The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Looks like the Flynn thing is taking off. Juliette Kayyem seems to be on to something.

Don't want to get my hopes up high yet. Does anyone follow Fox or Breitbart, are they throwing Flynn under the bus, too?
Not seen any mention of Flynn on Fox in the limited time i've watched it recently.
Thanks. I would expect they turn on Flynn when 45 or Bannon tell them to so we might read too much into the National Enquire story.
I got this covered, @langster

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Don't want to get my hopes up high yet. Does anyone follow Fox or Breitbart, are they throwing Flynn under the bus, too?
Kayyem is a great person for sources though. They undersell her in that tweet.

Former Assistant Secretary in the Dept of Homeland Security under Janet Napolitano, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and member of the Homeland Security Advisory Committee under Jeh Johnson
Kayyem is a great person for sources though. They undersell her in that tweet.

Former Assistant Secretary in the Dept of Homeland Security under Janet Napolitano, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and member of the Homeland Security Advisory Committee under Jeh Johnson
I didn't mean to underrate her as a source but remain a bit sceptical regarding the impact of Flynn's flipping and if it's enough to boot Twitler out of the WH. I'd be a tad more optimistic if the pro-Donnie outlets were turning the heat up on Flynn to discredit him further (if that's possible). It would mean that 45 feels the heat.
Putting the impression he's not got any respect for Comey and Rogers out there.

I honestly don't think Roger Stone has respect for anyone. I think he'd sell his mum if it benefitted him. That's why he gets on so well with Trump, they are both as unscrupulous and as conscienceless as each other. I agree that's his tactic with that Tweet though, although I don't think it will fool anyone.
Sounds like the FBI may have done a deal with Flynn for information on a bigger target.
Sounds like the FBI may have done a deal with Flynn for information on a bigger target.

See my earlier post. It was clear as day from the early stages. I'm actually surprised there wasn't any bravado to hide it. Maybe they wanted it to be obvious to invoke some panic plays.

I think that sums Republicans up perfectly. They should be fecking ashamed.

That's actually somewhat humbling. I'm obviously a very left leaning liberal but I've got no issue with people who actually believe in conservative values. It's just a different point of view at the end of the day. What I do have issue with is blatant disregard of social and climate issues when it's obvious the only reason is personal gain. So when a conservative politician is honest enough to recognise that the political focus seems to be on oneupmanship rather than actual values you have to appreciate that they are actually in it for honest beliefs rather than personal gains.
That's actually somewhat humbling. I'm obviously a very left leaning liberal but I've got no issue with people who actually believe in conservative values. It's just a different point of view at the end of the day. What I do have issue with is blatant disregard of social and climate issues when it's obvious the only reason is personal gain. So when a conservative politician is honest enough to recognise that the political focus seems to be on oneupmanship rather than actual values you have to appreciate that they are actually in it for honest beliefs rather than personal gains.

I completely agree, it just infuriates me that the 8 years were spent trying to stop something and someone rather that working towards something, and it obviously upset some of them too. Ironically, now they have the chance to change things they can't agree on how to do it and failed at the first hurdle. I too believe their are some honest Republicans, it's just they appear to be very few and far between. Now more than ever though they need to come together and do the right thing, we shall just have to wait and see if they do or not.
I completely agree, it just infuriates me that the 8 years were spent trying to stop something and someone rather that working towards something, and it obviously upset some of them too. Ironically, now they have the chance to change things they can't agree on how to do it and failed at the first hurdle. I too believe their are some honest Republicans, it's just they appear to be very few and far between. Now more than ever though they need to come together and do the right thing, we shall just have to wait and see if they do or not.
I won't hold my breath to it. I had great respect to Mitt Romney during the last presidential campaign. He made his views about Trump very very clear. Then what? Once Trump won, he ran to trump Tower in search for a job in the new administration.

As for the quote of the Florida congressman: in general, Republicans are very good in getting elected, but they're not good in governing. Democrats are not as good in getting elected but they do better (not great, but better) in governing.
Apparently that's what the rumours are, he's flipped on Twitler.

The target does not necessarily have to be Trump. FBI deal could just be Flynn offering evidence against other people like Page/Manafort or offering vital information on the Russia spying network in the US.

Best case scenario would be Flynn having some proof Trump was directly involved, but there's a lot of scenarios where a FBI deal could be reached without flipping on Trump.
If what we think of his ties to Russia is true, and I believe it is, surely a guy like Flynn making a deal with the FBI should be the beginning of the end of the Donald, right? Basically a textbook example of how to bring down a criminal organization: get to the lower guys, get dirt on them, get them to feel wronged by the big guys, and then have them turn on the bosses. Repeat this until you have enough dirt on the boss and bring him down.
Obviously this could still take a lot of time. But if the FBI has someone like Flynn working against Trump already, I would think it likely he doesn't survive his first term.
Or am I too optimistic here?
If what we think of his ties to Russia is true, and I believe it is, surely a guy like Flynn making a deal with the FBI should be the beginning of the end of the Donald, right? Basically a textbook example of how to bring down a criminal organization: get to the lower guys, get dirt on them, get them to feel wronged by the big guys, and then have them turn on the bosses. Repeat this until you have enough dirt on the boss and bring him down.
Obviously this could still take a lot of time. But if the FBI has someone like Flynn working against Trump already, I would think it likely he doesn't survive his first term.
Or am I too optimistic here?
Flynn's always come across as a true believer to me, I'm still sceptical he's going to reveal any dirt on Trump himself. And as with Nixon, he can probably cope with revelations of his underlings being revealed as dodgy, there'd need to be evidence of his own involvement to bring him down. Unfortunately, it's unlikely he's taped all of his own conversations.
Cover up is in full flow

Anyone that thinks all you need to do is delete things.... probably shouldn't be anywhere near public office.

That's something my 60 year old mother would think of doing.

With the level of surveillance and intel in the hands of a true investigation, there's no deleting. No running. No hiding. It's all backed up, saved under lock and key. Forever.
Flynn's always come across as a true believer to me, I'm still sceptical he's going to reveal any dirt on Trump himself. And as with Nixon, he can probably cope with revelations of his underlings being revealed as dodgy, there'd need to be evidence of his own involvement to bring him down. Unfortunately, it's unlikely he's taped all of his own conversations.
I don't know, maybe he taped them to have something to listen to while masturbating. Strikes me as the type.

Seriously, I don't think believe matters much. Those guys are first and foremost believers in themselves. If there is dirt on them, they'll try to save their own skin above anything else. At least that's my thinking. In my naive view, Flynn would be the first step on the steep pile of crap the authorities have to climb to get to the Donald.

Seeing that Bannon and Trump are so easily willing to throw someone like Ryan to the wolves strikes me as a positive thing, too. Things like these make other members of his administration reconsider their loyalties.
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