The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Of course no one is going to offer you immunity unless you ask for it. The people given immunity in Hilary's investigation did the same. It doesn't always mean there's something incriminating they wish to say, it's just what any good lawyer would do.

Sure, but obviously Flynn's case is completely different to some aide to Clinton. Nobody gives a feck about immunity to someone at that level if it means getting the info they want, right?

When someone higher up the chain actually comes out and preemptively asks for immunity, I think we have to take it more seriously.

I agree, it doesn't guarantee there is something incriminating but for someone at Flynn's level to come out and request it it heavily implies there is. It's more than just lawyering up behaviour, surely? Why make yourself look guilty if you're not going to say anything anyway?

And people do offer you immunity sometimes when you don't ask for it. Of course they do.
Didn't you give the Ruskies a shoeing the last time you went to war with them? Just rub that in Vlad's face if you see him.

More or less, "we" ended up losing a large chunk of territory and paying war compensation. But remained independent.

Choosing Finland to meet Putin is basically trolling, knowing history.

Finland takes over Chair of the Artic counsel in the beginning of May, and they're considering calling a summit. I think Putin said, that he'd be happy to meet with trump should the summit come off.
He's not trying to convince us, he's just keeping the deplorables in a conspiracy induced frenzy.

It's working if you look on Twitter although I realised the other night just how obvious it was that a large proportion of them are bots.
I find it wierd the glee people have on hearing a hint of Russia being involved. Its fecking dreadful news and feck knows where it'll end if everything comes to the fore. I mean if it did happen we need to know but i really don't want it to be the case.
I find it wierd the glee people have on hearing a hint of Russia being involved. Its fecking dreadful news and feck knows where it'll end if everything comes to the fore. I mean if it did happen we need to know but i really don't want it to be the case.

I absolutely want it to be the case. The man is a poisonous wotsit and his actions are going to cause untold damage to the planet and people living in it.

The more proof of Russian links, the closer we are to orange overalls.

Even if he isn't jailed his brand is going to be ruined and he's going to be the dirty old penny of the business world. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he flies out to Russia just as the cards fall, has his American assets frozen and ends up in all sorts of trouble with a lack of revenue to pay his financiers.
Twitler sounds really desparate.

His fan base, however, won't notice. CNN interviewed a small group of deplorables. I needed to switch channels because the denial and stupidity made me want to scream at them really, really loud.

@Carolina Red Jokes aside: How many women are in Twitler's cabinet? Two (DeVos, Chao)? Three? Out of how many? He's a fecking hypocrite.
I absolutely want it to be the case. The man is a poisonous wotsit and his actions are going to cause untold damage to the planet and people living in it.

The more proof of Russian links, the closer we are to orange overalls.

Even if he isn't jailed his brand is going to be ruined and he's going to be the dirty old penny of the business world. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he flies out to Russia just as the cards fall, has his American assets frozen and ends up in all sorts of trouble with a lack of revenue to pay his financiers.
If he flees to Russia and they refuse to hand him over I see there being a diplomatic incident of unprecedented proportions. There's also the issue of leaving his family behind to take the blowback, but he's a self centred coward so I don't see him particularly caring.
If Flynn is given immunity without concrete evidence to put away the guilty traitors, I'll lose all faith in justice in this country.
Sadly, deplorables buy that crap in an instant or think it's fully acceptable to make money out of the presidency - as long as it's not HRC who'd doing it. THEN it's death-penalty worthy.

If Flynn is given immunity without concrete evidence to put away the guilty traitors, I'll lose all faith in justice in this country.

I hope they don't give him immunity and he gets taken down too - but perhaps that's wishful thinking.
He's not trying to convince us, he's just keeping the deplorables in a conspiracy induced frenzy.

It's working if you look on Twitter although I realised the other night just how obvious it was that a large proportion of them are bots.
I find it wierd the glee people have on hearing a hint of Russia being involved. Its fecking dreadful news and feck knows where it'll end if everything comes to the fore. I mean if it did happen we need to know but i really don't want it to be the case.
I don't think the glint is about Russia being involved. It's about Trump getting implicated.
If Flynn is given immunity without concrete evidence to put away the guilty traitors, I'll lose all faith in justice in this country.
You don't give immunity without having an idea of what the person is about to say.
Sadly, deplorables buy that crap in an instant or think it's fully acceptable to make money out of the presidency - as long as it's not HRC who'd doing it. THEN it's death-penalty worthy.

This is what everyone is fighting against. They are either all thick and delusional OR they are all as crooked as each other and all in it together. Possibly a bit of both, but whatever it stinks!
Eh? This is not really the response i was expecting from him.

It's a tricky situation for Trump now, he can't throw him under the bus for fear of what he might say - so I think publicly he has to back him. I sort of expect that behind the scenes Trumps team are working on undermining Flynn's credibility though.
I find it wierd the glee people have on hearing a hint of Russia being involved. Its fecking dreadful news and feck knows where it'll end if everything comes to the fore. I mean if it did happen we need to know but i really don't want it to be the case.

Can you expand a little on this? What do you feel the potential implications are?
Good for nothing

I was baffled myself when i started reading about him a few months ago thinking that he was a DINO, but realised its just the way things are in WV.

He's got to appease the Republican leaning voters in the state and his way of doing politics is popular with the voters in the state.

Manchin got 60% of the vote in the 2012 senate election, but Obama lost heavily in the state getting just 35% of the vote compared to Romney's 62%
You don't give immunity without having an idea of what the person is about to say.

He can say shite when he has been given immunity without providing any concrete evidence which will hold up in court.
I doubt they'll give him immunity like this anyway, they'd do a proffer session first where they assess if what he's got is worth it. I think it's just a desperation play from his lawyers as they know he's in the shit, and it won't work.
I doubt they'll give him immunity like this anyway, they'd do a proffer session first where they assess if what he's got is worth it. I think it's just a desperation play from his lawyers as they know he's in the shit, and it won't work.

It might work, if he offers them enough on someone bigger. I.E. Trump.
It might work, if he offers them enough on someone bigger. I.E. Trump.

If he has something big enough to do that, and is willing to, don't you think his lawyers would have arranged the deal privately? Call me a cynic but I think the public nature of the "offer" shows he's unlikely to be about to throw Trump under the bus. But it shows they are very worried at least, which is reassuring.
I find it wierd the glee people have on hearing a hint of Russia being involved. Its fecking dreadful news and feck knows where it'll end if everything comes to the fore. I mean if it did happen we need to know but i really don't want it to be the case.

Comey himself said that Russian has a history of disrupting (in moderate ways) US elections by throwing a bit of confusion out there. That is nothing new. It is consensus, that they did it this time as well and that they had particular hate for Clinton. Their primary objective was to damage her which naturally aligned them with Trump. Yet they had no hope, that Trump could actually win the election (Comey confirmed both things in his congressional hearing). That is quite important information. Why would they make a “deal” with Trump, when they didn’t believe that he has a shot at winning?

It is well known, that Flynn was paid by lobbying firms of foreign countries (e.g. Turkey), but he wasn’t he only staff member, who had these kinds of ties (both campaigns had these kind of connections with foreign governments and it is probably quite common). You can actually find links to Russia in both campaigns, but I’d just end up getting accused of whataboutism.

When we actually look at what we know and ignore partisan hear-say, there is little evidence, that Trump did anything that goes beyond the shady, but common practices of a presidential campaign. Yet there is probably a lot that makes him look very bad, because Trump is a corrupt and unethical being. The democrats – understandably after all that happened during the last 2-3 years – are beating the GOP now with the same stick that the GOP used for the last years. It is an effective tactics. It does hurt Trump, but anyone who actually thinks, that this is getting Trump impeached will probably end up bitterly disappointed. Well, I might qualify this: If he gets a lot more unpopular, the GOP might re-think their support, but things have to get a lot worse for them to consider that.

I am entertained by Trump getting hammered, but that doesn’t mean, that we need to actually believe the most unreliable twitter hacks.
If he has something big enough to do that, and is willing to, don't you think his lawyers would have arranged the deal privately? Call me a cynic but I think the public nature of the "offer" shows he's unlikely to be about to throw Trump under the bus. But it shows they are very worried at least, which is reassuring.

Something so many people are failing to see or understand. Nothing is going to come out of this investigation other than a couple of foot soldiers having to resign and take a hit for the higher ups.
If he has something big enough to do that, and is willing to, don't you think his lawyers would have arranged the deal privately? Call me a cynic but I think the public nature of the "offer" shows he's unlikely to be about to throw Trump under the bus. But it shows they are very worried at least, which is reassuring.

I don't know, he's been copping a massive amount of flak recently not just from Dems but from Trump and his cronies who have used him as a complete scapegoat. By coming out publicly he gets to rebalance the narrative a bit, and if not get forgiveness from the Dems then at least get them to see him as a useful ally of convenience.
Something so many people are failing to see or understand. Nothing is going to come out of this investigation other than a couple of foot soldiers having to resign and take a hit for the higher ups.

We don't know yet which way this will go. With the GOP having the white house, senate and congress there's a good chance it works out like you say, but if there's a big shift in 2018 and either the congress or the senate flip then it could a very different story. Suddenly you could be looking at the heads of various committees demanding investigations, subpoenaing witnesses and so on.
Trump's shitshow of a cabinet and his inability to fill job vacancies in important government positions is now hampering the preparation of this years G7 meeting in Tuscany (Italy) this month. Many are worried that they wont be able to put questions to Tillerson because he will just come back with "I don't know" simply because he wont know as nothing at all will be happening due to the positions not being filled by Trump. Apparently the rest of the G7 leaders are absolutely fecking furious at Trump over his treatment of Angela Merkel when she visited, but more importantly the environmental laws he has just ripped up and the fear he is going to pull the USA out of the Paris Accord. Apparently there are also great fears over his comments and connections with Russia AND his comments about NATO too.

I don't think Tillerson is really looking forward to the G7 meeting at all, I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a sicky, I would, he's going to face massive amounts of shit and I doubt he can defend any of it. It's a shame Trump doesn't have to attend, but I think he might have to attend the one planned in Sicily at the end of May. That will be really interesting. :)
Maybe I've seen too many movies but in investigations like these, why aren't people subjected to lie detector tests? Strap them in and ask a few simple questions.. Is there some law against it or are they not reliable enough to produce a valid result?

They could do it with Trump and broadcast it on some pay-per-view channel, pretty sure the whole world would tune in and then they could use the money to fund a new health care system. Win-win.
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