The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He'll have a job in the Trump administration soon enough. What an excellent white male.
Sadly, your sarcasm is spot on. Nobody in the Twitler administration will come out and condemn attempts like this.
Oh, you misunderstood me, I meant a hockey stick, not an ice hockey stick, and you have to play the England girls team. Just you v them!

:lol: noted. I'll have a better chance if I use a real hockey stick, though.

I'm continually impressed with the level of effort and humour put in to the many anti-Trump signs I have seen since he's been elected.

I'm not sure if any Republican will have the backbone to stand up and vote against the Healthcare bill. It'll pass and Trump will milk it as much as he can. It won't be funny.

With 24 of them having publicly said "No" it won't pass easily without major changes. The irony is the changes will make it worse to appeal to the Koch brothers and the freedom caucus
I do hope that the GOP aide knows his stuff! Don't want to raise my hopes and be disappointed.

With 24 of them having publicly said "No" it won't pass easily without major changes. The irony is the changes will make it worse to appeal to the Koch brothers and the freedom caucus
I do hope that the GOP aide knows his stuff! Don't want to raise my hopes and be disappointed.


They just postponed the vote.
Gonna spend the night working on the bill I expect*

*His team will spend the night working on deals while he watches Fox News.
I do hope that the GOP aide knows his stuff! Don't want to raise my hopes and be disappointed.


Yeah there are more moderate reps coming out against it now, you'd hope that the more they give to the HFC the more there are that would abandon it (although it is the GOP so you never know).
I'm not sure if any Republican will have the backbone to stand up and vote against the Healthcare bill. It'll pass and Trump will milk it as much as he can. It won't be funny.

The Republicans blocking it are form the Paul Ryan wing - they think it has too much in terms of subsidies.
After all the that .Thought Mr "art of the deal" would have wrapped this up by morning.
$2700 is the max donation limit to campaigns I believe. No idea about the $35

$2700 is the annual limit of donations. Not sure about $35, they probably think it's the smallest amount of money anyone could possibly own.

Of course, thanks lads.

:lol: noted. I'll have a better chance if I use a real hockey stick, though.

You would be like a Canadian Happy Gilmore :lol:
The Republicans blocking it are form the Paul Ryan wing - they think it has too much in terms of subsidies.

Moderates were already queasy about the original bill. The more regressive it becomes to satisfy the blood thirst of tea party wing, the more chances of moderate moving away in response.

Not to mention making any major changes would violate it being a budget bill and open up the door for senate to bin it entirely or filibuster it.
Moderates were already queasy about the original bill. The more regressive it becomes to satisfy the blood thirst of tea party wing, the more chances of moderate moving away in response.

Not to mention making any major changes would violate it being a budget bill and open up the door for senate to bin it entirely or filibuster it.

Republicans won the last three elections on the promise of repealing ACA. In the end, voter base of Republicans won't care as long as it is not ACA/Obamacare even if the same provisions are retained in the new law. You know this would happen. They'll introduce some bullshit measures for abortion and get rid of maternity care and suddenly it will be more palatable for the Judeo Christian values. It's bullshit, but hey ho.
"The substance of what he shared should be troubling to everybody"

My follow up would be...

"Are you referring to his admission that campaign people were on tape speaking to suspected Russian operatives?"
Good question but do you think that Spicey would have given any meaningful answer? He would have rambled on and would have pivoted as so often.
Republicans won the last three elections on the promise of repealing ACA. In the end, voter base of Republicans won't care as long as it is not ACA/Obamacare even if the same provisions are retained in the new law. You know this would happen. They'll introduce some bullshit measures for abortion and get rid of maternity care and suddenly it will be more palatable for the Judeo Christian values. It's bullshit, but hey ho.

They will suffer for it. Was not so long ago when Dems had the numbers in both houses. Lots of republicans who won in tight contests know this.
I don't know anything about the law but surely that must be in violation of it, no? Obama must be able to sue the living crap out of them over that?
I don't know but in my layman's perception the possible lie is the e-mail subject line ('Confirmed: Obama spied on Trump'); the actual e-mail content might to be okay as it only says 'during the Obama administration'; it doesn't claim that Obama initiated or ordered it.
:lol: :lol: Forsberg...please, he's not a patch on Börje Salming.

Don't you dare use those laughing smileys at Forsberg son! :D
While Salming is a freakin legend who paved the way for all the European's in to the NHL, he's got nothing on Forsberg as a player. Forsberg was one of the most complete players to ever play the game IMHO, he excelled at everything. It still makes me sad that his career was ruined by injuries.
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