The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is a farce. How will America have the cheek to criticise corruption in other countries after this?
It's possible, but very expensive and coal is already being priced out of the American market as is with NG, wind, and solar. Even if demand for coal came back, the mining jobs would mostly be filled by robots because it's so mechanized now. The coal producers are even saying this publicly. 'But we gotta get them coal miners' jobs back!'

The absurdity continues to ratchet up...

Certainly seems that way.
Do presidents always sign EOs publicly, while surrounded by staff members? Or is this solely a Trump thing?
Its a presidency thing


the comical way of showing the executive order like its show and tell at pre school is all trump though
Just had a look on Twitter (for some reason) and it never fails to bemuse me. There's a tonne of people out there who think "Nunes has the liberals rattled" and that's why there is so much fuss over him.

They're actually living in an alternate reality where they believe he is heading up an investigation into Obama and they're going to expose him for wire tapping and Hillary for corrupt deals with the Russians.

I'm at a bit of a loss how people can be so painfully short of brain cells. Do they have infowars and brietbart being fed into their arm by an IV drip or something?
Ryan Lizza just dropped a serious bombshell on AC360. He said someone at the WH told him to watch what Nunes does just before Nunes went out on his bizarre presser last week. The implication is that Nunes' "source" was the WH and that the WH ginned up the entire anonymous source thing to blow up the investigation by having Nunes cancel hearings.
I completely agree with you, but I've heard lifelong progressive Democrats say that they would under no circumstances support anything that stepped outside the constitution. Got to remember those crazy yank feckers are addicted to the thing, no matter how illogical it might be in any given circumstance. ;)
It's capitalized... proper noun and all.

A foreign thing to you lot with just a bunch of random papers jumbled together ;)
Surely there needs to be an independent enquiry after all these shenanigans?

The Dems need to really push hard on this one.
Mate, do you lot even have a ceremonial mace?

Donald's very familiar with Mace.

Almost word for word what he posted last night.....


And yet another Tweet telling people to watch Fox & Friends.

This guys narcissism and dishonest know no bounds. Feck, but two nights in a row he tries to shift the attention to Hillary again, I haven't been watching but it's obvious Fox News is bringing it up again and going after her again, obviously as a diversion from everything else.

I said months ago that this would affect the US badly and it would seriously upset future trade deals. This is massive news, especially with Brexit this week too. Trump has already upset most of the countries & leaders he has spoken to and has definitely pissed Germany & Merkel off and he's had a problem with China since before the election, it's looking like that could have cost him, bigly. It's also looking like he's costing the USA deals and money. How much longer will Republicans let this go on? How much longer will they let their country be humiliated on a world stage as well as at home?

Almost word for word what he posted last night.....


And yet another Tweet telling people to watch Fox & Friends.

This guys narcissism and dishonest know no bounds. Feck, but two nights in a row he tries to shift the attention to Hillary again, I haven't been watching but it's obvious Fox News is bringing it up again and going after her again, obviously as a diversion from everything else.

Running out of diversions. Last resort:


“We’re running out of diversions. We have no choice but to crimp his hair.”

I said months ago that this would affect the US badly and it would seriously upset future trade deals. This is massive news, especially with Brexit this week too. Trump has already upset most of the countries & leaders he has spoken to and has definitely pissed Germany & Merkel off and he's had a problem with China since before the election, it's looking like that could have cost him, bigly. It's also looking like he's costing the USA deals and money. How much longer will Republicans let this go on? How much longer will they let their country be humiliated on a world stage as well as at home?


I said months ago that this would affect the US badly and it would seriously upset future trade deals. This is massive news, especially with Brexit this week too. Trump has already upset most of the countries & leaders he has spoken to and has definitely pissed Germany & Merkel off and he's had a problem with China since before the election, it's looking like that could have cost him, bigly. It's also looking like he's costing the USA deals and money. How much longer will Republicans let this go on? How much longer will they let their country be humiliated on a world stage as well as at home?

The thing with Donnie boy is that he's not gonna lose any money. He/his family will end up profiting heavily from whatever deals they've got and he just doesn't care about the country or the people who voted him in.
It's possible, but very expensive and coal is already being priced out of the American market as is with NG, wind, and solar. Even if demand for coal came back, the mining jobs would mostly be filled by robots because it's so mechanized now. The coal producers are even saying this publicly. 'But we gotta get them coal miners' jobs back!'

The absurdity continues to ratchet up...
Robert Murray disagrees with Twitler.

He's an insult to anyone with two working brain cells.

wtf is he talking about?
He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about either, hence he meanders through a load of BS and lies. Fecking hell, in comparison he makes GWB look like an honest, fully capable president.
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