The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's talking like an opposition leader. Its nuts.

He's going to run as the opposition leader in 2020. It'll eternally be his position.

On an unrelated topic, why is it that when I popped into the Westminster thread a couple of times over the last few days it looked like you were Neo fighting off the Agent Smith's in the 2nd Matrix movie? You're usually not the center of controversy sammsky.
He's going to run as the opposition leader in 2020. It'll eternally be his position.

On an unrelated topic, why is it that when I popped into the Westminster thread a couple of times over the last few days it looked like you were Neo fighting off the Agent Smith's in the 2nd Matrix movie? You're usually not the center of controversy sammsky.
:lol: Its complicated! Don't want to derail this thread so Ill send you a PM
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He's nuttier than a fruitcake.

As usual passing the buck and blaming other people. He's a fecking pussy. The President of the USA is a cowardly bitch!

Since I'm in movie reference mode: if I were next to Trump, I'd do what Saverin does to Zuckenberg at the end of the Facebook movie. 'Cause him to flinch, and then say "I like standing next to you Donald... makes me look so tough".
Considering what a shit show everything has been to this point, I wonder how tax reform will fare. You'd think easier since tax lobbyists will get massive hard ons for any reduction, but if you're a Trumpist you can't be too confident at the moment.
Nice revelations about Twitler's buddy Flynn:

Do any other lefty liberal snowflake wankers in here feel like we're about 3-0 up in a cup final after being battered in the group stage and suffering a massive injury crisis with everyone writing us off?
please can anyone neutrally explain:

Trump says Obama Care has already failed in many states and is going to explode soon nationwide.

Beyond propaganda, what are the problems of ObamaCare - my uneducated assumption was that it was a historic success?
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Oh my fecking God! :lol: Are these GOP people for real? First Ryan, now Barton? Amateurs! :lol:

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Do any other lefty liberal snowflake wankers in here feel like we're about 3-0 up in a cup final after being battered in the group stage and suffering a massive injury crisis with everyone writing us off?
Just wrote 'Twitler 0 - 2 Sensible peoples of USA. with expectations of Brazil -Germany to come' on my Facebook :drool:
Can you please neutrally explain:

Trump says Obama Care has already failed in many states and is going to explode soon nationwide.

Beyond propaganda, what are the problems of ObamaCare - my uneducated assumption was that it was a historic success?

As someone has already pointed out in this thread; they have been instilling fear in people for so long about the inevitable implosion of Obamacare and as time goes by and that implosion never happens it makes them look incredibly stupid.
I know the Affordable Care Act is far from perfect but considering that the TrumpCare was a monstrosity in comparison. I think the defeat of it is a major victory for the ordinary people of America and for this alone i will open a bottle of wine and celebrate. Cheers Everyone!

I think the Republican fumbling their attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act is a historical flop of gigantic proportions in American Politics when you consider they have control of both chambers and the presidency. This is a wonderful start to the weekend.
I suppose because Obama is a Democrat and/or because he is of mixed race?
You could make a case of that, the birther nonsense, the idea of him being a Muslim and a whole bunch of other crap. There are plenty of articles/videos of people having bits of 'Obamacare' read to them, as if Trump is pitching them as part of his reform, and his supporters lapping them up.
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