The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump has no clue what it will do, he has no clue what obamacare did, and he doesn't care what the effects will be, and he couldn't understand it even if he was bothered.

This. He is just a talking head ... just wants to claim a 'win' regardless what it is.
Reporters and panellists on CNN discussing whether Trump is already a 'lame duck President'.

#LameDuckPresident doing quite well on twitter too.

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Salon: SNL predicted this

Eric admitted (to Forbes) that he does discuss “the bottom line, profitability reports and stuff like that, but you know, that’s about it” with his father. When asked about the regularity with which he does so, Eric said, “depending, yeah, depending,” before clarifying (after being asked whether it might be quarterly), “yeah, probably quarterly.”

Eric capped off the remarkable exchange with a boast that could have come out of Moffatt’s mouth: “My father and I are very close. I talk to him a lot. We’re pretty inseparable.”
Reporters and panellists on CNN discussing whether Trump is already a 'lame duck President'.

#LameDuckPresident doing quite well on twitter too.

Literally control the entire US government and couldn't get their signature, 7 years in the making, piece of legislature to a House vote

I honestly did not expect them to be this inept at governing but i also think what happened tonight is possible because of the people fighting back at those town hall meetings. This should remind everyone that when you stand up and protest then you really can make a difference as people have more power than they realize. People pushed a lot of republicans up against the wall and this forced many of the senators to be careful in this matter and today we saw the result of it.
How many GoP votes refused to back Trump in this bill? Any big names in there?

What revenge will Trump take on them?
How many GoP votes refused to back Trump in this bill? Any big names in there?

What revenge will Trump take on them?

That will remain unknown but they were reported to be 30 or 40 short.
Trumps World class negotiation comes up a wee bit short. Who'd have thought you can't strong arm politicians as easily as illegal immigrants or small businessss you employ. Can't wait to see him stream roll governments with these tactics.
John Sopel gave Twitler a complete thrashing on BBC 10 o'clock news.

It was the headline news above the parliament attack update!
I honestly did not expect them to be this inept at governing but i also think what happened tonight is possible because of the people fighting back at those town hall meetings. This should remind everyone that when you stand up and protest then you really can make a difference as people have more power than they realize. People pushed a lot of republicans up against the wall and this forced many of the senators to be careful in this matter and today we saw the result of it.
1) many of these Republicans are products of the Tea Party wave, have never had to actually govern, and got elected by promising to impair government from functioning and/or by promising to eliminate government... so I guess this is their (and their voters') rooster coming home to roost.

2) Yes! It's like some people suddenly realized Lincoln and Jefferson were right... it IS government "of.. by.. and for the people"
Why would we be afraid? 3000 people are killed on average in drink driving incedents every year in the U.K. While 175 people were killed in 2015 in terror attacks over the whole of Western Europe.
That's the highest total for a decade. I don't sit in my car every morning afraid of driving to work because the person driving towards me might be drunk so why would I be afraid of a terror attack?

Explained this to my cousin after she'd post nonstop panic nonsense on FB while living in Germany (hubby is stationed at Weisbaden), especially after the Paris attack in 2015 and the subsequent cancellation of the France/Germany match the following weekend. I thought I managed to get the message across then she posts on FB about our talk and that she's still not sure. Some of the responses to her post were ridiculous, one was along the lines of, "He doesn't have a clue about terrorism." That poster didn't realize I'm in the military and was TDY to Germany as well.
Remember Twitler on March 9th? :drool:

He sounds like those managers who promise clients the universe in the palm of their hands, only for the actual workers having to tell him that unicorn floating cars don't exist and no Sir, we can't just "wish them out of thin air".
That statement from Trump is mad, he said it was a crap bill that needed a phase 2 and 3 to even work. Desperately attacking Pelosi and Schumer when it was his own team that killed this bill.

You can only hope the people who voted for him are starting to see the Emperor really has no clothes.
This is so absurdly disgusting yet funny, I had to make viewing optional.

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Can someone explain what's the underlying game around getting Ryan booted out as the speaker? And at the very basic is this bill that didn't happen Trumpcare or Ryancare (I know it's not really that)

I hopped over on r/the_donald and they're all excited to see this failure. They are all hopping on the "Repeal and Replace Paul Ryan" bandwagon. Someone even called this whole thing as "4d chess" of some sort and I'm having trouble understanding this:

Gaming Strategy.

He pretends to be all for it.

Republican ***** and GOPe and RINOS do not help him.

Ryan loses, GOP replaced by Trump candidates at mid-terms.

Trump tried to fulfill campaign promise but The Swamp wouldn't do what The People willed.

Lastly when PPACA crashes the economy Democrats and Obama will be 100% to blame for it.

This is ALL win for Trump AND he gets to cut Ryan off at the knees while appearing to work with him.

This was ALL designed to get Ryan out.
Well. I guess shows that he is not a dictator afterall. He'll need to accommodate the house&senat GOP, where he has zero allies, or he is fecked.
The best move would be if he'd cut the ACA "hill-fix" subsidies for members of congress&staffers (the GOP was claiming that these subsidies are illegal anyway). The meltdown would be epic.
Whatever happens I guarantee he is going to piss off other countries. I understand wanting the best deals for the USA, that's fair enough, but like with the way he attacked Germany over NATO, it's clear he doesn't have the slightest understanding of how any of this works. What if Merkel rightfully turned around and said she wanted the land back where the US military bases are in Germany? Or she wanted $10 Billion a month rent? Just like with the 35% tax he wanted to put on foreign countries that would just be passed back to the US consumer, it's really clear he hasn't thought any of this through and he will literally just think something and say it. That was fine before he was President, but now he thinks it and then says it to the World and that's just moronic, not to mention extremely dangerous.

And now to more jovial news.... Vanity Fair (Trump's most hated publication) officially label his Presidency as a joke :lol:

Bullies don't understand normalcy, the law of unintended consequences, etc. Part of never being told no most of his life while having yes men/women cater to his ego.

Btw, was talking Roman history with a coworker today and another coworker came up while I was making a comment about Trump struggling and when you elect a clown you get a circus. She butted in about it being because no one is use to this style because he's draining the swamp. She was dead serious. Then she made a typical far right remark about Obama. I commented that her point made no sense and ended the conversation.

These people are so sunk into ideology there's no hope.
Can someone explain what's the underlying game around getting Ryan booted out as the speaker? And at the very basic is this bill that didn't happen Trumpcare or Ryancare (I know it's not really that)

I hopped over on r/the_donald and they're all excited to see this failure. They are all hopping on the "Repeal and Replace Paul Ryan" bandwagon. Someone even called this whole thing as "4d chess" of some sort and I'm having trouble understanding this:
it is a quickly written plan by Ryan, that is essencially ACA-light (keeps all the essential parts of the ACA). Trump himself doesn't care, he just wants look good by passing legislation.
Can someone explain what's the underlying game around getting Ryan booted out as the speaker? And at the very basic is this bill that didn't happen Trumpcare or Ryancare (I know it's not really that)

I hopped over on r/the_donald and they're all excited to see this failure. They are all hopping on the "Repeal and Replace Paul Ryan" bandwagon. Someone even called this whole thing as "4d chess" of some sort and I'm having trouble understanding this:

They remind me of RAWK fans.

They actually think Republicans will lose their seats to Trump candidates.... who exactly will these Trump candidates be running for?
Can someone explain what's the underlying game around getting Ryan booted out as the speaker? And at the very basic is this bill that didn't happen Trumpcare or Ryancare (I know it's not really that)

I hopped over on r/the_donald and they're all excited to see this failure. They are all hopping on the "Repeal and Replace Paul Ryan" bandwagon. Someone even called this whole thing as "4d chess" of some sort and I'm having trouble understanding this:

Its the alt-right crew who want him gone, so Bannon can have someone who is 100 times worse than Ryan and someone who represents their ideology.

Bannon has said in the past he wants "to destroy" Ryan and calls him "the enemy".
it is a quickly written plan by Ryan, that is essencially ACA-light (keeps all the essential parts of the ACA). Trump himself doesn't care, he just wants look good by passing legislation.

So if Ryan "wrote" this up and Trump doesn't care, then why were he and his mouthpiece (Spicer) saying this was the only plan (no plan B) or something? If this were Obamacare-lite, then surely passing this bill won't make Trump look good :wenger:
They remind me of RAWK fans.

They actually think Republicans will lose their seats to Trump candidates.... who exactly will these Trump candidates be running for?

RAWK seems an apt comparison. I just hope the whole Trump presidency doesn't become their "Istanbul" moment - something future generations of delusionals keep clutching to.

Its the alt-right crew who want him gone, so Bannon can influence someone who is 100 times worse than Ryan and someone who represents their ideology.

Not sure what's worse tbh
Its the alt-right crew who want him gone, so Bannon can have someone who is 100 times worse than Ryan and someone who represents their ideology.

Bannon has said in the past he wants "to destroy" Ryan and calls him "the enemy".
Is there a possibility that the Republicans 'split'? Sounds like a civil war, much like what is happening inside the UK Labour party right now.
So if Ryan "wrote" this up and Trump doesn't care, then why were he and his mouthpiece (Spicer) saying this was the only plan (no plan B) or something? If this were Obamacare-lite, then surely passing this bill won't make Trump look good :wenger:
The simple story is, Trump wanted this passed so he could say he fulfilled his pledge on Obamacare repeal, and get his rich person tax cuts through. On that, he and Ryan were one. And by saying for weeks that he was certain he'd put a deal together to get it through, he now looks like he's personally failed as well. Interdimensional Chess all the way for The Donald!
Is there a possibility that the Republicans 'split'? Sounds like a civil war, much like what is happening inside the UK Labour party right now.

Cant see that happening.

Its just now the case that the likes of Bannon used to be on the fringes and irrelevant, but who've now been given a large platform, due to Trump's divisive campaign and him giving the likes of Bannon/Miller a big job.

Once Trump is forced out, they will hopefully go back to being an irrelevance.
The simple story is, Trump wanted this passed so he could say he fulfilled his pledge on Obamacare repeal, and get his rich person tax cuts through. On that, he and Ryan were one. And by saying for weeks that he was certain he'd put a deal together to get it through, he now looks like he's personally failed as well. Interdimensional Chess all the way for The Donald!

Hes fast learning how different politics is to having your own company and bullying people into doing what you want.

In his head:
Give republican allies and surrogates the insurance bill they wanted.
Pay for it with tax cuts that suit republican allies and surrogates.
March on as a champion.

In reality:
Can't get enough support for the insurance bill because Reps recognise it will cost them their career.
Can't afford tax cuts because they can't pass the insurance bill.
Absolutely no idea where to go from here.
So if Ryan "wrote" this up and Trump doesn't care, then why were he and his mouthpiece (Spicer) saying this was the only plan (no plan B) or something? If this were Obamacare-lite, then surely passing this bill won't make Trump look good :wenger:
There is no consensus in the GOP about how to reform health-care. The center-leaning GOPler probably like the ACA, while the right-leaning people want it fully repealed. There is no way of uniting them and Trump tried to bully them into supporting it, but it failed. The whole point of this reform was to pass a law that looks like a law without taking anything signifcant away from the ACA (because reducing welfare programs is quite unpopular; individual mandate, community rating and the regulation how health-care plans have to look like would have all stayed). Thats why it was so short. Window Dressing/politcal shananigans.
There is no consensus in the GOP about how to reform health-care. The center-leaning GOPler probably like the ACA, while the right-leaning people want it fully repealed. There is no way of uniting them and Trump tried to bully them into supporting it, but it failed. The whole point of this reform was to pass a law that looks like a law without taking anything signifcant away from the ACA (because reducing welfare programs is quite unpopular; individual mandate, community rating and the regulation how health-care plans have to look like would have all stayed). Thats why it was so short. Window Dressing/politcal shananigans.
So the bill could not satisfy the extreme right wing of the GOP, hence being 30-40 votes short?
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