The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Well this is going to cause a ton of pain now and down the line...

Filibusters make me laugh. The most workshy people in the world putting in all sorts of effort to make sure nothing gets done. It's a mindfeck of epic proportions.
@SteveJ is dead set on the character assassination of all of my childhood heroes.

If you besmirch Wayne Gretzky, Steve. I can't be held responsible for the outcome.
Sorry, chief. As for Wade Gritzpy, I thought he was great as Mahoney.
Evidently, you've never been to Edmonton, Alberta on a -40 winter's night.

But that's what dreams are made of, sat with a cinnamon roll and a doobie on the high level bridge looking over the Saskatchewan river :drool:
This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. God I hope they don't make an exception....Karma is a bitch!

Same here. The stupidity of people to not think about or to not think things through before they vote for someone is appalling. If she (and even more so her hubby) gets now a taste of the bitter medicine she voted for: Tough luck.
At some point, he is going to libel someone who will sue the ever living feck out of him. He is no longer just trump, hes the president saying stuff. The damages claimed from that could be absolutely massive.

I am surprised no major legal team have offered to pro bono for one of his targets yet to be honest.
I remember during the election he said he wanted to strengthen libel laws because people were getting away with slander lol
House is going to pass this bill and all the talk will be about Trump the 'deal maker'

If they do pass this bill, 18 months is long enough for people to feel the full brunt of being thrown off their insurance, premiums being hiked and having to choose between prescriptions and food. The question is whether they are bright enough to pass on the mire to the ones that put them in this mess when it comes to the midterms.

I'd imagine they will be blaming economic insecurities and will vote to get more brown people kicked out instead though.
House is going to pass this bill and all the talk will be about Trump the 'deal maker'
Is this your assumption or do you know (have heard or read) the number of Congress members who declared to now vote for the bill?
Is this your assumption or do you know (have heard or read) the number of Congress members who declared to now vote for the bill?
They need 21 republicans to go against it for it to fail - they were saying...that number was up to 30. But, MSNBC around 45 minutes ago said, they heard from sources - Trump and the WH had been working hard to regain some of those votes and atm they are only around 7 short.

If that's true...I think, they'll get those people on board too.

As it is...I initially thought - the bill would get through the House easily and face trouble in the Senate. I still believe that.
They need 21 republicans to go against it for it to fail - they were saying...that number was up to 30. But, MSNBC around 45 minutes ago said, they heard from sources - Trump and the WH had been working hard to regain some of those votes and atm they are only around 7 short.

If that's true...I think, they'll get those people on board too.

As it is...I initially thought - the bill would get through the House easily and face trouble in the Senate. I still believe that.

I'm not holding any hope whatsoever. The ones planning to vote against are probably just seeing what sort of deal they can get themselves out of it first.
House is going to pass this bill and all the talk will be about Trump the 'deal maker'
I dont see that happening. Not today anyway. You have to take from Tom and give to Paul. If you give to the conservatives you have to take from the moderates. Him giving to the conservatives will also rip up all his empty promises that he made in the campaigne. I will be shocked if this bill comes through.
They need 21 republicans to go against it for it to fail - they were saying...that number was up to 30. But, MSNBC around 45 minutes ago said, they heard from sources - Trump and the WH had been working hard to regain some of those votes and atm they are only around 7 short.

If that's true...I think, they'll get those people on board too.

As it is...I initially thought - the bill would get through the House easily and face trouble in the Senate. I still believe that.
Thanks. I didn't know exact numbers, had just heard/read that some of the inital no votes turned to yes over night.

I do hope 'the ordinary people' make themselves heard in the next couple of days. Numbers from Quinnipiac's health care poll:

I don't get what Nunes was so upset about that he acted so stupidly. What a nutter.

This article gives a nice overview of the matter.

Nunes repeatedly says he thinks the collection was lawful under FISA, but then characterizes himself as “alarmed.” Furthermore, his statement only references the Trump transition, and it is unclear whether that does or does not involve communications involving President Trump himself. When asked if the President’s own communications were involved, in fact, Nunes gives a number of contradictory responses. It’s not clear at the end of the day whether the issue here is communications about Trump, by Trump transition officials, Trump’s own communications, or a combination of the above.
But that only raises the question: Is it true?

Color us skeptical—at least for now. Nunes is clearly shooting from the hip here. He clearly does not have all the facts himself (he admits as much). And his allegations are a deep challenge to the professionalism of the men and women of the intelligence community in the conduct of some of their most politically sensitive work. So at least until we learn more facts, we’re going to take Nunes about as seriously as we take Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald when they are comparably breathless in alleging intelligence community malfeasance without knowing all the facts in pursuit of their political goals. One shouldn’t presume what he says is false. But we’re not going to presume it true either.

So why is Nunes shooting from the hip here and going public before he has any idea what he’s talking about?

Answer: Beats us.

It’s a bit of a puzzler, really. Nunes says he doesn’t have any reason to think this collection was illegal. In his second press conference, he said that he thinks there is some level of surveillance activity "perhaps legal, but I don’t know that it’s right and I don’t know that the American people would be comfortable with it." Does Nunes mean to say he believes that there are forms of lawfully authorized surveillance which he believes are ethically wrong? If so, this is an odd format for a HSPCI Chairman to make such a startling revelation to the American people. He says that the Administration was not yet aware of the information and that he would be speaking to the White House later in the afternoon. According to both Nunes and the office of committee Vice Chair Adam Schiff, Nunes did not speak to Schiff prior to the press conference. He says he has spoken to NSA Director Admiral Rogers but not FBI Director Comey. So why is he holding a press conference before getting even his basic facts straight?

Bob Dole once famously quipped that the most dangerous space in Washington was the space between then-Rep. Charles Schumer and a TV camera. Just a hunch, but something similar might be going on here.
Nunes was involved with the trump campaign.

The obvious answer to why he panicked so hard would be that one of those masked US citizens was himself, or someone he can be tied to within trumps team, and he is crapping himself now.
I don't get what Nunes was so upset about that he acted so stupidly. What a nutter.

This article gives a nice overview of the matter.

I said a couple of pages ago that the way he has gone about it and the fact he will have seen so much evidence, I think he played this move to get himself removed as head of the investigation because it will be damaging to his political career as a Republican if he is the one that leads the investigation and brings down Trump and whatever collateral that causes within the Republican Party.

If he get's himself removed he can distance himself from the whole thing and simply tow the party line.
I said a couple of pages ago that the way he has gone about it and the fact he will have seen so much evidence, I think he played this move to get himself removed as head of the investigation because it will be damaging to his political career as a Republican if he is the one that leads the investigation and brings down Trump and whatever collateral that causes within the Republican Party.

If he get's himself removed he can distance himself from the whole thing and simply tow the party line.
That's possible. Jackie Speier said she thinks it was an orchestrated move, either by the WH or somebody associated with the WH. Would hardly be surprising if this turns out to be true.
Same here. The stupidity of people to not think about or to not think things through before they vote for someone is appalling. If she (and even more so her hubby) gets now a taste of the bitter medicine she voted for: Tough luck.

Agree with this. She got what was coming to her. I feel bad saying this, but it will be fun to see the idiots who voted for him suffering the most. I only feel bad for the sane folks who will suffer because of it.
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