The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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seriously mate.

do you think any of this is going to get to him?

He will get Gorsuch in soon...who with the 4 will give him a pass...after he pardons all his minions.

I have to hope it will get him, otherwise what's the point? We all might as well just give up and lie down. We have to fight, we have to have hope and we have to hope that someone who is being so brazen and so openly crooked will get their comeuppance. It simply has to happen otherwise the USA really is no better than North Korea or Zimbabwe.

Really does look like he might be loosing it this time. Or he might be checking the waters of his support base by checking how many likes his tea party attack gets?

Get the attention of his base by attacking Hillary again, then see how many also agree to the second. He needs to find out whether to go with the more moderate (traditionally business) republicans, if they still exist, or the tea party crowd. In some aspects they've grown so far apart they might as well be 2 parties.

I think that sounds about right. You have to admit that's a seriously dangerous game he's playing there though. The Tea Party have a lot of clout and a lot of supporters, he really doesn't want to ostracise himself from them, he needs their votes. I suspect an awful lot of the Evangelicals are tied in with them too. Although it would be hilarious to see a cat fight between Trump and Palin :lol:

I still think he's shitting himself over the Russian talk though, otherwise why bring it up again?
Yup, and hopefully it's going to cost him BIGLY!


This has bothered me as much as anything else, despite it being superficial in comparison.

It's the one slam dunk demonstration of bad ethics. Only two possible options should be presented;

1. If he chooses to continue going there there, he foots the bill.
2. He goes somewhere there he does not directly profit from.

If he picks 1, the US Government should double their costs as his business will benefit from having a President there routinely.
I have to hope it will get him, otherwise what's the point? We all might as well just give up and lie down. We have to fight, we have to have hope and we have to hope that someone who is being so brazen and so openly crooked will get their comeuppance. It simply has to happen otherwise the USA really is no better than North Korea or Zimbabwe.

I think that sounds about right. You have to admit that's a seriously dangerous game he's playing there though. The Tea Party have a lot of clout and a lot of supporters, he really doesn't want to ostracise himself from them, he needs their votes. I suspect an awful lot of the Evangelicals are tied in with them too. Although it would be hilarious to see a cat fight between Trump and Palin :lol:

I still think he's shitting himself over the Russian talk though, otherwise why bring it up again?
Yeah on the other hand (even if outlandish), getting something passed with moderate republicans and some democratic support might be easier then getting the tea party and the moderate republicans into the same boat.

I really don't have a rational explanation as to why he would bring it up again, maybe the golf channel was on a commercial break?
:lol: Nows the time for Dems to begin the push towards a single payer system.

Either after 4 years of this guy, Americans will be glad to have it, or after 2 years Dems take Congress in the midterms, he will be happy to sign it so long as it "repeals Obamacare"

This has bothered me as much as anything else, despite it being superficial in comparison.

Me too, it's absolutely disgusting. Did you see the Tweet I posted last night that showed nearly $17,000 charges to the Secret Service for golf cart hire? Unbelievable. Plus it's cost nearly $40 Million to protect Melania in New York so far, and yet he's cut meals on wheels for the sick, elderly and disabled. It's criminal and abhorrent.
'*thumbs up* Just teeing off as the country goes to shit!'
:lol: Nows the time for Dems to begin the push towards a single payer system.

Either after 4 years of this guy, Americans will be glad to have it, or after 2 years Dems take Congress in the midterms, he will be happy to sign it so long as it "repeals Obamacare"

Single payer/Medicare for All will happen simply by default because the ACA is not sustainable in the arena of private health insurance company.


Several Republicans from even conservative states have said they need to find a way to provide affordable health care to people.
Yeah on the other hand (even if outlandish), getting something passed with moderate republicans and some democratic support might be easier then getting the tea party and the moderate republicans into the same boat.

I really don't have a rational explanation as to why he would bring it up again, maybe the golf channel was on a commercial break?


I can't see him getting anything passed working with the Dems. If he's pissed the Tea Party lot off and they wouldn't go for the draconian bill Ryan just served up, then there's no way they will go for anything made with the Dems cooperation, and I'm not sure there's enough moderate Republicans to help him get stuff through. I think he really may well be a Lame Duck President. Tonight's Tweets have certainly stirred up a hornets nest, be interesting to see where it all goes from here.

As I said, for someone who doesn't think there is anything to the Russia claims, and wants it to be forgotten and to move on, he keeps bringing it up all the time. On top of that, didn't he say he didn't want to hurt the Clintons? Didn't want Hillary prosecuted? And wanted to leave them alone after the election? Or is he back to "Lock her up" again? He's got nobody else to attack anymore so he's back to his old family friends.
Sam Harris's latest podcast should be required listening for those doubting the Russian influence. Even if you despise Sam Harris, Anne Applebaum is well qualified to explain what is going on. The propaganda, constant misinformation, attacking the press, getting rich via governing, installing family & friends into government; it's all straight from the Russian/Soviet playbook.

You don't even need a smoking's plain to see.
So I just checked into fox news to see their reaction, they only mention the tweet attacking Hillary :D
I wonder if United supporters more liberal than most or that it seems to be a universal dislike/hatred of Trump?
Sam Harris's latest podcast should be required listening for those doubting the Russian influence. Even if you despise Sam Harris, Anne Applebaum is well qualified to explain what is going on. The propaganda, constant misinformation, attacking the press, getting rich via governing, installing family & friends into government; it's all straight from the Russian/Soviet playbook.

You don't even need a smoking's plain to see.

Louise Mensch & Timothy Snyder both said exactly the same on Bill Maher's Real Time this week, it was a decent show this week, well worth a watch. Thanks for the info though I will go and listen to that podcast. Sounds very interesting.

She's also Tweeted to Jester about opening the Champagne much sooner than she thought. She's getting all hyped up about something. I know she's an arse, but she's been on to things over the last few weeks, just hope she's right.
"Any minute now, he's going to pivot to the left"

"I'll wait and see what he does in office"

"He's New York Liberal"

"It's up to the Dems to work with Trump to pass Healthcare reforms, they should raise above party politics"

and now

"Not a lot will be done, because Dems can't work with him as it doesn't help them for mid term elections"

:lol: Nuts

I'm still baffled at the fact people are trying to apply the slightest hint of logic to his thoughts.
I wonder if United supporters more liberal than most or that it seems to be a universal dislike/hatred of Trump?

Youngsters tend to be more liberal and forums will have more youngsters on them, generally speaking.
The women you just posted there, Louise Mensch. And with Russian disinformation I meant that other account you also just posted.

Oh ok, thanks, it's just that @senorgregster was replying to Trumps 6 year old Tweet, lost me a bit that's all.

I wasn't taking too much stock in what she was posting until I saw the actual disinformation too. Like you I had never seen it before, she clearly has people worried. I'm not getting my hopes up too high just yet though. I will give her a bit of leeway but if she lets us down and it's a big nothing burger she will go on the list with Maddow, Rick Wilson and Tom Arnold who I now take with huge pinches of salt and very rarely quote anymore. Although Maddow is slightly different, but her tax returns scam was a real let down. Rick Wilson was the worst though with his massive countdowns and huge promises that never materialised. I hope Mensch isn't going to be the same.

She's just retweeting others at the moment, but it's all centring around Nunes and his visit to the White House. Basically saying it's a huge cover up and he needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
Well, Trump is following up his failed attempt at healthcare reform with an attempt to destroy the environment...
President Trump will take the most significant step yet in obliterating his predecessor’s environmental record Tuesday, instructing federal regulators to rewrite key rules curbing U.S. carbon emissions.

The sweeping executive order also seeks to lift a moratorium on federal coal leasing and remove the requirement that federal officials consider the impact of climate change when making decisions.

The order sends an unmistakable signal that just as President Barack Obama sought to weave climate considerations into every aspect of the federal government, Trump is hoping to rip that approach out by its roots.

“This policy is in keeping with President Trump’s desire to make the United States energy independent,” said a senior administration official who briefed reporters on the directive Monday evening and asked for anonymity to speak in advance of the announcement. “When it comes to climate change, we want to take our course and do it in our own form and fashion.”
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