The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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“When it comes to climate change, we want to take our course and do it in our own form and fashion.”

'By cutting off any funding for research that may negatively affect my campaign donors. I mean, why would you research something that you still consider unproven??'
Oh ok, thanks, it's just that @senorgregster was replying to Trumps 6 year old Tweet, lost me a bit that's all.
Ah, sorry, I hadn't even clicked the link to the tweet in his post, just assumed it was the same as yours.
I wasn't taking too much stock in what she was posting until I saw the actual disinformation too. Like you I had never seen it before, she clearly has people worried. I'm not getting my hopes up too high just yet though. I will give her a bit of leeway but if she lets us down and it's a big nothing burger she will go on the list with Maddow, Rick Wilson and Tom Arnold who I now take with huge pinches of salt and very rarely quote anymore. Although Maddow is slightly different, but her tax returns scam was a real let down. Rick Wilson was the worst though with his massive countdowns and huge promises that never materialised. I hope Mensch isn't going to be the same.

She's just retweeting others at the moment, but it's all centring around Nunes and his visit to the White House. Basically saying it's a huge cover up and he needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
I have no idea how credible she is, but according to her wiki she's a former MP for Corby, that raises my hopes somewhat :).
I have no idea how credible she is, but according to her wiki she's a former MP for Corby, that raises my hopes somewhat :).

Isn't she a known bullshitter?

It's worrying indeed that the Green Tea Party seems to be copying their predecessor playbook quite too literally, down to the conspiratorial news sources.
Ah, sorry, I hadn't even clicked the link to the tweet in his post, just assumed it was the same as yours.

I have no idea how credible she is, but according to her wiki she's a former MP for Corby, that raises my hopes somewhat :).

:lol: Yeah she was a Tory MP. She was an awful cow to be honest and was known for spinning lies and disinformation, often on Question Time too, however she has been very informative in recent weeks and has appeared to have a lot of info about the Russian connections. She's been pretty spot on for a while now, and she was excellent on Bill Maher's Real Time this week, very impressive indeed. The fact Jester seems to find her credible and has quoted her makes me hopeful too. She is trying to carve out a new career for herself and obviously wants to crack the States and she is putting all that on the line at the moment which again leads me to think there's something in it. Another thing is she's clearly being targeted by Russian trolls, so again, more hope she's on to something here.
I wonder if United supporters more liberal than most or that it seems to be a universal dislike/hatred of Trump?
It's more that the people that don't like Trump are more vocal.

People tend to group with those that share similar views to themselves. Same here. It was the same pre-election and he went on to win.

I think he's a very polarizing figure, but he's not universally disliked. The people who hate him tend to do so very strongly though.

Well here's her "theory" It's all speculation, albeit based on much that we do already know and it does fit with the shady comings and goings of Nunes and Ellis. The midnight stroll in the White House Gardens is causing the most wonder for many at the moment, and this is an interesting take on it. I guess we will just have to wait and see if she's right or not, but at least we know now what she's been alluding to all this time and also, if true, then it shouldn't be too long before charges are brought. It could also explain why Trump is panicking so much. I give her some credit though in at least she's had the balls to put her money where her mouth is, again though, we just have to wait and see. It really is like something out of a spy novel though. Feck me, for one thing, his Presidency certainly hasn't been boring. :lol:

If this is all bullshit though (as it very well could be) she's going on the not to be quoted list.
To further lighten the mood, Trevor Noah just called Trump the "carrot cake commander". :lol::lol:
Just reading Jester Actual's Blog and came across something I had not seen before.

So we all know that Trump was under suspicion for leaking that "CLIENT COPY" 2005 tax return.

JA points out that the tax return was of the year he married Melania and as a foreign citizen she is required to file the squeakiest of clean tax returns along with him as they are inspected before the marriage is legally granted. So it stands to reason that this will be the tax return that paints him in a favourable light.

Here is the best bit though... the letter that was posted to the journalist containing the tax forms was posted from Westchester and guess who was in Westchester that week... The Trump Family.
JA points out that the tax return was of the year he married Melania and as a foreign citizen she is required to file the squeakiest of clean tax returns along with him as they are inspected before the marriage is legally granted. So it stands to reason that this will be the tax return that paints him in a favourable light.

Here is the best bit though... the letter that was posted to the journalist containing the tax forms was posted from Westchester and guess who was in Westchester that week... The Trump Family.

Feck me, you really would have thought that Maddow or her team of researchers would have checked that out first before going to air, so incompetent, they fell for it hook, line and sinker. I reckon they got the mail a couple of hours before the show and rushed it to get the scoop. Nice work by Jester again though, loving his work.

Louise Mensch. It would be surreal if she brought down the Trump presidency.

It was posted literally 5 posts above. Maybe it was the picture of the apples that threw you off. :lol:
It's more that the people that don't like Trump are more vocal.

People tend to group with those that share similar views to themselves. Same here. It was the same pre-election and he went on to win.

I think he's a very polarizing figure, but he's not universally disliked. The people who hate him tend to do so very strongly though.

by definition, if you are polarising, you will evoke emotions of the opposite ends. Not much in the middle.

Uh oh! What a shocker that The Dark Sith Lord thinks Russian interference is an act of war. I suppose we should be grateful of one thing, if Russia had tried this shit during the Reagan or even GW Bush era then they would have definitely tried to bomb the shit out of Moscow and started a war with Russia (that Sarah Palin could have seen from her house) but at least with Trump that's not happening. So really we should be grateful for small mercies.
It appears after 24 hours off Twitter Trump has woken up..

For someone who is constantly trying to distract from Russia and keeps saying there is nothing there, he doesn't half mention it a lot :lol:

During the campaign, the Washington Post gave him 4 Pinocchios for this BS. :cool:


Well here's her "theory" It's all speculation, albeit based on much that we do already know and it does fit with the shady comings and goings of Nunes and Ellis. The midnight stroll in the White House Gardens is causing the most wonder for many at the moment, and this is an interesting take on it. I guess we will just have to wait and see if she's right or not, but at least we know now what she's been alluding to all this time and also, if true, then it shouldn't be too long before charges are brought. It could also explain why Trump is panicking so much. I give her some credit though in at least she's had the balls to put her money where her mouth is, again though, we just have to wait and see. It really is like something out of a spy novel though. Feck me, for one thing, his Presidency certainly hasn't been boring. :lol:

If this is all bullshit though (as it very well could be) she's going on the not to be quoted list.

House of Cards on steroids. I bet the ratings on those type of shows will fall. The real thing is so much better.

Uh oh! What a shocker that The Dark Sith Lord thinks Russian interference is an act of war. I suppose we should be grateful of one thing, if Russia had tried this shit during the Reagan or even GW Bush era then they would have definitely tried to bomb the shit out of Moscow and started a war with Russia (that Sarah Palin could have seen from her house) but at least with Trump that's not happening. So really we should be grateful for small mercies.

Its the basis for a war -- the yellowcake of 2017. American cannot survive with a war. Obama was a failure in their eyes for not having started any wars.

Besides, its good for Trump's approval ratings and thats sacrosanct.
:lol: Nows the time for Dems to begin the push towards a single payer system.

Either after 4 years of this guy, Americans will be glad to have it, or after 2 years Dems take Congress in the midterms, he will be happy to sign it so long as it "repeals Obamacare"
Bernie is drafting a bill while we speak, according to various media outlets during the weekend.

Priebus was talking about working with Dems, too. The audacity and hypocrisy of GOP people is endless.
Mexico won't pay for the wall and now without the $1 trillion savings during the next 10 years from the health care reform, it'll be interesting to see how they're gonna fund the wall and tax cuts for the filthy rich, i.e. whether they won't care about an exploding debt or cut everywhere else. My money is on the latter.


Uh oh! What a shocker that The Dark Sith Lord thinks Russian interference is an act of war. I suppose we should be grateful of one thing, if Russia had tried this shit during the Reagan or even GW Bush era then they would have definitely tried to bomb the shit out of Moscow and started a war with Russia (that Sarah Palin could have seen from her house) but at least with Trump that's not happening. So really we should be grateful for small mercies.

He's running low on children's souls. I will give the cnut this, he hates every country.

Uh oh! What a shocker that The Dark Sith Lord thinks Russian interference is an act of war. I suppose we should be grateful of one thing, if Russia had tried this shit during the Reagan or even GW Bush era then they would have definitely tried to bomb the shit out of Moscow and started a war with Russia (that Sarah Palin could have seen from her house) but at least with Trump that's not happening. So really we should be grateful for small mercies.

Cheney asking for war? Well, this come as a shocking surprise to me.
Trump down to 36% approval with Gallup after last week, which is pretty low. May rebound when he manages to have a week where he manages to stay relatively sane and competent, but if it's this low during mid-terms next year...
Do the Dems have any shot at the house, or would that no be possible until 2020?
Do the Dems have any shot at the house, or would that no be possible until 2020?

Anything in politics can happen, as evidenced by last Nov, but they'll have to win 30 seats with the current map which massively favour the GOP, so very unlikely unless there's widely accepted public evidence of Drumpf's collusion with Russia by that time, so Dems can run on impeachment.

Tldr: don't hold your breath.

So, Juan Mata arriving on a helicopter, or meeting Ander Herrera's "agents" in a cafe...
Anything in politics can happen, as evidenced by last Nov, but they'll have to win 30 seats with the current map which massively favour the GOP, so very unlikely unless there's widely accepted public evidence of Drumpf's collusion with Russia by that time, so Dems can run on impeachment.

Tldr: don't hold your breath.

If Trumps job approval numbers stay below 50% there is a good change the democrats can swing it.
If Trumps job approval numbers stay below 50% there is a good change the democrats can swing it.

I hope you're right but Trump is a completely different animal, he's not as associated with his party like other Presidents and I'm worried we won't see as much of a mid-term swing as we all wish for because of it.

The Dems need to run a good ground game whatever happens, lots of work to be done.
I hope you're right but Trump is a completely different animal, he's not as associated with his party like other Presidents and I'm worried we won't see as much of a mid-term swing as we all wish for because of it.

The Dems need to run a good ground game whatever happens, lots of work to be done.

Which can work against them too. As ill feeling towards Trump rises, Anti-Trump voters may feel that the Republicans in the House and Senate are not doing enough to rein him in while Pro-Trump voters may feel that they are not doing enough to support him in getting his policies through and while they might be very unlikely to swing to a Democrat vote, they may well feel demotivated enough to not bother turning up to vote for a candidate who has let them down so far.

I think these mid-terms are going to see a lot of votes happening with national interests at peoples hearts rather than local.

She's also Tweeted to Jester about opening the Champagne much sooner than she thought. She's getting all hyped up about something. I know she's an arse, but she's been on to things over the last few weeks, just hope she's right.

You've been posting similar tweets for months Langster, I don't know how you still get your hopes up. :lol:
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