The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Is not hard to set precedent. No mechanism? You could vote inside two weeks. It's not difficult in any way, shape or form.

The idea that Trump could be found guilty of participating in something BEFORE he took office, that renders him unfit to hold that office... but someone else takes over is ridiculous.

Plenty of Americans voted Trump vs Hillary. A huge number of swing voters. They didn't vote Republican vs Democrat.

I fully accept that a president is merely the head of a party. Had he committed a crime whilst in office, I understand a line of succession.

But to have been guilty of things whilst he campaigned, lying to people for votes... the same circumstances shouldn't apply.

Not going to happen on any front though. I'm just thinking. Aloud for the most part.

Improbable, but I imagine that if a scandal wiped out a lot of the cabinet along with the heads of Congress there would be calls for another vote.
I can understand the evangelicals being loony about this stuff due to their religious beliefs but how can the economic conservatives in Republican party not recognise the very real danger to our existence by any harm to the environment? I mean they too have children.. right?
One of the last places on earth you'd want to be a coal miner has to be a Trump-era USA, though, right? Does the cost of the coal include the inevitable health care charges and related lawsuits?
Is not hard to set precedent. No mechanism? You could vote inside two weeks. It's not difficult in any way, shape or form.

The idea that Trump could be found guilty of participating in something BEFORE he took office, that renders him unfit to hold that office... but someone else takes over is ridiculous.

I completely agree with you, but I've heard lifelong progressive Democrats say that they would under no circumstances support anything that stepped outside the constitution. Got to remember those crazy yank feckers are addicted to the thing, no matter how illogical it might be in any given circumstance. ;)
In other unsurprising news, Trump has signed the executive order to roll back the Clean Power Plan

Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt are going for the how to be a special kind of stupid trophy. I wish i could come up with some kind of witty sentence but seeing U.S.A rejecting science completely for the sake of outdated jobs like mining coal is really puzzling and kinda scary. I mean... really what the hell is this idiocy ? America really do everything big and this time they have perplexed the entire world. They should be ridiculed for this on the international political scene.
Is not hard to set precedent. No mechanism? You could vote inside two weeks. It's not difficult in any way, shape or form.

The idea that Trump could be found guilty of participating in something BEFORE he took office, that renders him unfit to hold that office... but someone else takes over is ridiculous.

Plenty of Americans voted Trump vs Hillary. A huge number of swing voters. They didn't vote Republican vs Democrat.

I fully accept that a president is merely the head of a party. Had he committed a crime whilst in office, I understand a line of succession.

But to have been guilty of things whilst he campaigned, lying to people for votes... the same circumstances shouldn't apply.

Not going to happen on any front though. I'm just thinking. Aloud for the most part.
If Watergate didn't trigger one, this wouldn't either.
"Come on.... guys..... Come on"

Yeesh. Weak sauce.

Not just weak.

That is the reply of someone who knows he can't admit white house ordering to do it, but also thinks if he lies he is going to not only get caught but be caught up in the shitestorm that is coming.

A week ago he would have flat out denied it.
Not just weak.

That is the reply of someone who knows he can't admit white house ordering to do it, but also thinks if he lies he is going to not only get caught but be caught up in the shitestorm that is coming.

A week ago he would have flat out denied it.

Yup. Caught rotten. Hope to see them all smashed for it.
Grotesque behavior. He raises more suspicion and is more reminiscent of a Mafia member than a US politician.

  1. Vice President Mike Pence
  2. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
  3. President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch
  4. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  5. Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
  6. Secretary of Defense James Mattis
  7. Attorney General Jeff Sessions
  8. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
  9. Secretary of Agriculture (yet to be decided)
  10. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  11. Secretary of Labor Andy Puzder
  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price
  13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
  14. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  15. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
  16. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
  17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs (yet to be decided)
  18. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly
That's the order. Pretty scary that Ryan, Tillerson and Sessions are in line.

Imaginr if its like the 'Designated survivor ' (tv series) scenario... and you are left with Rick Perry or Ben Carson!
Drumpf is so desperate for a win that he's willing to feck the environment.
If a comet hit the Atlantic and vaporized the east coast he would want a thanks from the people of Ohio for giving them ocean front property.
  1. Vice President Mike Pence
  2. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
  3. President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch
  4. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  5. Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
  6. Secretary of Defense James Mattis
  7. Attorney General Jeff Sessions
  8. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
  9. Secretary of Agriculture (yet to be decided)
  10. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
  11. Secretary of Labor Andy Puzder
  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price
  13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
  14. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
  15. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
  16. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
  17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs (yet to be decided)
  18. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly
That's the order. Pretty scary that Ryan, Tillerson and Sessions are in line.
Give it to Giggs.
"Clean coal", who the feck came up with that?
It's possible, but very expensive and coal is already being priced out of the American market as is with NG, wind, and solar. Even if demand for coal came back, the mining jobs would mostly be filled by robots because it's so mechanized now. The coal producers are even saying this publicly. 'But we gotta get them coal miners' jobs back!'

The absurdity continues to ratchet up...
Do presidents always sign EOs publicly, while surrounded by staff members? Or is this solely a Trump thing?
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