The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That was what Trump was telling people to watch earlier :lol:
So Judge Jeanine reveals nothing new whatsoever on the Trump wiretap.

Fox were claiming to have "stunning new details" on the wiretap story tonight.

That was what Trump was telling people to watch earlier :lol:

The Judge and her surreal, wine guzzling rants are more SNL than reality.

Funny as hell that Drumpf wanted to people to hear her remarks though. No coordination at all. ;)
The Judge and her surreal, wine guzzling rants are more SNL than reality.

Funny as hell that Drumpf wanted to people to hear her remarks though. No coordination at all. ;)

Suspect it was to do with the wiretap story. Fox had a banner saying "stunning new developments" on Judge Jeanine on the screen in the morning.

Though nothing new whatsoever was revealed in that segment :lol:
Kayyem is now backtracking on her claim that sources told her Flynn may have a deal with the FBI
The Judge and her surreal, wine guzzling rants are more SNL than reality.

Funny as hell that Drumpf wanted to people to hear her remarks though. No coordination at all. ;)
She does sound pretty tanked up.

They clearly added some wiretapping stuff to give him (barely) plausible deniability on the Ryan lead. Sounds very Bannon.

Yeah I think she went a bit overboard in introducing speculation to answer for Flynn's disappearance from testimony. She has also been a big proponent of cutting a deal with him in exchange for his testimony - not sure if the circumstances are right for that to happen yet.
If the FBI/NSA/CIA would have had any conclusive evidence about Trump cooperating/colluding with Russia, trump would have never become president. One way or another they would have ended his bid. Does anyone really think that they gathered any new conclusive evidence after he got elected? That makes little sense.
What they might have are leads or evidence about stuff that looks bad, but that is not incriminating (e.g. I remember posting month before the election a NYT story that outlined Flynns connections to various lobby-groups, that represent states like Turkey or Russia; these are known facts, but not criminal behaviour). Thats why we get all this hear-say and these leaks. They can damage Trump but the idea that he gets really impeached about it is very unlikely. It is just like with Hillary just in reverse (in the sense, that republicans paddled the narrative that she'd get charged with something *any day*, but it obviously never happened). There was literally the same talk about XYZ (e.g. Huma Abedin) making deals with the FBI an all this stuff. Ever 2-3 days certain posters here post the same kind of tweets (usually from democratic mouthpieces) that *this time* Trump really gets caught. You never know with Trump, but don't get your hopes up. 95% is just obvious partisan propaganda and has nothing to do with credible journalism.
If the FBI/NSA/CIA would have had any conclusive evidence about Trump cooperating/colluding with Russia, trump would have never become president. One way or another they would have ended his bid. Does anyone really think that they gathered any new conclusive evidence after he got elected? That makes little sense.
What they might have are leads or evidence about stuff that looks bad, but that is not incriminating (e.g. I remember posting month before the election a NYT story that outlined Flynns connections to various lobby-groups, that represent states like Turkey or Russia; these are known facts, but not criminal behaviour). Thats why we get all this hear-say and these leaks. They can damage Trump but the idea that he gets really impeached about it is very unlikely. It is just like with Hillary just in reverse (in the sense, that republicans paddled the narrative that she'd get charged with something *any day*, but it obviously never happened). There was literally the same talk about XYZ (e.g. Huma Abedin) making deals with the FBI an all this stuff. Ever 2-3 days certain posters here post the same kind of tweets (usually from democratic mouthpieces) that *this time* Trump really gets caught. You never know with Trump, but don't get your hopes up. 95% is just obvious partisan propaganda and has nothing to do with credible journalism.
I'm inclined to agree on incriminating stuff, I'm mainly just hoping that the pee story gets corroborated.
I'm sure they've collected more evidence since he was elected, but doubt they have a smoking gun yet just lots more circumstantial stuff. I don't think he'll get impeached successfully, he'll jump before it gets to that stage to weasel himself out of criminal proceedings.
Blaming his healthcare defeat on Priebus is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Real leaders take responsibility for their actions, less so when they succeed and more so when they fail.

The bucks stops everywhere as the ol' saying goes.
Wow...wonder what happened here. Wonder if his Russian ties were seen as a liability, or whether it was just because he was a confrontational wanker.

Wow...wonder what happened here. Wonder if his Russian ties were seen as a liability, or whether it was just because he was a confrontational wanker.

Are there any guys around Twitler without Russian ties? They seem to be in the minority.
In Ephsteyn's case, he is actually Russian. Born in Moscow and all that.
Yes, I read that but my question remains. It seems as if many guys that surround Twitler have a tie to Russia. That's by no means a crime but a bit odd.
I'm sure they've collected more evidence since he was elected, but doubt they have a smoking gun yet just lots more circumstantial stuff. I don't think he'll get impeached successfully, he'll jump before it gets to that stage to weasel himself out of criminal proceedings.

It's incredibly hard to imagine a smoking gun existing tbh.

Short of there being video evidence of Trump being handed money by Putin and being told what to do I can't think what evidence could tie him to Vlad the lad.

Everyone is going down before Donald that's for sure.
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