The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Off to Mar a Largo this weekend? If so, you can expect the tweets in about 3-4hrs.

I saw a tweet with his weekend schedule. No weekend trip, no public events. More time for him to watch TV and tweet. :wenger:
Someone posted this elsewhere. Perhaps they have a point? The truth, as always, is probably between the two.

Sadly, you are completely missing the point. What has he achieved? He has authorised Keystone, gutted the EPA, empowered coal, proposed a huge windfall for the military industrial complex, nominated one of the most conservative and youngest (ergo longest serving) Supreme Court judges of all time - all with no scandal or opposition.

Far from dumb, it is a master class of magician's misdirection, getting the talking heads to yap ineffectively about a mixed bag of populist and completely invented issues while he quietly advances his core agenda: Failure on health care? Not really. He has used it to throw Ryan under a bus, and called the bluff of the right wing of his party. He will have much less internal opposition going forward. Ryan, in particular, has lost all credibility and will have to fall in line. Think of immigration, health care, Russian hacking and wiretapping as a smoke screen, and try to peek behind it.
Someone posted this elsewhere. Perhaps they have a point? The truth, as always, is probably between the two.

Sadly, you are completely missing the point. What has he achieved? He has authorised Keystone, gutted the EPA, empowered coal, proposed a huge windfall for the military industrial complex, nominated one of the most conservative and youngest (ergo longest serving) Supreme Court judges of all time - all with no scandal or opposition.

Far from dumb, it is a master class of magician's misdirection, getting the talking heads to yap ineffectively about a mixed bag of populist and completely invented issues while he quietly advances his core agenda: Failure on health care? Not really. He has used it to throw Ryan under a bus, and called the bluff of the right wing of his party. He will have much less internal opposition going forward. Ryan, in particular, has lost all credibility and will have to fall in line. Think of immigration, health care, Russian hacking and wiretapping as a smoke screen, and try to peek behind it.

Err, no. Not even close.
Someone posted this elsewhere. Perhaps they have a point? The truth, as always, is probably between the two.

Sadly, you are completely missing the point. What has he achieved? He has authorised Keystone, gutted the EPA, empowered coal, proposed a huge windfall for the military industrial complex, nominated one of the most conservative and youngest (ergo longest serving) Supreme Court judges of all time - all with no scandal or opposition.

Far from dumb, it is a master class of magician's misdirection, getting the talking heads to yap ineffectively about a mixed bag of populist and completely invented issues while he quietly advances his core agenda: Failure on health care? Not really. He has used it to throw Ryan under a bus, and called the bluff of the right wing of his party. He will have much less internal opposition going forward. Ryan, in particular, has lost all credibility and will have to fall in line. Think of immigration, health care, Russian hacking and wiretapping as a smoke screen, and try to peek behind it.
Deranged ramblings
Someone posted this elsewhere. Perhaps they have a point? The truth, as always, is probably between the two.

the truth is not anywhere between the two.

The truth is trump is just a con man, every deal he has ever made has failed in the end and the only reason he is not in prison and/or utterly bankrupt is because he was born into vast wealth.

The man is not a deep thinking strategist, he is an idiot who has made money by ripping off people too poor to challenge him effectively in court. His dads wealth has protected him his entire life.

The bill was a disorganized, ill thought through shambles, and that reflects him perfectly.
Someone posted this elsewhere. Perhaps they have a point? The truth, as always, is probably between the two.

Sadly, you are completely missing the point. What has he achieved? He has authorised Keystone, gutted the EPA, empowered coal, proposed a huge windfall for the military industrial complex, nominated one of the most conservative and youngest (ergo longest serving) Supreme Court judges of all time - all with no scandal or opposition.

Far from dumb, it is a master class of magician's misdirection, getting the talking heads to yap ineffectively about a mixed bag of populist and completely invented issues while he quietly advances his core agenda: Failure on health care? Not really. He has used it to throw Ryan under a bus, and called the bluff of the right wing of his party. He will have much less internal opposition going forward. Ryan, in particular, has lost all credibility and will have to fall in line. Think of immigration, health care, Russian hacking and wiretapping as a smoke screen, and try to peek behind it.

Sadly whoever wrote that is missing the point, is clutching at so many straws that they even took the ones that broke the camels back, and they are desperately trying to defend their position.

Gutting the EPA is disgusting and not only stupid, it's extremely short sighted and dangerous. The EPA's budget was pennies and what it has cost him in votes and ill will alone isn't worth it. He hasn't used healthcare to throw Ryan under the bus at all. If anything Ryan actually came out of this better than Trump, actually considerably so simply because in his speech last night he admitted losing and was open and honest. Open and honest about wanting a despicable bill to pass, but at least he didn't try to shun what had happened or pass the buck and blame everyone else but himself like Trump did. Trump sounded insane and was like a bitter, psychopathic toddler blaming the Dems, Obama, the Dalai Lama and even the ghost of Mother Theresa. Simply put, he's batshit. Immigration has been an epic fail because he's had his travel ban stopped by judges, twice. The right wing of his party will now not trust him to get anything done so if anything he's made more enemies within his own party, at the very least lost faith and trust. As for Russia, he's being investigated and it's already cost him members of his cabinet, and it's going to cost more than that before it's all over. He's also been called out for talking bullshit live on TV by the head of the FBI.

You can try and spin it as much as you like, and you can try to polish a turd, but underneath it's still shit.
To be fair to Trump (Feck, am I really going to defend him?) I think he has always been very liberal when it comes to healthcare. The trouble is he wants the best of both worlds and he can't have it. He has said numerous times he wants everyone to be covered and treated if they are ill, yet he also wants to give massive tax breaks to his rich friends AND he doesn't want them to have to pay for the poor to have healthcare. Like most things, he's very confused about what he wants and what he can actually have.

He can't take the blame for anything at all. Can you just imagine if Obama had come in to office and blamed Bush for everything? He would have been hammered for it. Trump is also full of shit. He says he inherited a mess with North Korea, well that's not Obama's fault. He said he inherited a mess with jobs, well Obama took office with an 8% unemployment rate, when Trump took office it was 4.7%. He said the deficit was a mess, well it's roughly $568 billion a year, which admittedly isn't good, BUT! When Obama took office it was $800 billion.

Trump is clueless and probably insane. He's definitely got a narcissistic personality disorder and quite possibly other mental issues as well, he can never admit he was wrong and he always shifts the blame elsewhere. Just this week when asked about the wiretapping claims, instead of admitting he was wrong he said "I have articles that said that" articles that are printed in the fake news papers that is. He also doubled down on Ted Cruz's father being part of the JFK assassination, he said he would never say it because Ted is a friend but the National Enquirer posted pictures of Ted, his father and Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast together. A tabloid newspaper that Trump has often been known to plant stories in as he is bestie mates with the owner.

Can anyone here imagine the shit Obama would have got for any of this? Or Hillary? It's insane how he can get away with it all. Baffling beyond words. It's also extremely worrying and depressing too.

Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle
Eighteen days that shook the Republican Party—and humbled a president
Interesting read from a - these days and in the founding days of Obamacare - unusually sensible Conservative when it comes to health care.

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Interesting read from a - these days and in the founding days of Obamacare - unusually sensible Conservative when it comes to health care.

Frum was Canadian by birth and these guys tend to be quite comfortable with Obamacare. The other supportive canadian is Ali Velchi who does the business news for cnbc/msnbc.

I sense a recurring theme here. It seems an awful lot of people have little sympathy for Trump and are also accusing him of not caring, not trying very hard, not being interested and not knowing what he is doing.
Frum was Canadian by birth and these guys tend to be quite comfortable with Obamacare. The other supportive canadian is Ali Velchi who does the business news for cnbc/msnbc.
Good for him. :) It's sad that there weren't more like-minded GOPers, more who were willing, able or both to stop the radicalization of the party.

I sense a recurring theme here. It seems an awful lot of people have little sympathy for Trump and are also accusing him of not caring, not trying very hard, not being interested and not knowing what he is doing.

Yeah I thought from before he started the job that he'd soon get bored when it came to the actual politics side of being President. He's clearly not interested in actually doing any of the hard work and has already fallen at his first major hurdle.

What the feck? He will have Judge feckin Judy on his list next. I honestly think he's not taking any of this seriously. If I had the chance to interview Trump, the first thing I would ask him would be what colour is the sky on his planet? How can his supporters defend him through all this? He's making a mockery out of not only the Presidency but the judiciary system and everything the USA has ever stood for.

Yeah I thought from before he started the job that he'd soon get bored when it came to the actual politics side of being President. He's clearly not interested in actually doing any of the hard work and has already fallen at his first major hurdle.

Yup, look at my reply above, he's just not taking anything seriously. He thinks he can say something and it will happen. Like all his ridiculous "nobody knows more than me" or "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated" or "Nobody is less racist than I" He's just got such an over-inflated opinion of himself. Well actually he hasn't, he's exceptionally insecure and constantly looking for reassurance, hence all the rallies he's still holding. I still maintain once they start drying up and the protestors outnumber his supporters and everything starts going against him, like it is now, he's going to blow up spectacularly. Feck, @Raoul and I have been saying this for well over 18 months now, we deserve to be vindicated :lol: And when it happens, it better be worth it.
Yup, look at my reply above, he's just not taking anything seriously. He thinks he can say something and it will happen. Like all his ridiculous "nobody knows more than me" or "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated" or "Nobody is less racist than I" He's just got such an over-inflated opinion of himself. Well actually he hasn't, he's exceptionally insecure and constantly looking for reassurance, hence all the rallies he's still holding. I still maintain once they start drying up and the protestors outnumber his supporters and everything starts going against him, like it is now, he's going to blow up spectacularly. Feck, @Raoul and I have been saying this for well over 18 months now, we deserve to be vindicated :lol: And when it happens, it better be worth it.
I really think he is like that average fat fan hanging down the pub talking about how he knows better, how the manager should have just played this and that formation and that player and all would work perfectly. I honestly think he felt like that about government because that's what he always used to. He was the boss making people do what he wanted to. The idea that he is not in fact the boss now and that political decisions take a long hard complicated process to go through is just something he can't understand and has very little patience for.
I really think he is like that average fat fan hanging down the pub talking about how he knows better, how the manager should have just played this and that formation and that player and all would work perfectly. I honestly think he felt like that about government because that's what he always used to. He was the boss making people do what he wanted to. The idea that he is not in fact the boss now and that political decisions take a long hard complicated process to go through is just something he can't understand and has very little patience for.

That's a fair analogy, I think spot on too. I think it's something everyone is guilty of, we all have ideas of how we would like to do things or what laws we would like to be implemented etc. The difference is most people know that it's not only a fantasy, but if it was reality then these things would absolutely take exceptionally hard work to achieve and that also, there is a fair chance of failure and then like Obama, you have to persevere and also compromise. Trump doesn't see it that way at all, he thinks it, he says it, it happens, but as we all know, and he's just finding out, reality isn't like that at all.
That's a fair analogy, I think spot on too. I think it's something everyone is guilty of, we all have ideas of how we would like to do things or what laws we would like to be implemented etc. The difference is most people know that it's not only a fantasy, but if it was reality then these things would absolutely take exceptionally hard work to achieve and that also, there is a fair chance of failure and then like Obama, you have to persevere and also compromise. Trump doesn't see it that way at all, he thinks it, he says it, it happens, but as we all know, and he's just finding out, reality isn't like that at all.
Very true. You see it everywhere, everybody has an opinion on everything despite having zero qualifications. Suddenly everyone has become an economy expert when talking about the merits or problems of globalism. Everybody became a medical expert when Beckham broke his metatarsal. It's the idea that we all have the right to an opinion that messed with people's perceptions. It started out that this means things like "do you like Batman or Superman" but then it took a few years before people started applying it to things that demand expertise and long experience, not to mention data and context of said data, and they defend their half baked opinions by the that old chestnut "it's just my opinion man". Trump is literally like that with the added horror that for his entire life, that attitude was not only encouraged but vindicated. It's like the pub fan in the previous post who does get a chance at running at a team and has people who tells him the results are all perfect and all the fans love you. Of course he thinks he can fix everything!
Of course he thinks he can fix everything!

The truth however is very much different. There are countless reports that Trump is actually very unsuccessful in many ways and has really only profited from his family name. Almost all of his business ventures have failed spectacularly, so that could be where his insecurity comes from. He must constantly question himself or be waiting for it all to fail again. Whatever, the trouble is that now he can affect everyone on the planet and as we saw with the failed healthcare bill, literally millions of people could suffer. I keep saying it, but this isn't a joke now, it's really not funny and he needs to be stopped.

In other news, I have read at least 15 reports over the last week saying Melania is far from happy, actually she is extremely miserable as First Lady hence why she has hardly been seen. She is also allegedly disgusted with Trump, all the sex scandals have taken their toll and she is so disgusted that she refuses to share a bed with him anymore. It's also been reported that if he were not President she would be filing for divorce. Of course this is all just speculation but some of the reports have been from very close family friends and close friends to Melania and to be honest, it makes perfect sense. You cannot expect a wife to be happy with all the sex scandals that came out, and the pussy grabbing tape and the admitting he perves over Miss Universe contestants was all while they were married. It will be interesting to see if there is anything to all this and to see how long she can keep up the pretence and if anything comes from this.

Oh, and...

It is worth knowing that the freedom caucus is against the “boarder adjustment” part of a potential tax-reform. Considering how things are going I struggle to see how this administration is able to pass any ambitious reform. My best guess is that we end up with some corporate tax cuts that are going to be debt financed.
That's a fair analogy, I think spot on too. I think it's something everyone is guilty of, we all have ideas of how we would like to do things or what laws we would like to be implemented etc. The difference is most people know that it's not only a fantasy, but if it was reality then these things would absolutely take exceptionally hard work to achieve and that also, there is a fair chance of failure and then like Obama, you have to persevere and also compromise. Trump doesn't see it that way at all, he thinks it, he says it, it happens, but as we all know, and he's just finding out, reality isn't like that at all.
I'm guessing here but I perceive Twitler as somebody who is totally clueless on almost everything what it takes to get done or achieved; whether it's everyday routines like cooking a meal, cleaning a bathroom, pressing a shirt or whether it's business or politics.
He's one of those executives which I guess many of us have come across in our lives: Totally detached from business realities, they demand certain results to be achieved no matter if it is sensible or even possible (financially, legally, scientifically etc). They surround themselves with people who have knowledge on the subjects but fail to push back or challenge; instead they trickle the pressure down to those who actually carry out all the necessary steps, know the details and pitfalls but get ignored.* That's how I perceive 45 and his administration.

I feel reassured by these lines in a Politico a article:

For weeks Trump had seemed disinterested and disengaged from the specifics of the health care fight, both behind closed doors with his aides and at public rallies. Trump “just wanted to get something he could sign,” said one adviser who talks to him frequently. “He was over it.” He would often interrupt conversations on the law to talk about other issues, advisers and aides said.

In one phone call with Ryan earlier this month, Trump told the House speaker that he had a problem with the bill. It wasn’t over Medicaid expansion, maternity coverage, deductibles or insurance premiums. Rather, it was that he didn’t like the word “buckets”—which Ryan had been using to describe the parts of their plan.

“I don't like that word buckets. You throw trash in buckets. I don't like that word,” Trump said, according to two people familiar with the call. Trump preferred “phases.” Ryan agreed and adopted the term.

* Of course an exec doesn't have to understand each and every detail as the boss (although some strive to) but s/he needs to be mindful and have a vague understanding.
"Ok, Mr President - you are a phase of sh*t."
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