Manafort, oligarchs.
I wonder if they'd offer immunity for Manafort. He'd have enough to bury the lot.

I think the feds will play Flynn, Manafort, Page, and Stone off one another - create paranoia among each of them that one of the other may get immunity first and spill the beans.
This is troubling.

Fusion GPS CEO (Company who hired Steele to do the dossier) was doing unregistered lobbying for Russia and was working with someone with ties to Russian Intelligance.
This is troubling.

Fusion GPS CEO (Company who hired Steele to do the dossier) was doing unregistered lobbying for Russia and was working with someone with ties to Russian Intelligance.

I'd imagine that sort of company would get business from all sorts of nation states.
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