The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'll have you all know that The I Love Judge Jeanine Show is endorsed by Krusty and Lionel Hutz.
:D What an impressive demonstration of his cluelessness.

When you read the great long article that sglowrider posted the other day... becomes clear just how much of a problem Trump's domineering approach is when doing the delicate work needed to put together a slim majority. He thought he could bully and bluff people into support and they ended up losing votes instead of gaining them.
He showed no understanding of policy in any of those "negotiations" either. I was amazed to read how many congressmen said things to the effect of "he turned on the charm but this is all about policy".

He thought they'd cave if he dangled a few shiny things in front of them.
:D What an impressive demonstration of his cluelessness.

Or a very big sign of doing what Putin wants.

Putin's motives and goals are never really clear, but one thing is. NATO. He would certainly love to see a weakened NATO, and trump is seemingly working to unbalance it. I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago..
HFC 1 - 0 DJT :D

As much as I object the HFC's ideology and unwilligness to compromise, I appreciate they taught 45 and his cronies some important lessons about real-life politics.

Or a very big sign of doing what Putin wants.

Putin's motives and goals are never really clear, but one thing is. NATO. He would certainly love to see a weakened NATO, and trump is seemingly working to unbalance it. I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago..
Agree on Putin loving this but is it in his interest that Twitler embarrasses himself and his voters as utterly clueless? I don't know. Putin knows Merkel quite well. He knows she wouldn't budge, whether 45 tweets BS about NATO finances or crafts a fake bill. I remember McCain, Mattis, Tillerson, Pence publicly insisting that Germany and other NATO members fullfill their contribution but none of them managed to embarrass themselves. They were blunt in their message but as professional as you expect politicians to be.
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Can we all just stop for a minute and bask in this glory. Someone actually telling Hannity the truth for a change. Lovely. I know he won't care and it wont make a difference but so what? It's nice to see regardless! Actually, it's beautiful!

Can we all just stop for a minute and bask in this glory. Someone actually telling Hannity the truth for a change. Lovely. I know he won't care and it wont make a difference but so what? It's nice to see regardless! Actually, it's beautiful!

That's lovely. Hannity is an absolutely appalling human being.
That's lovely. Hannity is an absolutely appalling human being.

Quite telling when you've got someone in Koppel who was generally perceived as being more Republican leaning back in the day saying it.
Hannity has become more toxic in recent years. He was a bit more benign (albeit slightly) during the Hannity & Colmes days. Colmes was definitely a moderating influence when they were together. Once Ailes allowed him to go solo, he become completely unleashed at a time when he was competing for relevance in the right of center movement against the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and the rest of the 2nd tier talk radio muppets (Savage, Levin, et al).

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Priebus held out the possibility of working with moderate Democrats as well as Republicans to pass other aspects of Trump's agenda, such as his proposed budget, the revamp of the tax code and a renewed effort at healthcare reform.

"If we can come up with a bill that accomplishes the goals of the president with Republicans alone, we'll take it and we'll move forward with it," Priebus said.

But he added: "I think it's more or less a warning shot that we're willing to talk to anyone. We always have been and I think more so now than ever."

Pruitt will be an absolute catastrophe for the environment. I just don't understand the Republican position at all. Surely every one wants to live on a habitable planet.
Pruitt will be an absolute catastrophe for the environment. I just don't understand the Republican position at all. Surely every one wants to live on a habitable planet.
They'll be dead before it matters, and their kids'll be rich enough to scarper off somewhere liveable.
:lol: I don't know what to believe anymore!

Question for our German members: how important are the American bases to your overall security? Are they a financial boon to the local towns and cities like Kaiserslautern?
I guess it's a matter of perception. I personally wouldn't feel one bit less secure if all US bases were closed. However, I don't feel threatened, never have, although I grew up along the German border (West Germany) and watched quite a bit GDR TV as a kid, with all these prepostrous military parades and aggressive speeches from Honecker and his cronies. However, if Putin decides to invade Germany or go nuclear, it's clear as mud we wouldn't stand a chance without US support - but doubt that US bases in Germany would suffice.
Financially, I assume it matters to local towns with little else more than to bigger cities in more populated areas and opportunities (Coleman barracks in Mannheim comes to mind - do they still exist?).
He hardly gave Koppel time to say what he wanted to. Sign of a terrible human being.

From what I've seen of him that's all he ever does. Whenever someone makes an argument about science/christianity/non-right politics that he knows deep down is correct he just interupts them, either by talking right over them and/or laughing. He's despicable.
Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised


What’s particularly notable is that the number of airstrikes actually decreasedin March (with a week left), even as civilian deaths rose — strongly suggesting that the U.S. military has become even more reckless about civilian deaths under Trump.
Where has that smug english tw4t gone that used to do interviews early on? Fired? Haven't seen anything from the guy in a good while.
Roger Stone is quite the nutter.

That he is, and a condescending one at that, but he seems quite adamant that there is nothing to the Russian stories. Hopefully his confidence is misplaced but from that interview you would have to say he doesn't look the slightest bit worried at all.
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