The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ah, sorry, I hadn't even clicked the link to the tweet in his post, just assumed it was the same as yours.

I have no idea how credible she is, but according to her wiki she's a former MP for Corby, that raises my hopes somewhat :).
She's a failed MP who loves the hysteria of twitter and is trying to market herself onto the US talking head gravy-train. Avoid.
Get the feeling that Mensch is loving this attention and the thought that she could be the one to bring down Trump is making her giddy .Never liked her when she was a Tory MP .But if she is proven right .Kudos to her.
Get the feeling that Mensch is loving this attention and the thought that she could be the one to bring down Trump is making her giddy .Never liked her when she was a tory MP .But if she is proven right .Kudos to her.

In what way could she possibly bring down Trump though? It's all just speculation as far as I can tell. She click-baited the shit out of her "theory" too.
Which can work against them too. As ill feeling towards Trump rises, Anti-Trump voters may feel that the Republicans in the House and Senate are not doing enough to rein him in while Pro-Trump voters may feel that they are not doing enough to support him in getting his policies through and while they might be very unlikely to swing to a Democrat vote, they may well feel demotivated enough to not bother turning up to vote for a candidate who has let them down so far.

I think these mid-terms are going to see a lot of votes happening with national interests at peoples hearts rather than local.

That's fair. It's certainly going to be an interesting eighteen months, who knows where we'll be by then.

I'm perching on the pessimistic side of the fence on these things though, I'm still not over the shock of Nov.8.
This President lark must have seemed like so much fun to him when he saw it from the outside - being jetted off to fancy countries for dinner parties and meeting royalty, having the odd fishing trip or game of golf, looking important as you were surrounded by sunglass wearing soldiers with semi automatics. Trump must have been sitting there on his bed, his belly flopping over his briefs as he picked at the bowl of peanuts resting on his navel, and thought to himself that he could do that job easily as he had years of experiencing those same things. And, for all of the business stuff he could lie and cheat and bully others into doing what he wanted. He proclaimed loudly "I've always had a bigger stick than everyone else, but now I can have the biggest stick of all. Imagine how many things I could make happen with my big stick!"

Melania muttered from the corner something about his stick not being that big and carried on trying to gnaw through her ankle restraints.
This President lark must have seemed like so much fun to him when he saw it from the outside - being jetted off to fancy countries for dinner parties and meeting royalty, having the odd fishing trip or game of golf, looking important as you were surrounded by sunglass wearing soldiers with semi automatics. Trump must have been sitting there on his bed, his belly flopping over his briefs as he picked at the bowl of peanuts resting on his navel, and thought to himself that he could do that job easily as he had years of experiencing those same things. And, for all of the business stuff he could lie and cheat and bully others into doing what he wanted. He proclaimed loudly "I've always had a bigger stick than everyone else, but now I can have the biggest stick of all. Imagine how many things I could make happen with my big stick!"

Melania muttered from the corner something about his stick not being that big and carried on trying to gnaw through her ankle restraints.


That must be adamantium ankle restraints, since she eats diamonds for breakfast.
This President lark must have seemed like so much fun to him when he saw it from the outside - being jetted off to fancy countries for dinner parties and meeting royalty, having the odd fishing trip or game of golf, looking important as you were surrounded by sunglass wearing soldiers with semi automatics. Trump must have been sitting there on his bed, his belly flopping over his briefs as he picked at the bowl of peanuts resting on his navel, and thought to himself that he could do that job easily as he had years of experiencing those same things. And, for all of the business stuff he could lie and cheat and bully others into doing what he wanted. He proclaimed loudly "I've always had a bigger stick than everyone else, but now I can have the biggest stick of all. Imagine how many things I could make happen with my big stick!"

Melania muttered from the corner something about his stick not being that big and carried on trying to gnaw through her ankle restraints.


Jared Kushner flew to Aspen same day as ‘one of Putin’s closest confidants’ whose wife is pals with Ivanka

27 MAR 2017 AT 12:23 ET


Flight logs show that President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, travelled to Aspen, Colorado on the same day as a Russian oligarch with strong ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As the president’s push for health care reform went down in flames last week, Kushner and his family were reportedly skiing in Aspen. Trump was said to be unhappy about the timing of the vacation.

Photojournalist Eric Rosenwald examined flight logs from airports in the area and found that Kushner arrived in Aspen on Saturday, March 18 — the same day as Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, who has been described as “one of Putin’s closest confidants.” Abramovich is known to own a home in Aspen.

According to Politico’s Jake Sherman, Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova, attended President Trump’s inauguration as a guest of Ivanka Trump.

Rosenwald goes on to point out that two days later Abramovich’s plane flew to the Caribbean just as two planes linked to Michael Cohen, special counsel to the president, arrived at nearby airports.

On Thursday, March 20, Abramovich’s plane flew to the northern Lesser Antilles, a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. On the same day, two aircraft linked to Michael Cohen did the same – one via Palm Beach, Florida, home of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. It’s important to note that Caribbean nations are famous for their tax haven status, and it’s possible that these trips are purely coincidental.

Abramovich’s aircraft landed in St. Maarten, while two smaller Beauty Central LLC-owned Gulfstream jets landed in Anguilla (one of which stopped in Palm Beach, first.) St. Maarten, St. Martin, St. Barth and Anguilla are nearly the same destination. The islands lie several miles apart and have close economic and social ties. St. Maarten (formerly Dutch) and St. Martin (formerly French) are actually two sides of the same island. Each island has an airport, but they differ in their size and ability to serve large aircraft.

“It’s unclear whether or not any of these flights are related, but further investigation is certainly warranted,” Rosenwald concludes.

Can you just imagine if somehow the investigations into Trump exposed that Abramovich was also involved is this Russian money laundering :drool:
whats our opinion on her: insightful or conspiracy loon?

her last great political exploit was to verbally abuse a 17 year old girl for daring to show interest in politics in the run up the last general election and picking Milliband to support.

She is a piece of shite, always has been.
Do the Dems have any shot at the house, or would that no be possible until 2020?
The GA-6 special election (first round) in a few weeks will be a decent test case, GOP won that by 23 points in November so if the Dem (Ossoff) is at all competitive then it's a pretty good sign. Dems do have it up against them in midterms (and in the House), but if the current levels of enthusiasm keep up and Trump's ratings keep going down, it should at least level the playing field in terms of turnout.
whats our opinion on her: insightful or conspiracy loon?

I think she's an oblivious buffoon and an horrifically shit person. I only give her this little bit of oxygen in an attempt to expose her poisonous ways to those less familiar with her crap.

That's not to say that she won't accidentally stumble upon the Philosopher's Stone one day, in a Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory way.
whats our opinion on her: insightful or conspiracy loon?
Shameless careerist with that very modern trait: far more ambition than talent. The Amanda Holden of politics.
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Mexico won't pay for the wall and now without the $1 trillion savings during the next 10 years from the health care reform, it'll be interesting to see how they're gonna fund the wall and tax cuts for the filthy rich, i.e. whether they won't care about an exploding debt or cut everywhere else. My money is on the latter.

How does a 62 mile load of concrete cost 1 billion?
Did Wolf Blitzer ask Nunes during the interview if his own name was mentioned/unmasked during intercepted conversations between Russians?

Would be interesting to see his body language when confronted by that question.
How does a 62 mile load of concrete cost 1 billion?

I assume that's taking into account materials, labour and then the cost of patrolling that 62 mile stretch including any surveillance gear and networking needed.
How does a 62 mile load of concrete cost 1 billion?
Sounds crazy, but I was also amazed when I heard that a 4 lane road at USA quality standards (2 lanes each side) costs $5-7 million per mile.
(source: Rachel Maddow)
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I assume that's taking into account materials, labour and then the cost of patrolling that 62 mile stretch including any surveillance gear and networking needed.
Digging and laying the foundation would be a big contributor to costs.

Still a $billion is a lot of tax payer money for a few miles of wall. Better off giving that to Mexicans as incentives at the border for them to go back!
How does a 62 mile load of concrete cost 1 billion?
Who the feck are you? You thick Irish cnut. You started asking fecking wanker questions about, thinking about building a fecking wall. If you know feck all about it, then ask some fecker who does, good thinking. But then you don't fecking want any help?

I have built houses in 4 different counties in Ireland, so I fecking know a little about planning regulations.

I asked you if you were in the north or the south because the north is part of the fecking UK you dosy cnut, diferent rules altogether.

Go build your fecking wall, do it however you want to, its not a problem to me, I just felt sorry for a thick cnut and thought I might help you out a bit. I live and learn. I won't try to help any thick useless cnut again, be jeesus.
Sounds crazy, but I was also amazed when I heard that a 4 lane road at USA quality standards (2 lanes each side) costs $5-7 million.
(source: Rachel Maddow)
5-7$ million per what?
Ha. 1bn actually seems a pretty good price to me. Our small driveway cost several thousand. Not seen a single Mexican since to be fair.
Who the feck are you? You thick Irish- American cnut. You started asking fecking wanker questions about, thinking about building a fecking wall. If you know feck all about it, then ask some fecker who does, good thinking. But then you don't fecking want any help?

I have built houses in 4 different counties in Iowa, so I fecking know a little about planning regulations.

I asked you if you were in the North Carolina or the South Carolina because the north is part of the fecking Liberal Elite you dosy cnut, diferent rules altogether.

Go build your fecking wall, do it however you want to, its not a problem to me, I just felt sorry for a thick cnut and thought I might help you out a bit. I live and learn. I won't try to help any thick useless cnut again, be jeesus.

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