The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Is there any sort of public briefing actually supposed to be happening today?
Maybe they're searching for Nunes.
The pressure on Nunes is really spiking today. A bit more and he'll be forced to recuse imo.

Who actually picked him for the role in the first place? When you've got a large selection of experienced legal experts and the guy with an agriculture degree and farming background is picked you know it was designed to fail.
Who actually picked him for the role in the first place? When you've got a large selection of experienced legal experts and the guy with an agriculture degree and farming background is picked you know it was designed to fail.

Not sure how he even got on the committee, much less became the ranking member. The GOP control the house, so whoever they assign to head their committees gets the job. The difference between him and Schiff in terms of competence is quite vast. Schiff has a former prosecutor with a Harvard Law degree, whilst Nunes seems to be an agriculture specialist and Trump sycophant.

Here you go, all you Mensch haters should be happy here. She's going to apply to be a US citizen, so in theory Trump could be ousted (eventually) and then Mensch leaves the UK, Farage will be gone very soon and Piers Morgan is halfway there too. I count that as a win for us here in the UK.
Not sure how he even got on the committee, much less became the ranking member. The GOP control the house, so whoever they assign to head their committees gets the job. The difference between him and Schiff in terms of competence is quite vast. Schiff has a former prosecutor with a Harvard Law degree, whilst Nunes seems to be an agriculture specialist and Trump sycophant.

It definitely sounds like they chose him with the intention of it failing and he can plead ignorance when he takes the fall rather than a seasoned legal expert who everyone will be more critical and suspicious of as they should know better?

Here you go, all you Mensch haters should be happy here. She's going to apply to be a US citizen, so in theory Trump could be ousted (eventually) and then Mensch leaves the UK, Farage will be gone very soon and Piers Morgan is halfway there too. I count that as a win for us here in the UK.

Can't she do the fecking off bit first?
Will be entertaining to watch Spicer tap dance around this one. He may well go full on Baghdad Bob again.

Here you go, all you Mensch haters should be happy here. She's going to apply to be a US citizen, so in theory Trump could be ousted (eventually) and then Mensch leaves the UK, Farage will be gone very soon and Piers Morgan is halfway there too. I count that as a win for us here in the UK.

Saw her on Bill Maher the other day, felt absolutely rotten at the end of it as I agreed with her on practically everything except for Brexit.
Saw her on Bill Maher the other day, felt absolutely rotten at the end of it as I agreed with her on practically everything except for Brexit.

Yeah, I said the same a few times last night/early this morning. I hate to say it but she was excellent on there and it was all round a great show this week. I felt Bill was a bit of a prick when he started his anti-Muslim rant about the events in London, and Louise actually had it dead right but he just shouted over her. That aside she was great for the rest of the time she was on, and also gave a very worthy plug for people to follow Jester on Twitter. Like you I felt dirty for agreeing with her so much as I despised her when she was a Tory MP, and whenever she appeared on TV here in the UK.
Who the feck are you? You thick Irish cnut. You started asking fecking wanker questions about, thinking about building a fecking wall. If you know feck all about it, then ask some fecker who does, good thinking. But then you don't fecking want any help?

I have built houses in 4 different counties in Ireland, so I fecking know a little about planning regulations.

I asked you if you were in the north or the south because the north is part of the fecking UK you dosy cnut, diferent rules altogether.

Go build your fecking wall, do it however you want to, its not a problem to me, I just felt sorry for a thick cnut and thought I might help you out a bit. I live and learn. I won't try to help any thick useless cnut again, be jeesus.

:lol: Well played sir.
Spicer interrupts his answer to a female journo who asked some questions to tell her: 'Stop shaking your head.'

WHAT? She's a journo, not his child FFS.
Poor old Spicey is almost as funny as Comrade Trumpski.
Seems to me he's getting really worried.

That 'looking forward to it' quote is pure bravado, and the biting at the women (i'll bet he will never say it to a man) is him doing what every coward does when the pressure is applied. Take his anger out on someone he perceives as weaker.
Spicer interrupts his answer to a female journo who asked some questions to tell her: 'Stop shaking your head.'

WHAT? She's a journo, not his child FFS.
Follow up: The journo was April Ryan.
Seriously, is Donald an agent of the Democratic party sent to finish off the Republicans once and for all? Because his administration is doing one hell of a job. They're not going to make it to the midterm elections at this rate.
Seriously, is Donald an agent of the Democratic party sent to finish off the Republicans once and for all? Because his administration is doing one hell of a job. They're not going to make it to the midterm elections at this rate.

That's what it's looking like. When people look back at this in 30 years, it will be viewed as the final act of the GOP.
'Dishonest CNN reporting faked viewer numbers. SAD!' tweet incoming...

Seriously, is Donald an agent of the Democratic party sent to finish off the Republicans once and for all? Because his administration is doing one hell of a job. They're not going to make it to the midterm elections at this rate.

Funnily enough, there was a long running conspiracy theory about that amongst Dems back when he first announced he was running.
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