The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ooooh. I'm struggling to think of any president in recent times that comes close. The bloke who caught a flu and died?

cc @Carolina Red
Yeah William Henry Harrison had a pretty crap 100 days since he was dead for most of them.

The only "first 100 days" I can think of that come close (other than Harrison dying) are Lincoln, who had states declaring secession, and JFK, who had the Bay of Pigs.
So the bill could not satisfy the extreme right wing of the GOP, hence being 30-40 votes short?
I havn't really followed it today closely, but my impression is, that the Freedom House Caucus (tea party/hard right/libertarians) didn't support it and once the support crumbled other legislators from the center joined them (no idea why)
So the bill could not satisfy the extreme right wing of the GOP, hence being 30-40 votes short?

As far as I've seen the votes lost were to Reps who recognised it was morally bankrupt (political suicide) to vote in favour of it.
Rumours have it Putin is going to step in and clear this mess up for Donnie, he's sending over the papers for the Slightly More Affordable Care Act, Bitch! Or SMACABITCH for short.
Explained this to my cousin after she'd post nonstop panic nonsense on FB while living in Germany (hubby is stationed at Weisbaden), especially after the Paris attack in 2015 and the subsequent cancellation of the France/Germany match the following weekend. I thought I managed to get the message across then she posts on FB about our talk and that she's still not sure. Some of the responses to her post were ridiculous, one was along the lines of, "He doesn't have a clue about terrorism." That poster didn't realize I'm in the military and was TDY to Germany as well.
I struggle to understand if it is naïvety in the sense that people are simply too emotional that it affects their judgement, or worse, entitlement in the sense that since "I am white, bad things are never supposed to happen to me and it is outrageous that they do". I mean only today more civilians died in Mosul than they did in Europe over the past year over terrorist attacks. I understand the whole "we feel affected more by things that happen close to us" argument but that usually covers the emotional reaction to those events, not the intellectual one. The more I see these reactions you speak, I simply feel it is the latter, pure old fashioned privileged entitlement.
it is a quickly written plan by Ryan, that is essencially ACA-light (keeps all the essential parts of the ACA). Trump himself doesn't care, he just wants look good by passing legislation.
Which says they completely pissed away the 8 years that they were in opposition passing go-nowhere repeals through the House AND apparently had no expectation of Trump actually winning the election.
Bullies don't understand normalcy, the law of unintended consequences, etc. Part of never being told no most of his life while having yes men/women cater to his ego.

Btw, was talking Roman history with a coworker today and another coworker came up while I was making a comment about Trump struggling and when you elect a clown you get a circus. She butted in about it being because no one is use to this style because he's draining the swamp. She was dead serious. Then she made a typical far right remark about Obama. I commented that her point made no sense and ended the conversation.

These people are so sunk into ideology there's no hope.
Don't leave it at that! What did she say?
Which says they completely pissed away the 8 years that they were in opposition passing go-nowhere repeals through the House AND apparently had no expectation of Trump actually winning the election.

yes. absolutely. During the last 8 years they voted about 50ish times for repeal bills. If repealing would be any priority for them, they could just take one of those and vote one more time. Well. It is quite obvious why they don't do that. They really really really don't want to just repeal the ACA and they can't agree on any comprehensive alternative. I think they didn't expect to get a wild-card like Trump into office. With a "normal" GOP president, they'd have found a way to just drag it out; Trump pushed it and exposed their stupidity. I can't decide if the whole charade is really really funny or incredible sad. After all....these are the politicians who govern the USA. Not some kindergarden group. It is quite fecked up (but also really funny).
1) many of these Republicans are products of the Tea Party wave, have never had to actually govern, and got elected by promising to impair government from functioning and/or by promising to eliminate government... so I guess this is their (and their voters') rooster coming home to roost.

2) Yes! It's like some people suddenly realized Lincoln and Jefferson were right... it IS government "of.. by.. and for the people"

1. It is easy to point fingers and complain, but to be the one responsible for making changes is another thing entirely. It is going to be extremely difficult to get the moderate republicans and the tea party faction to make compromises. This is gonna require leaders with great diplomatic skills and despite Donald Trumps bragging about being the "best deal maker" he has shown zero negotiating skills so far. In a weird fashion this could end up being a good thing for America as he will likely cause a great divide in the republican party. This means they are likely to get less amount of harmful things done before the next elections take place.

2. This is something that most never be forgotten. People being active politically is a key factor in stopping the worst politicians from getting their policies passed generally speaking. Democracy requires participation on all levels and all the time from everyone for it to work for the ordinary people. It will become hijacked by groups or people that don´t have peoples best interest at heart when people have become complacent and demotivated.
I know it's a parody on everything a news orginazation should be but I couldn't help but to have a little look over on Breitbart. They already have an article up about how this was all part of the 'Art of the deal' and it's just Donald's plan to show everyone that they have to work together to get things done. He "let" the Rebublican's draw up a poor bill all by themselves which he, of course, knew would fail and now they all have to listen to him if they want to learn how to really make things happen. Then this fiction novel of an article carries on with a prediction on how Trump will swoop in later to save America and force the Dems to do what he wants in the process...
It's funny if you ignore the fact that someone actually wants people to believe it to be true.

Do any other lefty liberal snowflake wankers in here feel like we're about 3-0 up in a cup final after being battered in the group stage and suffering a massive injury crisis with everyone writing us off?

Absolutely! Hopefully the ref will end the match way before the 90min mark on the basis that everyone on the opposition team has been given a red card with a following ban of 25 years to life.
Everyone is having their moment of fun. As McDonalds used to say 'I'm loving it!'

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Bullies don't understand normalcy, the law of unintended consequences, etc. Part of never being told no most of his life while having yes men/women cater to his ego.

Btw, was talking Roman history with a coworker today and another coworker came up while I was making a comment about Trump struggling and when you elect a clown you get a circus. She butted in about it being because no one is use to this style because he's draining the swamp. She was dead serious. Then she made a typical far right remark about Obama. I commented that her point made no sense and ended the conversation.

These people are so sunk into ideology there's no hope.

Not every one moves at the same pace but eventually they all will find out, and go the same direction:

Grieving father: 'I don't play Trump songs anymore'

The cnut Trump was selling hope to the most vulnerable. He should suffer for that.
Cant see that happening.

Its just now the case that the likes of Bannon used to be on the fringes and irrelevant, but who've now been given a large platform, due to Trump's divisive campaign and him giving the likes of Bannon/Miller a big job.

Once Trump is forced out, they will hopefully go back to being an irrelevance.

I'll go one further - the likes of Bannon/Miller/Gorka should be executed as they present a clear and present danger to humanity. I'll pull the trigger.
Maybe but I think it's a strength to have people from different backgrounds. There are even a few MP's who never graduated from high school. But they still have better ideas than some politicians who went to uni but never had a "real job" in their life.

True. People game the system with regards to exam scoring. I have never known so many people gettings As for 'A' levels than they do now. Its meaningless.
I struggle to understand if it is naïvety in the sense that people are simply too emotional that it affects their judgement, or worse, entitlement in the sense that since "I am white, bad things are never supposed to happen to me and it is outrageous that they do". I mean only today more civilians died in Mosul than they did in Europe over the past year over terrorist attacks. I understand the whole "we feel affected more by things that happen close to us" argument but that usually covers the emotional reaction to those events, not the intellectual one. The more I see these reactions you speak, I simply feel it is the latter, pure old fashioned privileged entitlement.

People suck shocker
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