The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's literally just stumbling round now shouting notice me, notice me. He's supposed to be the leader of the free world for fecks sake, its embarrassing that he is so truly inept. A lost child. If he wasn't such an evil old shiteweasel, I may have felt sorry for the tangerine twitler when it all catches up with him.

Also, I didn't mean to start the whiskey wars.
He's literally just stumbling round now shouting notice me, notice me. He's supposed to be the leader of the free world for fecks sake, its embarrassing that he is so truly inept. A lost child. If he wasn't such an evil old shiteweasel, I may have felt sorry for the tangerine twitler when it all catches up with him.

Also, I didn't mean to start the whiskey wars.
Quickly becoming #deadDuck

I'm sure there is an internal coup of sorts going on with each cabinet member just running their own agenda.

The USA is effectively without any kind of leadership
So Trump would like to meet with Putin, in Finland. No thanks, they can both stay away for all I care.

Didn't you give the Ruskies a shoeing the last time you went to war with them? Just rub that in Vlad's face if you see him.

I doubt they will let it get that far. He'll be found in the boot of his own car, with his hands tied behind his back, 3 gun shots to the back of the head and 2 to the heart in an apparent suicide attempt. Confirmed by a Trump selected pathologist.

Nunes was in the car that night with three others but he's not prepared to say who they are in case it helps the investigation.
Ok so that article says he's requested a deal but as yet hasn't been taken up on the offer.

From a logical point of view, either:

He's screwed and trying to save his own as. That much is obvious.

They either don't need his testimony or he doesn't have any information valuable enough to trade for immunity.

They've actually taken him up on the deal and are brushing it off as cover.

They decided it best to hang him out to dry instead. Reveal he's trying to save his own ass by ratting, then study the reaction to this.

Also, if his lawyers shopped his immunity deal around, it's essentially saying "I'm guilty and I know stuff". Screw the deal, subpoena him and get him under oath.
Ok so that article says he's requested a deal but as yet hasn't been taken up on the offer.

From a logical point of view, either:

He's screwed and trying to save his own as. That much is obvious.

They either don't need his testimony or he doesn't have any information valuable enough to trade for immunity.

They've actually taken him up on the deal and are brushing it off as cover.

They decided it best to hang him out to dry instead. Reveal he's trying to save his own ass by ratting, then study the reaction to this.

Also, if his lawyers shopped his immunity deal around, it's essentially saying "I'm guilty and I know stuff". Screw the deal, subpoena him and get him under oath.
My biggest concern is that these investigations fall under the executive branch. So Trump may find a way to torpedo it. Reps in Congress I now consider useless.
My biggest concern is that these investigations fall under the executive branch. So Trump may find a way to torpedo it. Reps in Congress I now consider useless.

It worries me too but if Flynn's lawyers are scared enough to offer a deal, then I don't think we have too much to worry about. They've got them all bang to rights already.
I'm not really clued up in US politics but is there actually a good chance Trump could be impeached? If he gets convicted what would happen then? Would Mike Pence be sworn in until the next election?
Is this a 'boom' moment?

Must be an assassination target if Trump and Putin are under threat?
It's hard to say whether or not it's the biggie based on this alone - as 2cents' above tweet implies, the Clinton investigation featured people having immunity and there were no charges there. Though it's also true to say that the investigation itself was political kryptonite for her, and that will most likely be the case here as well. Particularly if there's a cover-up going on, and it certainly looks like there is.
Now obvious Flynn wasn't sacked for lying to to Pence. He was sacked because he was radioactive.
Is there a special proscector like Stark was for Clinton blowjobs, in this investigation?
Administration unraveling in 70 days. That's quite a feat.

It took Trump just 69 days to accomplish something that the country’s most unpopular presidents took years to achieve
Starr. No, not yet. There has to be a crime identified before it reaches that stage.
oops, yes, Starr.

So what's the process to reach that stage?

Or put another way, what's the road map to impeachment, treason and orange gimp outfits in Gitmo?
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