The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"Giving Obama shit for the last decade was a piece of cake, turns out it's actually really difficult to do his job. Who knew?"
I can hardly fathom he really said all this. Can't wait to see new polls about the public trust in this government and Congress getting things done.
Think it's worth watching Pelosi being smug again

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Someone please call a Wambulance to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
'Governing is hard'

that self entitled piece of crap has been spouting off for years, and this is all ryan can come up with.

Seriously, they are children. I wouldn't trust them to run a bath.
It would be a cold bath, run into a laundry basket, without soap or a towel provided. Also, running it would incur a 5% tax break for a random millionaire.

This would cost you around $3000, but it's okay. They'll give you a $100 voucher to help pay for it.
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It's good to see that feckwitery isn't a french specialty.
I love how the majoity party in the house with the biggest majority in decades are blaming the dems. Does Trump thinks americans are that stupid?
I think Im must be stupid because I don't understand this anymore.

I thought Trump was President and the GOP man majorities in both houses. And yet he has failed to implement his first 2 major policies, and now keeps complaining about the Democrats and Obama.

Whats the point in having a Government who cant govern? Surely this is now the ball game (alongside RussiaGate)
Surreal. Would love to hear Republicans' responses to this. :D

I love how the majoity party in the house with the biggest majority in decades are blaming the dems. Does Trump thinks americans are that stupid?

I assume this is why they pulled the vote, now he can blame the democrats without everyone knowing exactly how many republicans were against the bill.

I mean, it should be obvious to most people, but I'd imagine plenty will still buy that the democrats are to blame.
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