The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: It just gets worse and worse. Trump actually thought that the world paid the USA for Nato contributions before he presents Merkel with made up bill for back payment. No wonder Merkel looked so pissed off In the White House during the press briefing. It also explains why Trump looked so pissed off and refused to shake his hand. Hopefully Merkel just laughed in his face at his stupidity.

His logic is sound.

TBH, I don't blame the aides, he's a hopeless, self-absorbed case who thinks he knows best. You cannot count the times when aides or sr officials have under the condition of confidentiality shared how clueless he is - health care reform being the most recent and prominent problem - and that he doesn't care what he's been told. One article of this weekend states that aides have advised him that blaming the Dems for a failure of health care bill is nonsical. What did he do? Blamed the Dems.

Twitler is a warning for every parent: to stick to a firm 'no' when bringing up our children and to expose them to the real world; don't let them live in a bubble.
Feels contrived at this point. I don't believe for a second that Nunes and Co aren't preparing them for their questions.

Breaking on CNN that Nunes was on WH Grounds before his intel announcement.
It would be incredibly naive if the FBI, NSA or whoever is responsible wouldn't be prepared for Nunes or others undermining the investigation.

IIRC, not just Congress but also Senate are conducting an investigation. It's been very quiet on the Senate's end, I wonder when we'll hear something.
Josh is just being bitchy.
No, Seth Abramson wrote some truly ridiculous things during the primary, then when they proved wrong said he'd just been writing "experimentally". Not a journo I can trust, at any rate.
TBH, I don't blame the aides,

Me neither. This is fundamental stuff that I should think most teenagers know, let alone the President. Yet again it shows his thinking though, that money can solve everything. That's all he cares about, money, full stop. His lack of knowledge on even the most obvious matters is astounding though. I always knew he was dim, but thinking that the world paid the USA for NATO contributions is pushing it even for his dumb ass. It's a wonder how he manages to walk and breath at the same time.
WaPo headline: Trump taps Kushner to lead a SWAT team to fix government with business ideas

Here's a business idea: don't go on vacation right at a critical stage of a project or deal.
Me neither. This is fundamental stuff that I should think most teenagers know, let alone the President. Yet again it shows his thinking though, that money can solve everything. That's all he cares about, money, full stop. His lack of knowledge on even the most obvious matters is astounding though. I always knew he was dim, but thinking that the world paid the USA for NATO contributions is pushing it even for his dumb ass. It's a wonder how he manages to walk and breath at the same time.
But it fits the bigger picture, doesn't it. He thinks the world revolves around him, and likewise, he thinks the Western world revolves around the US.

Remember the presser with Merkel when he insisted that German negotiators were much better at negotiating trade deals than US negotiators and got corrected that it's not Germany negotiating trade deals but the EU? Hell, he doesn't even know these fundamental things.
No, Seth Abramson wrote some truly ridiculous things during the primary, then when they proved wrong said he'd just been writing "experimentally". Not a journo I can trust, at any rate.

Not heard of him. I read n watched Kurt before. Seems pretty good.
Tough work with little budget.
But it fits the bigger picture, doesn't it. He thinks the world revolves around him, and likewise, he thinks the Western world revolves around the US.

Yeah, I suppose it does, but it just goes to show how completely ignorant he is. No matter what you think or believe about him or his financial situation it is a fact that he has travelled the world and mixed with many intelligent, intellectual and important people. You would have thought at the very minimum that from that experience he would have garnered some slight understanding of the world and how things work. The fact he hasn't just shows how completely ignorant he is to anything but himself, as you said, it revolves around him, literally. It's really quite sad when you think of It like that.

:lol: It just gets worse and worse. Trump actually thought that the world paid the USA for Nato contributions before he presents Merkel with made up bill for back payment. No wonder Merkel looked so pissed off In the White House during the press briefing. It also explains why Trump looked so pissed off and refused to shake her hand. Hopefully Merkel just laughed in his face at his stupidity.

His logic is sound.

No shock that Trump might think this. His view would be that since he believes that US was carrying the load, that we allowed the other nations to "join our club" therefore just like with the clubs he owns, dues must be paid right?

Guess he never figured out what an alliance is.
Yeah, I suppose it does, but it just goes to show how completely ignorant he is. No matter what you think or believe about him or his financial situation it is a fact that he has travelled the world and mixed with many intelligent, intellectual and important people. You would have thought at the very minimum that from that experience he would have garnered some slight understanding of the world and how things work. The fact he hasn't just shows how completely ignorant he is to anything but himself, as you said, it revolves around him, literally. It's really quite sad when you think of It like that.

I think those mostly avoided him. As an example - and though not all intelligent and intellectual, and far from the totality - major investment banks (excluding Deutche Bank... because the Germans are not that great at this finance shtick yet) did not do business with him.

Your broad point obviously stands, though.
My very first job after Uni, the hiring manager told me that it was between me or another guy who he got along with because they were both avid golfer.

The reason why I was hired was because the other candidate was a scratch golfer -- and his logic was that any scratch golfer will not be putting as much time as I would at work because he would be on the course half the time to maintain his handicap.
I think we can apply the same logic to con-man Trump.
Knowing how important handicap is to amateur golfers, I have to say it's 100% logical.
I honestly think it is in the best interest to let the GOP set the precedent of removing the 60 vote requirement. They would have done the exact same thing on the next selection anyway. This will level the playing field moving forward.

Gorsuch looking like he is lacking the required votes. Where will Trump turn next?

What's amazing that the Republicanswer are playing the victim card... that the Democrats are playing politics. A tad rich considering that they blocked Obama's nomination from even getting a hearing.
I really don't know what sort of mirrors politicians have at home.
Excellent golfer by all accounts. But his very low handicap is based on 20 scores since something like 2009. Since he's playing about twice a week as president he's clearly not reporting scores. Surprised?

Will probably rip up obama's basketball court and put a putting green in its place.
Anyone found out how Nunes is chair of Intelligence Committee? Sounds odd considering his normal occupation. Was he in the military or a lawyer prior to farming?
What's amazing that the Republicanswer are playing the victim card... that the Democrats are playing politics. A tad rich considering that they blocked Obama's nomination from even getting a hearing. I really don't know what sort of mirrors politicians have at home.
Politicians don't look in mirrors, but I would blame those who voted for them. Trump wouldn't be here if people didn't give him the vote. I'm very worried about the deterioration of our culture than anything else.
Anyone found out how Nunes is chair of Intelligence Committee? Sounds odd considering his normal occupation. Was he in the military or a lawyer prior to farming?

I can't answer that but there is definitely something dodgy going on with him. What his motives are, I have no idea.

Could be...
  • that he's just incredibly partisan and doing whatever he can to help Trump and his associates.
  • that he is as dirty as the rest of them and fears being implicated.
  • that he's received threats on his own or his family's well being. Hardly a stretch of the imagination when we're talking about the Russians, especially considering the ones implicated in providing intelligence to the investigation have been dropping like flies.
  • also, his businesses are tied up in Russian bank's apparently. He might be protecting his own interests and avoiding a situation where his creditors turn on him.
More shite about Devin Nunes. Just drop the investigation if they're going to so blatantly feck it up.
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Trump down to 36% approval with Gallup after last week, which is pretty low. May rebound when he manages to have a week where he manages to stay relatively sane and competent, but if it's this low during mid-terms next year...

Not sure what this is about. Sounds like Grassley is on a fishing expedition to discredit the terms of Steele's employment with Fusion and the FBI. Maybe they're trying to nail him on getting two sources of income once the FBI started paying him to continue his investigation.

On the other hand, it also shows that the FBI trusted Steele and his investigative credentials enough to pay him to continue with the investigation.
Trump down to 36% approval with Gallup after last week, which is pretty low. May rebound when he manages to have a week where he manages to stay relatively sane and competent, but if it's this low during mid-terms next year...

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