The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I cannot muster a single iota of feck to give those that voted for him and supported him. Gullible twats.

Maybe but when you are in depression or desperate, you will grab onto any floatation device that keeps you above water. Kraig and of similar ilk are in those situation. A bit of empathy will required.
I struggle to understand if it is naïvety in the sense that people are simply too emotional that it affects their judgement, or worse, entitlement in the sense that since "I am white, bad things are never supposed to happen to me and it is outrageous that they do". I mean only today more civilians died in Mosul than they did in Europe over the past year over terrorist attacks. I understand the whole "we feel affected more by things that happen close to us" argument but that usually covers the emotional reaction to those events, not the intellectual one. The more I see these reactions you speak, I simply feel it is the latter, pure old fashioned privileged entitlement.

yep. those naive, entitled and emotional idiots. They need to toughen up and stop killing themselves. Bunch of pussies. Or maybe you just don't understand

yep. those naive, entitled and emotional idiots. They need to toughen up and stop killing themselves. Bunch of pussies. Or maybe you just don't understand
What on earth are you on about? Did you follow the discussion at all? I was talking about something very specific and particular; what I perceive to be the relative disproportionate reaction to negative news that has been especially noticeable since the rise of social media. Why are you talking about mortality rates and that people should stop killing themselves. I sincerely hope that you aimed that comment at someone else because otherwise this literally makes no sense.
People suck shocker
It's not as simple as that though. I don't think people suck per se. It's more that we are capable of great empathy and greatness but just as equally of great selfishness. I have no problem with that really, it's when people try to rationalise as some sort of logical reaction that it's crazy. The best and most developed places on earth where their people have been enjoying the highest quality of life maybe ever if we consider the average citizen are now convinced that they are the ones under attack and who suffer the greatest tragedies. It's such a crazy view from the outside that it's difficult to understand how little that bubble is those people live in.
7 years of Republican buildup and propaganda against Obamacare, then they win the senate and house, then they elect the most passionately anti-Obamacare candidate as president, and at the very last moment, they do a Slippy G and they let it slip.
7 years of Republican buildup and propaganda against Obamacare, then they win the senate and house, then they elect the most passionately anti-Obamacare candidate as president, and at the very last moment, they do a Slippy G and they let it slip.
This is pretty much exactly what happened :lol:

This is very true, all bark and no bite.

It seems Trump is now being exposed for all of his failings, he must be hurting badly and I expect someone to get the brunt of his temper for this. His Tweets will be interesting as will reports from inside the White House.
He is now trying to blame the Democrats for the left and right of his own party not backing his bill. Or something. The man is out and out batshit crazy.
Single-payer :drool:
Trump is a supporter after all

To be fair to Trump (Feck, am I really going to defend him?) I think he has always been very liberal when it comes to healthcare. The trouble is he wants the best of both worlds and he can't have it. He has said numerous times he wants everyone to be covered and treated if they are ill, yet he also wants to give massive tax breaks to his rich friends AND he doesn't want them to have to pay for the poor to have healthcare. Like most things, he's very confused about what he wants and what he can actually have.

He is now trying to blame the Democrats for the left and right of his own party not backing his bill. Or something. The man is out and out batshit crazy.

He can't take the blame for anything at all. Can you just imagine if Obama had come in to office and blamed Bush for everything? He would have been hammered for it. Trump is also full of shit. He says he inherited a mess with North Korea, well that's not Obama's fault. He said he inherited a mess with jobs, well Obama took office with an 8% unemployment rate, when Trump took office it was 4.7%. He said the deficit was a mess, well it's roughly $568 billion a year, which admittedly isn't good, BUT! When Obama took office it was $800 billion.

Trump is clueless and probably insane. He's definitely got a narcissistic personality disorder and quite possibly other mental issues as well, he can never admit he was wrong and he always shifts the blame elsewhere. Just this week when asked about the wiretapping claims, instead of admitting he was wrong he said "I have articles that said that" articles that are printed in the fake news papers that is. He also doubled down on Ted Cruz's father being part of the JFK assassination, he said he would never say it because Ted is a friend but the National Enquirer posted pictures of Ted, his father and Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast together. A tabloid newspaper that Trump has often been known to plant stories in as he is bestie mates with the owner.

Can anyone here imagine the shit Obama would have got for any of this? Or Hillary? It's insane how he can get away with it all. Baffling beyond words. It's also extremely worrying and depressing too.
Single-payer :drool:
Trump is a supporter after all

Bernie Sanders right now

Another embarrassment for Trump. I wonder how much he regrets even bothering with politics at this point? Or have his delusions of grandeur not quite been remedied yet. The genius businessman who would have a similar if not bigger fortune if he'd simply put the money he inherited into an index fund.
He was saying he'd try and work with Dems like ten minutes ago, now it'll be all of their fault :lol:

Trump will probably get off pretty lightly considering how utterly incompetent he's looked throughout the healthcare debate, but any attempts to blame the Democrats will be laughed out the room.

At this point hes more like a Scooby Doo villain. "My evil scheme would have worked had it not been for you meddling democrats"

Hes also claimed several times to repeal Obamacare quickly, and now says he didn't

What i find unsettling is that him flat out lying has become so normal it's hardly even news any longer.
@langster Whenever Twitler does anything weird or outlandish, I instantly think about the GOP's and conservative media outlets' reaction if it were HRC, Sanders or any other Democrat in the WH. They would go nuclear 24/7 every single day.
@langster Whenever Twitler does anything weird or outlandish, I instantly think about the GOP's and conservative media outlets' reaction if it were HRC, Sanders or any other Democrat in the WH. They would go nuclear 24/7 every single day.

Yup, exactly right mate. The double standards are disgusting, but the Republicans and many of their voters may just be the biggest hypocrites on Earth, seriously, I don't think that is an exaggeration.
I'd prefer if a psychiatrist rather than a GP for a proper mental diagnosis and treatment of Twitler.



Oooops I did it again.... Is Kellyanne in deep shit once more? Or will this turn out to be yet another nothingburger?


Yet again "nobody can do that like me" shit. I think that just may be his most irritating trait and he has more than a few.
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Oh, those tweets that come back to humiliate him! :drool:


This is very true, all bark and no bite.

It seems Trump is now being exposed for all of his failings, he must be hurting badly and I expect someone to get the brunt of his temper for this. His Tweets will be interesting as will reports from inside the White House.

Off to Mar a Largo this weekend? If so, you can expect the tweets in about 3-4hrs.

At this point hes more like a Scooby Doo villain. "My evil scheme would have worked had it not been for you meddling democrats"

Hes also claimed several times to repeal Obamacare quickly, and now says he didn't

What i find unsettling is that him flat out lying has become so normal it's hardly even news any longer.

People always give others the benefit of the doubt even more so the sitting President. But this will wear thin extremely quickly. Death by a thousand cuts with this cnut.
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