The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Usual disclaimer that you're safer averaging these out and Gallup's by far his worst one, but jeez

A lot of republican governors have embraced medicaid expansion so it is not a given IMO.
You obviously don't know Gov. Brownback....

More than 140,000 Kansans are tantalizingly close to qualifying for Medicaid, the federal-state program providing health insurance coverage for poor and low-income Americans.

Now, all that stands between those Kansans and health care is Gov. Sam Brownback.

On Tuesday, the Kansas Senate joined the House and voted to expand Medicaid. Expanding the program helps patients, rural hospitals and clinics, and it makes Kansas healthier.

Despite these facts, the governor continues to signal that he’ll veto the legislation. It’s unlikely state legislators can override that veto, so Brownback’s decision is enormously consequential.

Read more here:
This actually makes me want to tear. How incredibly frustrating. It gives me a feel of a dictator burning books. Something maybe done in North Korea. In the U. S. A. though it's quite amazing.

I don't understand how they can delete it? Or rather why they would?

I mean, I get that he's anti-global warming and the oil/coal/gas companies have him in their pocket, it's terrible but understandable due to there still being plenty of deniers out there but I don't understand deleting the data that's already been acquired?

If you deny it then the data is meaningless to you, not worth deleting if you can just ignore it? Or is it that strong an opposition to it that they know it's true and therefore they've gotta rid the planet of the evidence and screw us over?
I have never wished death on anybody but this guy is pushing it. This guy is going to feck the planet up and it's my generation that will have to deal with the impending disaster, when it would already be too late.
I have never wished death on anybody but this guy is pushing it. This guy is going to feck the planet up and it's my generation that will have to deal with the impending disaster, when it would already be too late.

This has been true of Bush, Harper, etc, and to a lesser extent, the "left"/liberal western politicians too, as well as leaders of India and other developing countries.
Where are the Trump fans to tell us that printing off all of that data is causing deforestation and that dopey Donald is actually helping the planet by getting rid of it. Must be busy at another rally.
Senate intell presser is a stark contrast to what the Congress due to Nunes' shady conduct offers.

Some soundbites as examples:

Senate intell presser is a stark contrast to what the Congress due to Nunes' shady conduct offers.

Some soundbites as examples:

Spose that's what you get when the person leading the committee wasn't a member of Trump's transition team.
Someone please educate me. To my understanding, the scope of the Congressional investigation is a lot wider and more serious than the senate. Is that right?

This has been true of Bush, Harper, etc, and to a lesser extent, the "left"/liberal western politicians too, as well as leaders of India and other developing countries.

Aren't even the most committed politicians engaging largely in irrelevant/symbolic policy? I could be totally wrong about that, because I don’t know enough about it. Looking rather superficially at some of the academic forecast papers, even the most optimistic ones come to the conclusion, that even the effort of the countries that are leading the pack is too late/too little. It is imo not even close and no politicians have credible (= in any way realistic) strategies how to solve this problem. We are not willing to radically change our way of life and current technology is just not advanced enough yet. Obviously that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try, but in the grand scheme of things, 4 years of Trump won’t make much difference. We’ll live or suffer depending on technologic innovation.
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Russian intervention probably got Trump elected and skre#$d the world, but there is a lot of irony in the US complaining about other countries influencing elections.:lol:
Encouraged by what was said during the press conference. Burr and Warner seem to have a pretty good relationship, so that should help.
Something that he read in the documents has rattled him.

The thing is, he's not going to be the only one to have these documents regardless of if it came from a Trump associate or not. It's come from a source in the FBI or the NSA so their investigations will be using it as evidence.
The thing is, he's not going to be the only one to have these documents regardless of if it came from a Trump associate or not. It's come from a source in the FBI or the NSA so their investigations will be using it as evidence.

If nunes saw a conversation he recognized, like, one of his own, then this is just complete panic mode, he is not thinking further than stop the committee seeing it, he is probably not thinking to the next people who have it.

The same if its trumps orders and someone very close to rump who has been recorded saying something they shouldn't, in that case nunes is just delaying for him.
If nunes saw a conversation he recognized, like, one of his own, then this is just complete panic mode, he is not thinking further than stop the committee seeing it, he is probably not thinking to the next people who have it.

The same if its trumps orders and someone very close to rump who has been recorded saying something they shouldn't, in that case nunes is just delaying for him.

If that's the case then he's fish food anyway as whichever agency the documents were sourced from will have it in their investigation and he will be making things a million times worse by trying to bury them.

I don't think he's caught up in the documents themselves. I think it's more likely he's being leaned on with some other sort of leverage. Apparently he has businesses which hold debts with Russian banks, could be that they've threatened to make life difficult for him.
The thing is, he's not going to be the only one to have these documents regardless of if it came from a Trump associate or not. It's come from a source in the FBI or the NSA so their investigations will be using it as evidence.

Its just a stalling tactic and done to protect them in the short term. One way or another, the document will end up in the hands of the house/senate intel committees.

Though maybe Trump is deluded to think he could have all traces of the documents destroyed and that's why he told Nunes not to divulge the contents to the other committee members.
Its just a stalling tactic and done to protect them in the short term. One way or another, the document will end up in the hands of the house/senate intel committees.

Though maybe Trump is deluded to think he could have all traces of the documents destroyed and that's why he told Nunes not to divulge the contents to the other committee members.

Considering his knowledge of the cyber, I really don't think that's much of a stretch to believe at all.
Aren't even the most committed politicians engaging largely in irrelevant/symbolic policy? I could be totally wrong about that, because I don’t know enough about it. Looking rather superficially at some of the academic forecast papers, even the most optimistic ones come to the conclusion, that even the effort of the countries that are leading the pack is too late/too little. It is imo not even close and no politicians have credible (= in any way realistic) strategies how to solve this problem. We are not willing to radically change our way of life and current technology is just not advanced enough yet. Obviously that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try, but in the grand scheme of things, 4 years of Trump won’t make much difference. We’ll live or suffer depending on technologic innovation.

It is indeed going to take a disaster of catastrophic proportions for any concrete action to begin. Or perhaps the event itself will wipe out a significant portion of world's population resolving the problem to some extent. That's just how it is with our species. It took 2 world wars to bring about a relatively peaceful era (as compared to the previous centuries).
Aren't even the most committed politicians engaging largely in irrelevant/symbolic policy? I could be totally wrong about that, because I don’t know enough about it. Looking rather superficially at some of the academic forecast papers, even the most optimistic ones come to the conclusion, that even the effort of the countries that are leading the pack are too late/too little. It is imo not even close and no politicians have credible (= in any way realistic) strategies how to solve this problem. We are not willing to radically change our way of life and current technology is just not advanced enough yet. Obviously that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try, but in the grand scheme of things, 4 years of Trump won’t make much difference. We’ll live or suffer depending on technologic innovation.

Yes, I'm not an expert but that's the feeling I get too. Which is why I included left/liberals. I think a response to climate change would have needed to be international and drastic, and with huge govt interventions to stave off the side-effects on poverty, etc (but you know my bias on this issue). What you cannot have is a competition between countries to do less.
We have had a single activist environment minister in the history of independent India - among other things he suggested we should commit ourselves to a binding emissions cap. He was criticised by the English press, opposition, and his own party. Yes, the west should help us with technology, but we should recognise that CO2 released in India will cause as much damage as CO2 released in the west, and that in fact any CO2 anywhere will hurt us more than it hurts Europe/ US/ Canada (effects on the main Himalayan rivers and on Bengal/Bangladesh, where some islands are already disappearing.)
If Russia really instigated this troll/fake news/botnet-thing, I am confused... what do they stand to gain with it? What do they possibly hope to achieve by putting nationalist hardline right wing arseholes on top? I thought Russia knew just as well as us that neighboring dictators will have their countries at each other's throats eventually, and nobody, not even said dictators, profits from it.
If Russia really instigated this troll/fake news/botnet-thing, I am confused... what do they stand to gain with it? What do they possibly hope to achieve by putting nationalist hardline right wing arseholes on top? I thought Russia knew just as well as us that neighboring dictators will have their countries at each other's throats eventually, and nobody, not even said dictators, profits from it.

Russia fund a lot of these right-wing groups, though, and thus have them in their pocket. Granted, it'd fall apart eventually...but I doubt Putin is thinking too far into the distant future, and more of any immediate gain he'd get from allies in Western governments.
If Russia really instigated this troll/fake news/botnet-thing, I am confused... what do they stand to gain with it?

Russia and Putin have so much to gain, having powerful leaders in his pocket so he could control laws across continents and he could then break up establishments that he detests like NATO or even the EU. He could then have the U.S.S.R back which I believe is his ultimate wet dream. On top of that there are other issues like removing all the sanctions countries like the UK and US have against Russia or the $500 BILLION dollar drilling rights for Exxon here...

He has so much to gain, Putin is the real dictator here and the real one with delusions of grandeur. Trump is just a puppet, the real life Bond villain is the Russian midget who likes riding horses naked and wrestling bears whilst snorting vodka up his arse and killing anyone who opposes him.
If Russia really instigated this troll/fake news/botnet-thing, I am confused... what do they stand to gain with it? What do they possibly hope to achieve by putting nationalist hardline right wing arseholes on top? I thought Russia knew just as well as us that neighboring dictators will have their countries at each other's throats eventually, and nobody, not even said dictators, profits from it.

I'm skeptical of the whole Russia-Trump link but I can definitely believe this - there is some previous regarding Russian paid trolls pushing nationalistic viewpoints. Not just Putin, but much of the political landscape in Russia is strongly traditional/nationalist and Trump is a good match for that. So it may not just be the govt, it could be the sincere viewpoint of many people. I don't know what the long term gain is. Maybe a retreat from free trade will make the rest of the world less advanced vs Russia? Maybe Putin genuinely wants a global reactionary movement because of some sincere belief?

What I find harder to believe is that Trump is a long-term plot and is completely compromised. And links like that CNN above are just so random - he met a bank, bank financed someone; that is just desperate digging IMO. Banks deal with thousands of shady people; HSBC financed drug deals in Mexico for example.
The Mercers are making ad buys for Trump already

Shameless use of the job numbers.
I'm skeptical of the whole Russia-Trump link but I can definitely believe this - there is some previous regarding Russian paid trolls pushing nationalistic viewpoints. Not just Putin, but much of the political landscape in Russia is strongly traditional/nationalist and Trump is a good match for that. So it may not just be the govt, it could be the sincere viewpoint of many people. I don't know what the long term gain is. Maybe a retreat from free trade will make the rest of the world less advanced vs Russia? Maybe Putin genuinely wants a global reactionary movement because of some sincere belief?

What I find harder to believe is that Trump is a long-term plot and is completely compromised. And links like that CNN above are just so random - he met a bank, bank financed someone; that is just desperate digging IMO. Banks deal with thousands of shady people; HSBC financed drug deals in Mexico for example.

The extent to which he's fully involved with Russia is questionable but there are definitely some links. He's said in the past he has a relationship with Putin and then reneged on this, saying he didn't really know him at all, while asking Russia openly to hack the DNC. The fact he's had at least two members of his team compromised in their regards to their relationship with Russia is quite telling.

I doubt he's a sleeper agent at all and I suspect some of the rumoured blackmail stuff like the golden showers may be exaggerated - it's more likely Putin and the Russians saw an opportunity and took it, but there are definitely some connections and I'm pretty sure Trump has some business interests there going back. Tillerson, however, has definite business interests and some shady connections to Russia as well.
The extent to which he's fully involved with Russia is questionable but there are definitely some links. He's said in the past he has a relationship with Putin and then reneged on this, saying he didn't really know him at all, while asking Russia openly to hack the DNC. The fact he's had at least two members of his team compromised in their regards to their relationship with Russia is quite telling.

I doubt he's a sleeper agent at all and I suspect some of the rumoured blackmail stuff like the golden showers may be exaggerated - it's more likely Putin and the Russians saw an opportunity and took it, but there are definitely some connections and I'm pretty sure Trump has some business interests there going back. Tillerson, however, has definite business interests and some shady connections to Russia as well.

Oh, sure, I'm sure he has dealings with them, and his denial is either
a. suspicious
b. stupidity and arrogance
and given how much of b we always see from Trump...
He did own a pretty big and diverse set of companies, so I don't think having a Russian connection is anything extraordinary. And I'm also sure that Putin did decide to quietly help him for a while. But I don't think this is some grand conspiracy that will bring him down.
Look at his defeat on healthcare, look at how his party was battered by ordinary people over it, let's use that to both bring him down and put some progressive politics on the national stage. What is the end-game if Trump is miraculously brought down by his Russia link - Pence. The same policies and the same suffering to people, in a blander, more forgetful, less easily hate-able package.
I'll be interested to see just how long it takes for this coal "bubble" (if you could even call it that) to burst and to see how spectacularly it actually bursts.

It'll either be renewable technologies squeezing the market so hard that the mines are no longer economical to run.

Or it will be automation bearing the brunt of disgruntled mining communities who still can't get employed despite the mines being in operation. .
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