The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's been under a lot of pressure after Twitter found out he was in neo-fascist group back in the day, and apparently still supports them.

Oh good lord. The amount of things that sound like fiction surrounding Trump....

Cheers for the link. (I couldn't remember his name at the point of my first question. Googling "Smug tw4t working with trump" is like a bad Guess Who question)
HFC 1 - 0 DJT :D

As much as I object the HFC's ideology and unwilligness to compromise, I appreciate they taught 45 and his cronies some important lessons about real-life politics.

Poor courageous petals, they are just realizing how hard it can be obstructing, especially when it's a rich vulgar white guy and not a humble black guy with a Muslim name. cnuts.

Here we go boys! March 28th!


*2 days I know, but it's too late to edit it right now :D
:lol: I don't know what to believe anymore!

Question for our German members: how important are the American bases to your overall security? Are they a financial boon to the local towns and cities like Kaiserslautern?

Actually it costs the Areas a lot to have the bases there - there might be some businesses that profit from it and some civilian jobs for Germans - but it is mainly bars etc. The soldiers and their family buy their stuff in their own groceries. But it is other costs for infrastructure and payments Germany is obliged to pay that makes it really expensive.

Actually they are more a burden...

Here is an article in German from 2013 about it.

Like the US military is building a new military hospital for own use in Germany - and because of a contract made in 1975 Germany has to pay 127 million EUR for it...

Overall security... - we do not have any borders to "enemies" anymore and are in the middle of Europe.
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Hannity has become more toxic in recent years. He was a bit more benign (albeit slightly) during the Hannity & Colmes days. Colmes was definitely a moderating influence when they were together. Once Ailes allowed him to go solo, he become completely unleashed at a time when he was competing for relevance in the right of center movement against the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and the rest of the 2nd tier talk radio muppets (Savage, Levin, et al).

Honestly, I wouldn't know enough to comment about the show's evolution -- watching any more than 10 minutes would required me to replace my TV or it would have increased my BP to dangerous levels.
The last 2 times we have approached or exceeded 4% GDP growth it was followed by a recession because the economy grew on the back of a bubble. They want to create a new bubble.
The freedom caucus have wound up being quite helpful in causing a fracture within the GOP. Drumpf is now going to have to juggle them, along side moderates and all the Dems. Won't be easy to get anything accomplished, especially with all the Russia stuff in the back ground.
The freedom caucus have wound up being quite helpful in causing a fracture within the GOP. Drumpf is now going to have to juggle them, along side moderates and all the Dems. Won't be easy to get anything accomplished, especially with all the Russia stuff in the back ground.

Dare I say... a 'weak leader?'!!

karma is a bitch!

No need for a 'big beautiful wall' now?

I have a image of poor Gen Kelly standing by the border directing the ICE to do things.
More nepotism incoming...

President Trump plans to unveil a new White House office on Monday with sweeping authority to overhaul the federal bureaucracy and fulfill key campaign promises — such as reforming care for veterans and fighting opioid addiction — by harvesting ideas from the business world and, potentially, privatizing some government functions.

The White House Office of American Innovation, to be led by Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, will operate as its own nimble power center within the West Wing and will report directly to Trump. Viewed internally as a SWAT team of strategic consultants, the office will be staffed by former business executives and is designed to infuse fresh thinking into Washington, float above the daily political grind and create a lasting legacy for a president still searching for signature achievements.

No need for a 'big beautiful wall' now?

I have a image of poor Gen Kelly standing by the border directing the ICE to do things.

What numbers? I still have no idea how the US immigration system works.

Trump seems to think there is one road with a door at the end where people knock, then say "I'd like to come in and work illegally please" and he's come up with a cunning plan. Put someone there and say "Nope" and send them packing.
What numbers? I still have no idea how the US immigration system works.

Trump seems to think there is one road with a door at the end where people knock, then say "I'd like to come in and work illegally please" and he's come up with a cunning plan. Put someone there and say "Nope" and send them packing.

No worries -- Trump doesnt either.... amongst a yuge litany of stuff he doesnt know much about.
No worries -- Trump doesnt either.... amongst a yuge litany of stuff he doesnt know much about.
Like that net immigration with Mexico has been hovering around zero for some time now, and many trying to get into America are fleeing the gang wars in Central America perpetuated by the War on Drugs perpetuated by America...

It wasn't actually Meryl Streep you guys. At least check for a blue tick.

Another case of langster falling for fake news :)
Feck, he barely does that if you include all the security briefings he skips and the fact he watches 5-6 hours of tv a day. He's a lazy cnut.

He's back...................... :D

This will just bug the feck out of Trump now -- what a way to end the shitty week! To have the man he despises (and really is jealous of) come back into the limelight.
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