The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nunes has shared everything the IC has on them. They're going to have an answer for everything.

If Nunes' name has been mentioned in any incidental collection, Comey will have ensured he was careful with what was shared with Nunes and the committee.
That is rather strange since the Enquirer has been a Drumpf mouthpiece of late.
Positioning an individual as a spy and sacraficing them us better than taking down half if the Trump inner circle (including the POTUS himself)?
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Will be interesting to see where healthcare goes now given that more and more people want a single payer system.

Positioning an individual as a spy and scrafucing them us better than taking down half if the Trump inner circle (including the POTUS himself)?

They wouldn't need to do it if they were all innocent. Someone has obviously done something wrong which is why the knives are coming out early.
That is rather strange since the Enquirer has been a Drumpf mouthpiece of late.

Yep, it could be that Trump's been tipped off that Flynn is cooperating and is under witness protection.

This way they can cast suspicion on Flynn and make him look like the only guilty person, when it does get leaked out to the media that Flynn is cooperating.
Yep, it could be that Trump's been tipped off that Flynn is cooperating and is under witness protection.

This way they can cast suspicion on Flynn and make him look like the only guilty person, when it does get leaked out to the media that Flynn is cooperating.

That'll only play with deplorables surely though. There's so many threads out there at the moment and I don't think they're good enough to pull off subtle plays.
That'll only play with deplorables surely though. There's so many threads out there at the moment and I don't think they're good enough to pull off subtle plays.

That's the only base he can rely on to support him if Flynn starts claiming Trump's been compromised. The time will come when the Republican party will be forced to admit Trump is a Russian asset and to have him booted out.
It's like his entire Presidency is some sort of satirical masterpiece, a good 7-10 years in the making.

It's really amazing how many of his Tweets about Obama are actually damning his own Presidency. It's like psychic projection on a different level :lol: If he had any kind of awareness he would be too embarrassed to show his face again, sadly though the man knows no shame.
Inquirer magazine's claim about Flynn makes it look that way.


Shit. That explains why the 3 Stooges called a press conference. I just wonder what's going to be said by everyone here and whom is going to stitch up whom?

I need to pinch myself to remind myself this is real, this is the USA Presidency we are talking about here and this isn't some TV programme or movie, or even some other country in South America or Africa.
If thats really happening, he'll lose any influence over mainstream GOPler. Quite suicidal.

He's more popular than the party, Paul Ryan, McConnell. He still has Pence (who has better favourables than him).

Edit: but I can see congress/senate stepping up the non-cooperation.
If thats really happening, he'll lose any influence over mainstream GOPler. Quite suicidal.
Priebus is pretty close with Ryan so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a punishment for him in that regard, if true. I've no doubt Trump thinks he can strongarm Congress if he has his own way.
Shit. That explains why the 3 Stooges called a press conference. I just wonder what's going to be said by everyone here and whom is going to stitch up whom?

I need to pinch myself to remind myself this is real, this is the USA Presidency we are talking about here and this isn't some TV programme or movie, or even some other country in South America or Africa.

They're coordinating something together, but who knows what lies they will come out with.
Priebus is pretty close with Ryan so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a punishment for him in that regard, if true. I've no doubt Trump thinks he can strongarm Congress if he has his own way.
yes. I tend to agree on both issues. Priebus being close to Ryan is a huge asset for Trump. The analysis, that Ryan messed this up is imo very misleading. He didn't deliberatly fail, but just couldn't get enough support; partly because of Trumps strategy. If Ryan is unable to gather support from the House, which other GOPler could do it any better? I don't think that there is any.
There is this "Hollywood" perception about political negotiations and Trump seems to buy into it. For him it is all about power-plays, deception, blackmails and bluffs. But that is not how it works in reality. Negotiations are all about understanding details and being able to craft compromises, that everyone can get on board with. For that you need guys like Priebus, who know everyone and who have some level of authority. If Trump sacks Priebus, he eliminates his own ability to organize support. I'd love it, because he might end up as lame duck.
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