The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Such a shame, I think he would have had a great chance against Trump and I think he would have made a brilliant President. I also think millions of people wish he had run too. :( (Yeah, I checked for a blue tick this time)
A fake account isn't fake news, just a fake account. And yeah, it got me.

We all have to be careful. I'm sure there's people on here who have just read the fake account tweets and will miss the correction.

Nearly $17,000 on Golf Cart rentals alone! All going to Trump, and why are they paying for golf cart rental? Is Trump seriously charging the Secret Service for when they follow him round the golf course? How many carts do they have for fecks sake? And how much is each cart? He is seriously taking the piss and milking the government for every penny he can. Sorry, the US taxpayer. This is what should be pissing the Trump supporters off more than anything. If they can tolerate the lies then this should disgust them. Let's not forget it's cost nearly $40 MILLION to protect Melania just because she insists on staying in New York. Feck, if Trump wasn't a multi billionaire as many suspect he wasn't, he sure as hell will be by the time he leaves office. Once again, how is he getting away with any of this?

Nearly $17,000 on Golf Cart rentals alone! All going to Trump, and why are they paying for golf cart rental? Is Trump seriously charging the Secret Service for when they follow him round the golf course? How many carts do they have for fecks sake? And how much is each cart? He is seriously taking the piss and milking the government for every penny he can. Sorry, the US taxpayer. This is what should be pissing the Trump supporters off more than anything. If they can tolerate the lies then this should disgust them. Let's not forget it's cost nearly $40 MILLION to protect Melania just because she insists on staying in New York. Feck, if Trump wasn't a multi billionaire as many suspect he wasn't, he sure as hell will be by the time he leaves office. Once again, how is he getting away with any of this?

There are only so many battles to fight. This cnut has normalised things. Corruption and conflict of interests are just words now.
Ok. tbh I have been fooled a few times with these accounts. To save my future embarrassments, what should I look for in fake accounts?

Blue tick means verified account.
What numbers? I still have no idea how the US immigration system works.

Trump seems to think there is one road with a door at the end where people knock, then say "I'd like to come in and work illegally please" and he's come up with a cunning plan. Put someone there and say "Nope" and send them packing.
Thats how most Brexiters think it works ;)
Reading through a politico article, if you think times are hard for Ryan now with the freedom caucus and the GOP's conservative core, its only going to get worse soon when the Republicans will have to vote to raise the debt ceiling.

Things won't get any easier for Ryan. He will now have to find a way to deliver on Trump's border wall, which Democrats have vowed to block. The possibility of a government shutdown looms in late April and again in October unless Republicans can figure out how to keep funding going. The debt ceiling has to be increased this summer, always a tough vote for GOP lawmakers. An expensive infrastructure package that conservatives hate will require Democratic buy-in.

Remember the shutdown and other shenanigans they pulled during the Obama years?
That he is, and a condescending one at that, but he seems quite adamant that there is nothing to the Russian stories. Hopefully his confidence is misplaced but from that interview you would have to say he doesn't look the slightest bit worried at all.

Of course he would be..that cnuts never told the truth in his life
How many people is that now?

The Daily Mail really are absolute cnuts. They've posted a picture of Steele with "a female companion believed to be his wife" and blurred out all the faces but theirs in an article about a spy being murdered for dealing with Steele. Why wouldn't she get the "luxury" of not having her face in an article that will be read world wide? Disgusting.
This thread is proving a marvellous distraction from what is going on in the UK. Its like House of Cards.
Oh god I didn't realise it was that guy, abort abort!

Yup, he's played 13 times now since becoming President.

My very first job after Uni, the hiring manager told me that it was between me or another guy who he got along with because they were both avid golfer.

The reason why I was hired was because the other candidate was a scratch golfer -- and his logic was that any scratch golfer will not be putting as much time as I would at work because he would be on the course half the time to maintain his handicap.
I think we can apply the same logic to con-man Trump.
Kushner to talk to senator committee about Russia ties

Feels contrived at this point. I don't believe for a second that Nunes and Co aren't preparing them for their questions.

:lol: It just gets worse and worse. Trump actually thought that the world paid the USA for Nato contributions before he presents Merkel with made up bill for back payment. No wonder Merkel looked so pissed off In the White House during the press briefing. It also explains why Trump looked so pissed off and refused to shake her hand. Hopefully Merkel just laughed in his face at his stupidity.

and his logic was that any scratch golfer will not be putting as much time as I would at work because he would be on the course half the time to maintain his handicap.

His logic is sound.
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