The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It is worth knowing that the freedom caucus is against the “boarder adjustment” part of a potential tax-reform. Considering how things are going I struggle to see how this administration is able to pass any ambitious reform. My best guess is that we end up with some corporate tax cuts that are going to be debt financed.
I was just about to ask whether that's a rather uniform position of the HFC or just of some individuals. Also, as Politico pointed out (Tax reform next? Maybe not., with Trumpcare's implosion, nearly $1 trillion taxes (or savings) will be missing to finance the promised drastic tax cuts.
Just realised that I haven't heard of Priebus being involved in any of this of late, whereas Bannon's name was everywhere. Chief of Staff in name only by the looks of it.

His next pick for Supreme Court Judge. LOL!

Jeez I cannot stand that woman, she just rants and rants and rants in her opening segment and is so condescending and holier than thou. Her and Trump together, wow, she will be unbearable slurping up to the Supreme Leader.
I was just about to ask whether that's a rather uniform position of the HFC or just of some individuals. Also, as Politico pointed out (Tax reform next? Maybe not., with Trumpcare's implosion, nearly $1 trillion taxes (or savings) will be missing to finance the promised drastic tax cuts.

They are not uniformly against it, but the majority is. I expect other high profile MPs to be against it as well. Some powerful lobby groups might not fancy it and they can mobilize a couple of people. My personal opinion is, that something like BAT could be done if the administration is making enough of effort to convince members of house and senat. Yet after this failure, they already pissed of a lot of their own people and Trump seems to be completely incapable of negotiating behind the scenes. All he does is public bullying and that doesn’t work when it comes to legislation. It makes any compromise or nuanced positions impossible.

His next pick for Supreme Court Judge. LOL!

Jeez I cannot stand that woman, she just rants and rants and rants in her opening segment and is so condescending and holier than thou. Her and Trump together, wow, she will be unbearable slurping up to the Supreme Leader.

Somehow its not even news today that the fecking POTUS is advertising television shows on twitter.
The thought just struck me about how Obama is still winning without even having to try. One of his greatest fears when finishing his presidency must have been that his landmark health bill would be gutted. Instead, the GOP gutted themselves.
Somehow its not even news today that the fecking POTUS is advertising television shows on twitter.

Yup, he's been doing it since day one I think. Usually Fox & Friends, but Hannity has had a few mentions too, and now this stupid bint. I bet his old mate Bill-O is feeling more than a little jealous.

I'd rather see Judge Jules as the next SCOTUS than charlatans like Napolitano or Pirro.

:lol: Like a Hot Dog, he's on a roll!
whats the deal with Paul Ryan? Is he a krazed neo con or left centrist? Could he be in the running for President one day?
It's time to meet the POTUS on his muppet show tonight'
Judge Jeanine going to reveal "stunning new details" tonight on the wiretap claims. Wonder what nonsense they will come out with.

Trumps excited

He's definitely tapped. Or taped.
I think we all know the only legal opinion we need to hear is that of Judge Rinder.
Is it only me or the number of likes and retweets that he got today is considerably smaller than before?

Tax reform next. They were saying on CNN yesterday that past Presidents have been trying for over 30 years to get some sort of meaningful tax reform but to no avail. Apparently due to Obamacare staying and how the taxes are tied up in that make it exceedingly unlikely that Trump will be able to achieve it either. Is this going to be yet another humiliating loss for Trump and his team? I'm no expert on US tax reform so i'm only going on what I heard, I'm sure others here will be able to help explain it a little more.
The thought of him using a Sharpie on the resolute desk...
A "big" sharpie too... I can't help but imagine one like this

With his notes being monosyllabic
Somehow its not even news today that the fecking POTUS is advertising television shows on twitter.
My thoughts too.
whats the deal with Paul Ryan? Is he a krazed neo con or left centrist? Could he be in the running for President one day?
At a 2005 Washington, D.C. gathering celebrating the 100th anniversary of Ayn Rand's birth,[144][145] Ryan credited Rand as inspiring him to get involved in public service.[146] In a speech that same year at the Atlas Society, he said he grew up reading Rand, and that her books taught him about his value system and beliefs.[147][148] Ryan required staffers and interns in his congressional office to read Rand[148]and gave copies of her novel Atlas Shrugged as gifts to his staff for Christmas.[149][150] In his Atlas Societyspeech, he also described Social Security as a "socialist-based system".[151]
But then in 2012...
after receiving criticism from Georgetown University faculty members on his budget plan, Ryan rejected Rand's philosophy as an atheistic one, saying it "reduces human interactions down to mere contracts".[152] He also called the reports of his adherence to Rand's views an "urban legend" and stated that he was deeply influenced by his Roman Catholic faith and by Thomas Aquinas.[153] Yaron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute, maintains that Ryan is not a Rand disciple, and that some of his proposals do not follow Rand's philosophy of limited government; Brook refers to Ryan as a "fiscal moderate".[154]
A week of consistent failure = reward with a trip to the golf course.

I really think he doesn't give a shite about this presidency thing anymore. Won't surprise me if he's already bored.

Tax reform next. They were saying on CNN yesterday that past Presidents have been trying for over 30 years to get some sort of meaningful tax reform but to no avail. Apparently due to Obamacare staying and how the taxes are tied up in that make it exceedingly unlikely that Trump will be able to achieve it either. Is this going to be yet another humiliating loss for Trump and his team? I'm no expert on US tax reform so i'm only going on what I heard, I'm sure others here will be able to help explain it a little more.

It was being discussed if he was already a lame-duck president, on CNN last night.
Lindsey Graham getting roasted in heavily GOP South Carolina town hall about Drumpf-Russia at the moment.
I'd like to point this out in regards to Ryan's excuse making about "being an opposition party changing to being a governing party"...

The Democrats came in off the heels of GWB, a 12 year period of GOP control of the House, and a 10 of 12 year period of GOP control of the Senate, and passed the ACA.
I really think he doesn't give a shite about this presidency thing anymore. Won't surprise me if he's already bored.
You may be right. I'm sure he loved (and desperately wanted) the excitement of the campaign and the thrill of the win. Now, it's years of hassle and negotiation over all sorts of things he's probably not that interested in.
Lindsey Graham getting roasted in heavily GOP South Carolina town hall about Drumpf-Russia at the moment.
The bit I just watched now was mostly good though.

I disagree with him on growing the defense budget, but he's saying he supports raising Medicare and Social Security taxes on the wealthy
He said he's "not ready to call for an independent investigation" at the town hall.

That's disappointing to hear him say that.

It appears Graham has backtracked on the matter :(

At one point, both Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham — two Republican Senators who are notably hawkish on Russia — were arguing that there should be some independent review. But they’ve since reversed course, joining the GOP caucus in saying that the standing committee process is good enough.
whats the deal with Paul Ryan? Is he a krazed neo con or left centrist? Could he be in the running for President one day?

Well, he's an utter half-wit with a completely undeserved reputation for political know-how. So, yeah, I think Eddie has a pretty good shot of being nominated by the Republicans someday.

whats the deal with Paul Ryan? Is he a krazed neo con or left centrist? Could he be in the running for President one day?

Neither. He's hard right on economics, and has publicly called for gutting social security and last week you could feel his boner when he talked about gutting Medicaid. I'm not sure about his foreign policy but I'm going to assume he follows the republican line.
Someone asked him a good question mid-thread... why would these guys agree to this?

a) they are innocent and showing that they have nothing to hide by making them self available

b) they have something to hide and are making it look like they are innocent all while avoiding a subpoena and having to testify live on TV. They were always going to have to testify given the scale of how involved they are perceived to be. Better to come in to questions on their terms that having to be served a subpoena
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