The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It came to mind just now - and someone much smarter has probably said this before - that Germany is having it's US 1910s or 1930s moment. Basically the pre-war period. Wealthy country (although not same proportion as US), but very hesitant to lead or take a central role. Events could eventually force them to...
You have to take Dworkin's tweets with a grain of salt. A bit on the lefty InfoWarsish side.

Understood. That one caught my eye because Gowdy's my representative. I can't stand the guy, and not just because of his politics. I've been disliking him since he was a lawyer.
Understood. That one caught my eye because Gowdy's my representative. I can't stand the guy, and not just because of his politics. I've been disliking him since he was a lawyer.

Call up his office demanding answers :)
Understood. That one caught my eye because Gowdy's my representative. I can't stand the guy, and not just because of his politics. I've been disliking him since he was a lawyer.

Gowdy seems like a complete partisan imo. On the other hand, I met McCain and Graham when they came to Afghanistan and was impressed by both of them.
If the system pushed back and brings Trump down, it would only be messy in the short run but it will also show how robust the system, that was set up by the founding fathers a couple of hundred of years ago, works.

Well, partially worked as it did allow him to win the election based on an archaic system.
Gowdy seems like a complete partisan imo. On the other hand, I met McCain and Graham when they came to Afghanistan and was impressed by both of them.

McCain has been very fair through all this. I don't know enough about him or his politics to know if he's a genuinely impartial politician with a rare about of self respect or if it's the fact it's Russia.
As Fareed said on CNN the other day, Trump has spent his life bullshitting everyone and everything and I suspect, even himself. I think because he has so much money and he's always had power and now has great power, and he's always constantly had people blowing smoke up his arse that he's started to believe his own hype and he's actually convinced himself that he is smarter than he actually is. I think he also thinks he's way more popular than he actually is too. We know he doesn't like criticism of any kind, he can't handle the fact people don't like him, he's vindictive and he really doesn't like to hear the world no. The man has a list of issues longer than my arm. It's crazy people take him seriously, let alone voted for him. It just shows how obsessed people are with money and the perception many people have of those with it.

Why Letting Go, for Trump, Is No Small or Simple Task
Donald Trump is likely trying to use he´s daughters look and charm as a distraction during these meetings to gain some kind of advantage. He likely knows that in real talks about politics and negotiation with most world leaders he is at a disadvantage due to no political experience and next to no general political knowledge. This is properly he´s way to try to even the playing field some as he knows he got a beautiful daughter. It would be a real slimy way to use he´s daughter but it would be right up there with how he operates. Also using beautiful women during negotiations is an ancient practise and it is something you can find plenty examples of in history. She has no skill set to be there other than being he´s daughter and being pretty so it is hard to think of any other reason for her being there at those meetings.

It will also make it look less suspicious when he invites her to a late night "emergency meeting" in the situation room broom closet.
McCain has been very fair through all this. I don't know enough about him or his politics to know if he's a genuinely impartial politician with a rare about of self respect or if it's the fact it's Russia.

He's all farts and no shit. Despite all of the 'maverick' reputation he's been careful to build up over the years, he's voted on party line on an average of 98%. Remember when he said 'pigs will fly' before he vote for Tillerson to be SecState?
Donald Trump is likely trying to use he´s daughters look and charm as a distraction during these meetings to gain some kind of advantage. He likely knows that in real talks about politics and negotiation with most world leaders he is at a disadvantage due to no political experience and next to no general political knowledge. This is properly he´s way to try to even the playing field some as he knows he got a beautiful daughter. It would be a real slimy way to use he´s daughter but it would be right up there with how he operates. Also using beautiful women during negotiations is an ancient practise and it is something you can find plenty examples of in history. She has no skill set to be there other than being he´s daughter and being pretty so it is hard to think of any other reason for her being there at those meetings.

The administration's honeypot!
He's all farts and no shit. Despite all of the 'maverick' reputation he's been careful to build up over the years, he's voted on party line on an average of 98%. Remember when he said 'pigs will fly' before he vote for Tillerson to be SecState?

You're confusing his negotiation positions with the pragmatism that is necessary for good governance. I'd be more concerned if he ideologically clung to his positions rather than compromise.


This shit is going off. It looks like the whole house could be coming down soon. I just hope this isn't all just another massive let down.


This shit is going off. It looks like the whole house could be coming down soon. I just hope this isn't all just another massive let down.

If the freedom caucus stand firm and Drumpfcare gets rejected, it will only compound the Russiagate stuff and make for a pretty calamitous week, especially after Comey's admission the other day.


This shit is going off. It looks like the whole house could be coming down soon. I just hope this isn't all just another massive let down.

I linked that as well, did that not show up? I'm not sure I'm doing this twitter linking correctly.
Anyway, doesn't matter. I think this is big news, there's no way he would say that without actually having something to go on. They can't afford to hype something up and then it turns out to be nothing.
I linked that as well, did that not show up?

I don't know, I didn't see it, but to be honest I only glanced over the last page or so. If you did, my apologies.

March 28th..... :lol:

:lol: You will become a legend if that's true you know. Although I have a funny feeling you may become unbearable on the 28th :lol:
What happening on March 28th?
Last minute changes in Obamacare bill happening now. Apparently Drumpf is offering the freedom caucus some concessions.
I don't know, I didn't see it, but to be honest I only glanced over the last page or so. If you did, my apologies.

:lol: You will become a legend if that's true you know. Although I have a funny feeling you may become unbearable on the 28th :lol:

No worries whatsoever mate.
You're confusing his negotiation positions with the pragmatism that is necessary for good governance. I'd be more concerned if he ideologically clung to his positions rather than compromise.

How is it compromise if he's near enough always voted on party line?
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