The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He may well be spouting his usual garbage.
I'm merely saying IF. He did say he thinks the next stab at Health care will need Dem input.
This was mentioned by some Left wing commentators too.

Personally I don't think much will get done. Because if the Dems help him succeed, it does not help them in 2018.
"Any minute now, he's going to pivot to the left"

"I'll wait and see what he does in office"

"He's New York Liberal"

"It's up to the Dems to work with Trump to pass Healthcare reforms, they should raise above party politics"

and now

"Not a lot will be done, because Dems can't work with him as it doesn't help them for mid term elections"

:lol: Nuts
Pelosi requesting Nunes recuse himself.

Russians being whacked, and on trump team 1 fired, potentially 2 recused, and several about to be grilled. Can't make this shit up.
It's a trap.

Calm down Admiral Akbar! :lol:

Very true though, the Republicans must be despairing really, they know Trump's true wishes for healthcare but there is no way they are going to let him have that, never, and he basically scuttled their shitty plan because he refused to support it because it broke all his campaign promises AND went against his actual beliefs. The Republicans healthcare reform is fecked all the time Trump is in charge.
Who's ready for some early voting extrapolations for GA-6! I am.

It appears after 24 hours off Twitter Trump has woken up..

For someone who is constantly trying to distract from Russia and keeps saying there is nothing there, he doesn't half mention it a lot :lol:
Calm down Admiral Akbar! :lol:

Very true though, the Republicans must be despairing really, they know Trump's true wishes for healthcare but there is no way they are going to let him have that, never, and he basically scuttled their shitty plan because he refused to support it because it broke all his campaign promises AND went against his actual beliefs. The Republicans healthcare reform is fecked all the time Trump is in charge.

He simply asked Ryan and Price to get a health plan to congress. I doubt he knew what was in it.
Calm down Admiral Akbar! :lol:

Very true though, the Republicans must be despairing really, they know Trump's true wishes for healthcare but there is no way they are going to let him have that, never, and he basically scuttled their shitty plan because he refused to support it because it broke all his campaign promises AND went against his actual beliefs. The Republicans healthcare reform is fecked all the time Trump is in charge.
I like that
It appears after 24 hours off Twitter Trump has woken up..

For someone who is constantly trying to distract from Russia and keeps saying there is nothing there, he doesn't half mention it a lot :lol:

FFS his second post is even better. "Trump Russia story is a hoax".

He couldn't spell conspiracy :D
FFS his second post is even better. "Trump Russia story is a hoax".

He couldn't spell conspiracy :D


As I said, for someone who doesn't think there is anything to the Russia claims, and wants it to be forgotten and to move on, he keeps bringing it up all the time. On top of that, didn't he say he didn't want to hurt the Clintons? Didn't want Hillary prosecuted? And wanted to leave them alone after the election? Or is he back to "Lock her up" again? He's got nobody else to attack anymore so he's back to his old family friends.

As I said, for someone who doesn't think there is anything to the Russia claims, and wants it to be forgotten and to move on, he keeps bringing it up all the time. On top of that, didn't he say he didn't want to hurt the Clintons? Didn't want Hillary prosecuted? And wanted to leave them alone after the election? Or is he back to "Lock her up" again? He's got nobody else to attack anymore so he's back to his old family friends.
Nah he's back to attacking the tea party again.

But all the time the right vote based on religious beliefs, gun ownership and pro life beliefs, it's a battle you just will not win.

Obama could have moved the White House to the rust belt or the deep south, invited everyone round for breakfast lunch and dinner every day, paid them wages and offered them all free healthcare, but because he was black with a Muslim sounding name, believed in equal rights for women and gays, and because he believed in a woman's right to choose and abortion, and because he wanted stricter gun controls, well they would never have voted for him no matter what he did. That is the battle going on in the USA. I honestly believe it really does come down to those core beliefs and issues and Trump picked them up and ran with them and never looked back.

What a truly tumescent group of people.

Honestly, really and truly, if you step back from it and look at how insane that is as a premise... the country deserves Trump.

America really could and should be a fabulous collection of 50 nations. They simply don't work as a whole.
Keep F5 close by; he's on a roll atm.

:lol: You're not wrong, what the feck is he on about now?

Has he just started a battle he cannot win? What is he doing? He's really lost it this time. Expect Palin to come out after him now. Nobody attacks her precious Tea Party.
Out of nearly 36 Freedom Caucus members, only 24 held firm apparently. Not sure if they will again resist if there's concerted pressure. Let's hope the moderates are harder to win.
"Any minute now, he's going to pivot to the left"

"I'll wait and see what he does in office"

"He's New York Liberal"

"It's up to the Dems to work with Trump to pass Healthcare reforms, they should raise above party politics"

and now

"Not a lot will be done, because Dems can't work with him as it doesn't help them for mid term elections"

:lol: Nuts

"Shut up, this is why Trump won"
Has he just started a battle he cannot win? What is he doing? He's really lost it this time. Expect Palin to come out after him now. Nobody attacks her precious Tea Party.
Really does look like he might be loosing it this time. Or he might be checking the waters of his support base by checking how many likes his tea party attack gets?

Get the attention of his base by attacking Hillary again, then see how many also agree to the second. He needs to find out whether to go with the more moderate (traditionally business) republicans, if they still exist, or the tea party crowd. In some aspects they've grown so far apart they might as well be 2 parties.
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