The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Right folks. We're into the Championship Quarter. I need a big final push for my dream of Impeachment Transfer Deadline Day to come true. You can do it, Steeley!

Read this 52 Tweet mega thread then....

Most of all this is well know to anyone who has been following the news for the last couple of months, but the last two Tweets he cites as notes (51 & 52) are really interesting because they offer direct contradiction of things Trump has said. It's definitely all coming to a head, that's for sure.
Read this 52 Tweet mega thread then....

Most of all this is well know to anyone who has been following the news for the last couple of months, but the last two Tweets he cites as notes (51 & 52) are really interesting because they offer direct contradiction of things Trump has said. It's definitely all coming to a head, that's for sure.

Hmmmmmm doubts been cast on this Seth lad today though, no?
It's a bit too much for my generally skeptical attitude. One of the most concrete data points however is the poor guys who were offed right as the whole thing was going down. Also don't want to get too hopeful about the possibility of impeachment.
It's a bit too much for my generally skeptical attitude. One of the most concrete data points however is the poor guys who were offed right as the whole thing was going down. Also don't want to get too hopeful about the possibility of impeachment.

That part is extremely disturbing. And, without wanting to cross-pollinate too much, seems to be a shady policy of Russia at home and abroad.
It's a bit too much for my generally skeptical attitude. One of the most concrete data points however is the poor guys who were offed right as the whole thing was going down. Also don't want to get too hopeful about the possibility of impeachment.

Definitely. If you read through the mega threads it's disturbing how many people who are connected to the Steele dossier have been killed. There are also lots and lots of questions that need to be answered.
Nothing of not will happen until the Dems take the senate. The GOP will not commit political suicide by removing Trump. I wouldn't say they were in on it but they definitely want it to stay buried.Just look at who Ryan put in charge of the investigation ffs?
Trump is like a team who don't see the things going in its way: he loses the plot and reacts in a nasty way.
And in case anybody bought Spicey's BS:

They're trying to scupper the investigation, IMO.
Anybody else think the health care act was rushed (including the headline 'take it or leave it' approach) and failure calculated to distract from the investigations into the Russian episode?

He's got another Mega-Thread going on too..,

Anyone that does that strikes me as the kind of person that seeks fame more than they wish to give information out. It's an unreadable mess.

He should just write an article to accompany the whole thing.
Anybody else think the health care act was rushed (including the headline 'take it or leave it' approach) and failure calculated to distract from the investigations into the Russian episode?
I don't think so for 2 reasons. 1) Trump rushed everything, from the Yemen raid to the travel ban and now the healthcare. 2) The Russia story may be put aside for a day or two, but then comes back.
They're trying to scupper the investigation, IMO.
it's blatant. Nunes would have been kicked out in a banana republic ffs. The republicans aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Two people have been killed over this thing. How many more have to die before this thing is taken seriously?
Anybody else think the health care act was rushed (including the headline 'take it or leave it' approach) and failure calculated to distract from the investigations into the Russian episode?

No I don't think so. Scrapping Obamacare was such a big thing for Trump and a lot of his supporters, and Trump repeated over and over that he wanted to do it as fast as possible. I don't think they would sacrifice such a big bill just as a cover for something else, even if that something else is the Russia scandal.
The whole world knows Republicans and Trumps inner circle will never allow an impartial investigation into something they're quite obviously guilty of.

We all know they'll do absolutely anything to divert attention from it, they're not very good at hiding that fact at all.

It'd be funny if it wasn't so obvious.

We can only hope Steele testifies and it's taken seriously or the FBI can actually deliver with their investigation.
The whole world knows Republicans and Trumps inner circle will never allow an impartial investigation into something they're quite obviously guilty of.
And yet these people consider themselves to be true patriots; the fact is, they'd sell-out America in the blink of an eye to save their skins or to make a killing. When will Americans wake up to this?
And yet these people consider themselves to be true patriots; the fact is, they'd sell-out America in the blink of an eye to save their skins or to make a killing

Whilst I agree, and it truly sickens me to the core, ironically it fits with their core beliefs of looking after yourself first and foremost and achieving success/making money out of any situation. It's the American dream, baby! Only it will ultimately end up being the American nightmare.
Whilst I agree, and it truly sickens me to the core, ironically it fits with their core beliefs of looking after yourself first and foremost and achieving success/making money out of any situation. It's the American dream, baby! Only it will ultimately end up being the American nightmare.
Generations raised by commercials and by the broadcasted mouthpieces of the rich; no wonder so many fell for the thought-free slogans of 'the people's billionaire'.

Investigation in to Sessions. Jesters timeline is a great read, he's confident shit is going down behind the scenes.

Generations raised by commercials and by the broadcasted mouthpieces of the rich; no wonder so many fell for the thought-free slogans of 'the people's billionaire'.

He preyed on the weak and simple, those with the least and the least to lose and most to gain. The trouble is he will take the little that they do have and they will be left with nothing at all now. I predict the poverty level will rise substantially if Trump continues on this path, unemployment will eventually rise and homeless numbers and bankruptcies will increase. But all the time the right vote based on religious beliefs, gun ownership and pro life beliefs, it's a battle you just will not win.

Obama could have moved the White House to the rust belt or the deep south, invited everyone round for breakfast lunch and dinner every day, paid them wages and offered them all free healthcare, but because he was black with a Muslim sounding name, believed in equal rights for women and gays, and because he believed in a woman's right to choose and abortion, and because he wanted stricter gun controls, well they would never have voted for him no matter what he did. That is the battle going on in the USA. I honestly believe it really does come down to those core beliefs and issues and Trump picked them up and ran with them and never looked back.
So... Nunes went to the WH without telling anyone the day before he went and looked at the surveillance docs, then went back to the WH and reported his findings? Am I getting this right?

Investigation in to Sessions. Jesters timeline is a great read, he's confident shit is going down behind the scenes.

He preyed on the weak and simple, those with the least and the least to lose and most to gain. The trouble is he will take the little that they do have and they will be left with nothing at all now. I predict the poverty level will rise substantially if Trump continues on this path, unemployment will eventually rise and homeless numbers and bankruptcies will increase. But all the time the right vote based on religious beliefs, gun ownership and pro life beliefs, it's a battle you just will not win.

Obama could have moved the White House to the rust belt or the deep south, invited everyone round for breakfast lunch and dinner every day, paid them wages and offered them all free healthcare, but because he was black with a Muslim sounding name, believed in equal rights for women and gays, and because he believed in a woman's right to choose and abortion, and because he wanted stricter gun controls, well they would never have voted for him no matter what he did. That is the battle going on in the USA. I honestly believe it really does come down to those core beliefs and issues and Trump picked them up and ran with them and never looked back.

Many who voted for Trump Had voted for Obama.
Obama carried the Rust Belt States. Even Indiana the first time around.
He was in a 4.5h meeting wearing a single glove (cold that day) and some wingtips. Nothing to see.

13 rounds in 8 weeks :lol:

he says one thing and turns round and does the complete opposite without blinking an eye.

did he keep his promise not to take any pay?

also every weekend in Florida. and he promised to work so hard....

gets sillier by the day.

you know. If he Does work with the Dems...he knows Schumer very well, he may well get Health Care done. He may be unstoppable then.
Many who voted for Trump Had voted for Obama.
Obama carried the Rust Belt States. Even Indiana the first time around.

Yes, indeed, but the staunch Republicans/right wing voters will never change. There's just so much distrust of the Liberals at the moment, and Trump is feeding off this, his fake news narrative isn't helping either.

you know. If he Does work with the Dems...he knows Schumer very well, he may well get Health Care done. He may be unstoppable then

This goes back to what many were saying before the election. Since he's been elected he really hasn't shown this side of him at all, but before, many said (especially @Raoul to be fair) that he was a lifelong New York Liberal. He had donated thousands to the Clintons campaigns and in previous interviews he had seemed very liberal on abortion. Many of his campaign interviews and rally speeches he said that he basically wanted a healthcare system like the NHS. The way he said he wanted everyone to be treated no matter how much money they had etc, is almost saying he wants UHC.

Since being elected he hasn't show one single thing to suggest that he is in any way fair, reasoned or left leaning, quite the opposite, but after his healthcare defeat, and after laying the blame squarely at the feet of the Dems, he did say if they came to him with a plan they could work together. Personally, I think he was just saying that to piss Ryan off and to scare the Republicans in to getting a workable plan together BUT! the complete paradox is how he has spoken about healthcare countless times before.

The only thing he has said that I can believe so far is that my head will spin, not for the reasons he said it, but he's definitely making it spin now.
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