The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Recently I've seen a Facebook page under their name post 9/11 truther nonsense and homeopathy-like stuff or something.

Yeah me too. Never really heard of them carrying through any of their threats, I've probably missed some stuff.
Twitler's attention span is one of a two year old and his memory one of a patient with amnesia (not just WH admin but also Twitler said he wants to work with Dems on health care)..

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has this already been posted? :lol:

comprehensive tax reform.
Aaaaand Its Gone


Really the longer this goes on, the more surprising it is that he had as many votes for the AHCA as he did. He's a coalition killer.
The eight-page letter outlines a number of categories where the U.S. will seek changes to NAFTA. They include things like “rules of origin” changes that would prevent companies from circumventing preferential duty rates. It would also seek to strengthen intellectual property rights and a commitment from Mexico and Canada not to impose customs duties on digital products.

Some of the proposed changes are generic and could be interpreted a number of different ways. The draft letter says, for example, that it would “address anticompetitive business conduct, and other competition-related matters, as appropriate.”

Trump has said that if Mexico does not agree to the U.S.’s demands in the renegotiations, he would likely withdraw from NAFTA. But the letter does not include this threat and suggests that a reworked trade deal is possible.

“We are committed to concluding these negotiations with timely and substantive results for U.S. workers, consumers, businesses, farmers, and ranchers, keeping in mind U.S. priorities and negotiating objectives,” the draft letter says.


We're seeing how Trump does business here. "You're smaller than me and therefore you need me and will do what I say", completely oblivious to the notion that trade is a two way street and America needs people to export to and import from just as much as they need America.
We're seeing how Trump does business here. "You're smaller than me and therefore you need me and will do what I say", completely oblivious to the notion that trade is a two way street and America needs people to export to and import from just as much as they need America.

As HRC said... it's not like building a golf course.
We're seeing how Trump does business here. "You're smaller than me and therefore you need me and will do what I say", completely oblivious to the notion that trade is a two way street and America needs people to export to and import from just as much as they need America.

This is actually very mild compared to what he was saying during the campaign. When I first read the headline this morning, my reaction was "talk is cheap". Or maybe I misunderstood your comment...
We're seeing how Trump does business here. "You're smaller than me and therefore you need me and will do what I say", completely oblivious to the notion that trade is a two way street and America needs people to export to and import from just as much as they need America.
... and yet, the letter is a yuuuge step back from his outlandish claims during the campaign and post-electon rallies. It'll be interesting to see how this will pan out, i.e. the rules of origin.

In other news: Jean-Claude Juncker jokingly said today that if 45 is going to continue celebrating Brexit, he, JCJ, will encourage Ohio and Texas to leave the United States. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: These pictures deserve a whole page of green smileys. There's a superstar athlete for you right there!

My god, somebody please Photoshop this into a 'nutted, but she still sucking' meme... Please :D
Twitler is obsessed with the thriving NYT whose shares went up by 30% since his election and IIRC has a record number of subscribers.
Strangely enough, he called reporters from WaPo (Acosta) and NYT (Haberman) to break the news that the health care bill won't get voted for.
'Tis a weird, weird presidency...

Make the budgetary process great again. NOBODY WANTS TO FUND MY WALL. SAD.

The first time that I see a genuine (but very small) chance that they can’t agree on raising the debt ceiling. The scenes, if this happens. :drool:


I like how everything plays out on twitter. So much more entertaining.

This is big.

The new national security advisor McMaster wanted to remove Cohen-Watnick from his role and to relocate him, but Trump overruled McMaster.

If he was fired from his role at the time, he would not have had access to this top secret information anymore which he went on to give to Nunes.
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It's literally just a matter of time now. There is 4 (known) separate investigations ongoing now and what we the public know is damning enough. Hopefully certain people end up in orange jumpsuits.
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