The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So what fun and games will today bring?

Does he still write all his tweets or does he have others doing not for him? Because it must be mentally exhausting trotting out the same line time and time again.

What are the current approval ratings and do those who still back Trump still believe his 'fake news' narrative?

Remember -- he is talking to his 36% audience. The rest either laughs at him or ignores him.

That 36% feels privileged that the POTUS is talking directly to them, the disenfranchised, down trodden segment of society.Its not content that matters but his action of (pretending) to fight for them. WWF is perfect Trump.
He's quite tall, is he not? It's believable he was, briefly, moderately good at sports, as a result of the height advantage.

Probably wasn't the best baseball player in New York... but you know... we all exaggerate.
He's quite tall, is he not? It's believable he was, briefly, moderately good at sports, as a result of the height advantage.

Probably wasn't the best baseball player in New York... but you know... we all exaggerate.

I've just googled this and apparently this is a matter of much debate with some even accusing Trump of lying about how tall he is.
I've just googled this and apparently this is a matter of much debate with some even accusing Trump of lying about how tall he is.
Given what we know, he almost certainly has.

EDIT - I suddenly have visions of Sean Spicer beginning a sentence with 'When the President said he was 7 foot 2, what he meant was...'.
Trump is refusing to throw out the first pitch for the Washington Nationals, breaking a presidential tradition dating back to President Taft over 100 years ago, citing a "scheduling conflict".

How many people wanna bet he's too afraid he will make himself look like the unathletic baffoon he really is?

Remember during Moyes when a bunch of our streaks were broken, especially those related to teams who hadn't won at OT in decades?
Remember during Moyes when a bunch of our streaks were broken, especially those related to teams who hadn't won at OT in decades?

The comparison will seem even more apt when he's seen sprinting down the garden of the White House celebrating after a draw in a war against Luxembourg.
The comparison will seem even more apt when he's seen sprinting down the garden of the White House celebrating after a draw in a war against Luxembourg.

:lol: I think the parameter for easy win wars is in Central America and Caribbean, like Grenada or Panama.
:lol: I think the parameter for easy win wars is in Central America and Caribbean, like Grenada or Panama.

There were pretty major feck ups in both of those operations, too. A fair few special ops guys lost their lives due to bad planning.

He's such a fecking dumb ass, such an idiot, but with this Tweet he's started a really cool game. #RememberWhen.

Remember when Trump said if he was President he would be too busy working to play golf?

Remember when he said to a CHILD that he would be dating her in 10 years?

Remember when asked what he had in common with his daughter he said "SEX"

Remember when............

Ah feck it, it's just too easy.
Surely this has to be illegal somehow? Taken to its most extreme it's basically a crime against all of humanity.

I agree 100%, it's making me so mad. It's disgusting, but Trump has passed or ripped up so many laws that are destructive to the environment, all of which he has done so someone, somewhere can make lots of money.
:mad: Squeezing as much personal gain out of this presidency as possible.


If that's gonna happen, I'm looking forward to learn if the golden shower episode can be corroborated. :devil:
a couple of things that are worth keeping an eye on regarding the ACA. These dates will indicate how Trump is handling healthcare in the near future.
When Trump promised Friday that the law would "explode" on its own, he appeared to be referencing an argument shared among many Republicans that the exchanges would falter because people wouldn't sign up for coverage and insurers would pull out, deciding that participating would be a bad investment.

The current health of the exchanges is hotly debated. Some insurers have curtailed their participation, leaving nearly a third of counties with only one insurer. But the Congressional Budget Office noted in its recent analysis that the market would "probably be stable in most areas" under current law. Republicans are vowing they aren't finished with health care yet, which could prolong the uncertainty for insurers trying to make plans about what to do next year.


But policymakers and insurers each have a deadline coming up that will force decisions, whether they're ready for them or not. Here are two key dates to watch.
May 22: The ACA's day in court
In 2014, House Republicans sued the Obama administration over the constitutionality of the cost-sharing reduction payments, which had not been appropriated by Congress. The lawmakers won the lawsuit, and the Obama administration appealed it. Late last year, with a new administration on the other end of the suit, the House sought to pause the proceedings — with a deadline for a status update in late May.

The Trump administration and House lawmakers have to report to the judge this spring. If the Trump administration drops the appeal, it would mean the subsidies would stop being paid —
June 21: Decision day for insurers
"We expect [marketplace] health insurers will continue to flee the marketplaces in 2018 or raise premiums significantly as they will no longer enjoy the substantial risk stabilization fund proposed by the American Health Care Act, destabilizing and shrinking the marketplaces," Leerink Partners analyst Ana Gupte wrote in a research note.
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