The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about either, hence he meanders through a load of BS and lies. Fecking hell, in comparison he makes GWB look like an honest, fully capable president.

I suspect his incoherence comes from the lack of sleep, not very smart and doing something that has gone way over his head -- he is a marketing spokesman. No more no less.

Now his brain is broken from the lack of sleep.

Genuinely the worst ceremonial mace I've ever seen.

Pretty sure modelled on this one
It's actually the 2nd one. The 1st one was destroyed when you folks tried to burn down D.C. in the War of 1812.

After your failure to re-colonize us, we made a new one. The #1 priority was making one that would be hurtful to the tastes and sensibilities of British subjects.

(Based on a true story)
Trump is refusing to throw out the first pitch for the Washington Nationals, breaking a presidential tradition dating back to President Taft over 100 years ago, citing a "scheduling conflict".

How many people wanna bet he's too afraid he will make himself look like the unathletic baffoon he really is?

I think he threw a first pitch before, I can't remember which team but he's probably dodging it to avoid getting booed on national TV.
“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”
Psh. Vellum, if you please.

Humorously we stopped printing bills on vellum fairly recently, which led to the Daily Mail writing a stinging article about how the Brexit bill wouldn't be properly memorialized.

Mail said:
Tory fury as historic Brexit Act WON'T be printed for posterity on vellum because the centuries old tradition has been quietly DITCHED!

Which led to much hilarity after some wag pointed out that one of the reasons it had been 'quietly DITCHED!' was because of a Daily Mail article with the amazing headline..

Mail said:
What spending cuts? The Government finds £80,000 to make sure Parliament can keep printing laws on GOAT SKIN

I think he threw a first pitch before, I can't remember which team but he's probably dodging it to avoid getting booed on national TV.

So he's basically never going to appear in public again aside from when he can be sure the crowd is pro-Trump.

That doesn't in any way resemble an authoritarian.
“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”

It turns out that this as a bit of an embellishment as usual by Trump.
So he's basically never going to appear in public again aside from when he can be sure the crowd is pro-Trump.

That doesn't in any way resemble an authoritarian.

A big part of the authoritarian image is knowing your audience. If this was a Nascar race, Trump would be right on the next flight to Daytona, Indianapolis or whichever else hick town he needs to be in.
“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”
So he's basically never going to appear in public again aside from when he can be sure the crowd is pro-Trump.

That doesn't in any way resemble an authoritarian.
He reminds me of Kim Jong-un the way he has to be the best at everything. No one is more 'what ever' than he is.
Nunes has still not shared the documents with the other committee members :rolleyes:

To me, it looks ever more likely his own name has been mentioned in intercepted communications of Russian officials.
“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”

Humorously we stopped printing bills on vellum fairly recently, which led to the Daily Mail writing a stinging article about how the Brexit bill wouldn't be properly memorialized.

Which led to much hilarity after some wag pointed out that one of the reasons it had been 'quietly DITCHED!' was because of a Daily Mail article with the amazing headline..

Well, EXXON are dealing in oil and gas, not coal. This is less about the environment, and more about protecting their own business interests

Well Tillersen is sec state, I think it's safe to say their interests will be looked after.
“I was always the best athlete. Something that nobody knew about me. …I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young. … But I also knew that it was very limited, because in those days you couldn’t even make a lot of money playing baseball. … Everybody wanted me to be a baseball player. But I was good in other sports too. I was good in wresting, I was very good at football. I was always the best at sports.”
Christ on a bike. Baseball and football aside, I can never imagine him on a wrestling mat. The guy has a problem.
He reminds me of Kim Jong-un the way he has to be the best at everything. No one is more 'what ever' than he is.

:nono::nono: Trump has had modest achievements compared to the North Korean superstars

Current Dear Leader's acheivements:

Dearer Leader, the renaissance man:

Sporting achievements:
Christ on a bike. Baseball and football aside, I can never imagine him on a wrestling mat. The guy has a problem.

I can imagine that as a youngster he had quite a successful wrestling career. Mainly because his Dad had his people visit his opponent the day before.

In fact I imagine that's basically how he has lived his life. This is what I imagine his sporting life looked like:

:lol: It's like a scene from The Office or something.

The whole cast is ready-made. Trump is Michael Scott, Bannon is Dwight, Jared and Ivanka are Jim and Pam, Ben Carson is Stanley, Chris Christie is Kevin, and Marco Rubio is Andy Bernard.

Does he still write all his tweets or does he have others doing it for him? Because it must be mentally exhausting trotting out the same line time and time again.

What are the current approval ratings and do those who still back Trump still believe his 'fake news' narrative?
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