The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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oops, yes, Starr.

So what's the process to reach that stage?

Or put another way, what's the road map to impeachment, treason and orange gimp outfits in Gitmo?

There would have to be some evidence that his campaign actively colluded with the Russians and that he knew about it. At that point, the calls for a SP would get louder.
It's basically going to be a larger scale Arrested Development if he gets jailed.
There would have to be some evidence that his campaign actively colluded with the Russians and that he knew about it. At that point, the calls for a SP would get louder.

Am assuming 'the good of the country' will come first if they ever find that evidence.

He'd be given the option to resign on 'health grounds'. Maybe fake a heart attack, I'm guessing.

Now this I don't get.

If he very much 'has a story to tell' given the current whirlwind surrounding Russia, what could possibly change to warrant circumstances being permitted.

Doubly so if he's asking for immunity which as he himself says means you've committed a crime?

Surely he's basically admitting that something is massively awry and yet he's withholding that information? Presumably his counsel knows exactly what that story is.

Out with it Flynn, the people have the right to know.
Now this I don't get.

If he very much 'has a story to tell' given the current whirlwind surrounding Russia, what could possibly change to warrant circumstances being permitted.

Doubly so if he's asking for immunity which as he himself says means you've committed a crime?

Surely he's basically admitting that something is massively awry and yet he's withholding that information? Presumably his counsel knows exactly what that story is.

Out with it Flynn, the people have the right to know.

Fairly sure "circumstances" just means immunity from prosecution.
Now this I don't get.

If he very much 'has a story to tell' given the current whirlwind surrounding Russia, what could possibly change to warrant circumstances being permitted.

Doubly so if he's asking for immunity which as he himself says means you've committed a crime?

Surely he's basically admitting that something is massively awry and yet he's withholding that information? Presumably his counsel knows exactly what that story is.

Out with it Flynn, the people have the right to know.

He's just saving his own scalp by offering up information the feds may want pertaining to the broader investigation. He is basically the perfect person to offer immunity to - a campaign insider who knows everything about Trump's Russia connections. If he talks, the entire administration could be in trouble (assuming they are hiding something).
So where do we reckon Flynn actually is about now?

He's just saving his own scalp by offering up information the feds may want pertaining to the broader investigation. He is basically the perfect person to offer immunity to - a campaign insider who knows everything about Trump's Russia connections. If he talks, the entire administration could be in trouble (assuming they are hiding something).

This is something I don't get (I could be a bit slow here) - if this is the case, why would the Trump team treat him so shoddily?
So where do we reckon Flynn actually is about now?

This is something I don't get (I could be a bit slow here) - if this is the case, why would the Trump team treat him so shoddily?

I don't think Trump had much option - it was either ditch Flynn or risk alienating himself with Pence, which given how early it was in the administration, isn't something he could've done. The key piece here will be whether Flynn is willing to testify that he acted as a go between from Trump to Kisliak to Putin, and whether they coordinated any quid pro quo about sanctions relief for helping Trump get elected.
So where do we reckon Flynn actually is about now?

This is something I don't get (I could be a bit slow here) - if this is the case, why would the Trump team treat him so shoddily?

I'd imagine underground somewhere, possibly in a location outside the US, or possibly on a military installation as he's a retired 3-star. The latter could apply as there certainly would be safety concerns about his life, at least I'd imagine. The former could apply due to the numerous contacts he's made over the years although far easier for a rogue agent/nation to get to him in that sense. I've no doubt if he has anything on Bannon/Trump that they'd kill him off if they can get to him, and the same applies if he has anything concrete on Putin/Russia.
Much like in Russia with the arrest of Navalny would they (either Trump/Bannon/etc or Putin and the Russian side) risk bumping him off?

There's no way in hell they could explain away a 'coincidental' death surely?

I mean Spicey would try his damned hardest and get a lil' badge for participation but it wouldn't work would it?

Anyway I've got another thing to ask because I'm trying to wrap my head around what Nunes is up to. The surveillance of the Trump team during the election, was that illegal surveillance by Obama's administration purely on Trump and his team to find out what he's up to or were they surveilling foreign (Russian basically) diplomats like they've openly admitted happens non-stop and Trump's team happened to speak to the people being surveilled?

Obviously one is illegal and therefore they've got a point about the whole deal or the other was coincidental and they implicated themselves in which case how the feck are they complaining about it when they've committed the illegal acts?

And is it that stuff that Nunes has found from his 'source that he will never, ever mention' and then briefed Trump on? Or is it something else entirely that he got?
Much like in Russia with the arrest of Navalny would they (either Trump/Bannon/etc or Putin and the Russian side) risk bumping him off?

There's no way in hell they could explain away a 'coincidental' death surely?

I mean Spicey would try his damned hardest and get a lil' badge for participation but it wouldn't work would it?

Anyway I've got another thing to ask because I'm trying to wrap my head around what Nunes is up to. The surveillance of the Trump team during the election, was that illegal surveillance by Obama's administration purely on Trump and his team to find out what he's up to or were they surveilling foreign (Russian basically) diplomats like they've openly admitted happens non-stop and Trump's team happened to speak to the people being surveilled?

Obviously one is illegal and therefore they've got a point about the whole deal or the other was coincidental and they implicated themselves in which case how the feck are they complaining about it when they've committed the illegal acts?

And is it that stuff that Nunes has found from his 'source that he will never, ever mention' and then briefed Trump on? Or is it something else entirely that he got?

It was incidental. The listen to Russian diplomats all the time. The people in Trump tower happened to be discussed or in the recorded convos.
It was incidental. The listen to Russian diplomats all the time. The people in Trump tower happened to be discussed or in the recorded convos.

I thought/hoped so.

In that case, what possible argument have the Trump team got against this then?

"How dare you listen in on all the illegal stuff I'm doing!"
Surely if Nunes/source(s) had proof that the Obama administration illegally taped Trump then they would have gone public. There's no way Trump would hold back on something that would send himself and his minions into steady state orgasm.
Surely if Nunes/source(s) had proof that the Obama administration illegally taped Trump then they would have gone public. There's no way Trump would hold back on something that would send himself and his minions into steady state orgasm.

Yeap. That's why the theory goes that:
1) smoke screen or distraction from general shitty news cycle.
2) to blow up the credibility of committee that is suppose to investigate the russian-trump connection.

So you only have to deal with one committee -- senate. But if I am not mistaken, Chairman/senator Barr was on Trump's transition committee too as was Nunes.
Great stuff from Juliette Kayyem. She's been well ahead of the game about Flynn since the beginning, including the bit about how Drumpf's paper - the National Enquirer - started dissing Flynn last week.
Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff said earlier -- if the FBI will offer immunity to Flynn, the former NSA, it will be to punch up. :wenger:
I thought/hoped so.

In that case, what possible argument have the Trump team got against this then?

"How dare you listen in on all the illegal stuff I'm doing!"

If there is evidence of them engaged in wrongdoing, then it provides them with a possible way to hide it. They're trying to muddy the waters and convince at least their own supporters that the wrongdoing is on the Democratic side, so people would be less likely to believe what comes later. Potentially they could even cover up the evidence by claiming it was illegally obtained.

Basically if this stuff is true, then they're getting desperate.
If there is evidence of them engaged in wrongdoing, then it provides them with a possible way to hide it. They're trying to muddy the waters and convince at least their own supporters that the wrongdoing is on the Democratic side, so people would be less likely to believe what comes later. Potentially they could even cover up the evidence by claiming it was illegally obtained.

Basically if this stuff is true, then they're getting desperate.

And his people are not the best at trying to add 1+1+1+1+1+1= X -- in terms of piecing together circumstantial evidence but instead just want simple taglines and jingoistic answers.
If there is evidence of them engaged in wrongdoing, then it provides them with a possible way to hide it. They're trying to muddy the waters and convince at least their own supporters that the wrongdoing is on the Democratic side, so people would be less likely to believe what comes later. Potentially they could even cover up the evidence by claiming it was illegally obtained.

Basically if this stuff is true, then they're getting desperate.

It has to be desperate because that strategy doesn't really work does it?

"We were being illegally surveilled...well, we actually weren't, they were listening to Russian diplomats and we were speaking to them...wait, no we weren't, erm..."
5 people were given immunity during Hillary's email investigation too, doesn't always mean anything significant.
5 people were given immunity during Hillary's email investigation too, doesn't always mean anything significant.

He hasn't been given immunity though, he's offering to blab in exchange for it. If that isn't significant I don't know what is.
I thought/hoped so.

In that case, what possible argument have the Trump team got against this then?

"How dare you listen in on all the illegal stuff I'm doing!"
Remember that Nunes dismissed Twitler's claim that he was wiretapped by Obama also after he had that strange WH ground meeting? This indicated that the evidence he saw covered 45 but not necessarily that his communication was wiretapped.

I've forgotten where I read it yesterday (could have been NYT, WaPo or Politico) but the article said that the intercepted communication was between two individuals who talked about how to best get access to the president (or president elect). In such communication a lot of 45's dirty stuff can come up.
It has to be desperate because that strategy doesn't really work does it?

"We were being illegally surveilled...well, we actually weren't, they were listening to Russian diplomats and we were speaking to them...wait, no we weren't, erm..."

They control basically all the levers of power, and they've gotten away with murder in the past when huge scandals that should have led to jail time for senior GOP figures ended up being buried. It's not completely out of the question that they could do it again, although having idiotically decided to insult and attack the entire intelligence community the probability has to be low this time.
This Gina Loudon woman is probably the worst Twitler surrogate I've ever seen (on CNN). So desparate to pivot and point to the Dems but with an expression on her face and a body language that screams 'I'm a liar!'.
This is ... strange.

Quite a motley crew ol Trump has assembled.

This is ... strange.

Two things...

1. I love how the WaPo's subscription service can be circumvented by simply hitting "Reading Mode" on an iPhone.

2. I hope the phonetics of this quote were absolutely intended. If so it's the most hilarious quote I've heard in years:
We’re rowing against the current, and the current has a Twitter account,”
@Adisa Is this what you were referring to in your comment about European goods?

This admin is beyond stupid.

Edit: I can't see that the Koch brothers and like-minded donors (e.g. Walmart) will accept significant limitation to free trade.
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@Adisa Is this what you were referring to in your comment about European goods?

This admin is beyond stupid.

Edit: I can't see that the Koch brothers and like-minded donors (e.g. Walmart) will accept significant limitation to free trade.

It will another of his 'initiatives' that will amount to nothing simply because it has to pass the congress and we know how that is.

But Trump's people will think that he has done a lot. They are not literate enough to understand that EOs or legislative initiatives need to go into law for anything to work.
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He's literally just stumbling round now shouting notice me, notice me. He's supposed to be the leader of the free world for fecks sake, its embarrassing that he is so truly inept. A lost child. If he wasn't such an evil old shiteweasel, I may have felt sorry for the tangerine twitler when it all catches up with him.

Also, I didn't mean to start the whiskey wars.
That's Merkel now...
He hasn't been given immunity though, he's offering to blab in exchange for it. If that isn't significant I don't know what is.

Of course no one is going to offer you immunity unless you ask for it. The people given immunity in Hilary's investigation did the same. It doesn't always mean there's something incriminating they wish to say, it's just what any good lawyer would do.

I just went through a break up, actually. I'm not worried about meeting someone else or being lonely. I'm just worried about all the pictures. But my mom always told me, you know, ever since I was a little girl, 'Never put your face in them.'

I made out with a homeless guy by accident. I had no idea -- he was really tan, he had no shoes on. I just thought it was, like, his thang, you know? I was like, 'He's probably in a band.'

I actually ran for President twice, which is crazy. Just to think that, out there, there was some guy, like flipping through the channels, being like, 'Hey, I 69'd her on a cruise ship.'
Looks like this is her 'Shatner Rocket Man' phase.
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