The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I said months ago that'd be when impeachment would begin. Sounds ridiculous, but this week has been ridiculous.

It's definitely crazy, I don't know what to make of it, but I get the feeling a lot of people in this thread are going to be disappointed, or at least left clinging on to the hope long after he's settled into the job. History suggests it's extremely unlikely he won't finish his term (although of course everything about his candidature has been unlikely). On the other hand I can certainly see the establishment that he wants to break increasingly asserting control over his presidency. It may be the best this thread can hope for.

Good ol' HFC, who didn't want to support the bill because it just wasn't quite evil enough.
It's definitely crazy, I don't know what to make of it, but I get the feeling a lot of people in this thread are going to be disappointed, or at least left clinging on to the hope long after he's settled into the job. History suggests it's extremely unlikely he won't finish his term (although of course everything about his candidature has been unlikely). On the other hand I can certainly see the establishment that he wants to break increasingly asserting control over his presidency. It may be the best this thread can hope for.

Any attention whore in the world is able to sell rather wild speculation as definitive facts and many people are desperate enough to believe everything. If you actually look at the facts (e.g. the intelligence report or the congressional hearing) there is little evidence, that he is in trouble. Most of it is just noise without much content. At the moment I'd rather bet on him winning a second term, than on him getting kicked out early....

It's a very good point actually. Perhaps he knows the inevitable, the consequences of that and knows that as a republican that could be hugely damaging. Doing this will remove him of those responsibilities. Keep his Republican reputation intact and keep the Trump crew behind him.
That's how you negotiate - you cast a wide net in the hope that the opposition compromise and meet you in the middle. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That's politics.
Or maybe, this is a radical idea, he's a politician who has manufactured a public image contrary to what he's doing behind closed door?
They've got Trumpski by the balalaikas.
Schindler has been pretty much on this from the beginning. Claims his Intel buddies have said Trump will die in jail once everything is revealed.

There will be a beautiful irony to Trump in an orange jump suit.
Schindler has been pretty much on this from the beginning. Claims his Intel buddies have said Trump will die in jail once everything is revealed.

I refuse to get my hopes up.
If they prove collusion between the campaign team but don't have evidence against Trump himself what would be the official repercussion for the administration?

If it happened, its pretty likely Trump knew about it. All the dots are beginning to slowly connect. Next step will be to give someone like Flynn or Stone immunity in exchange for their testimony against Trump.
Trump said he felt "somewhat vindicated" after Nunes told him about what he had found. :wenger: I guess he missed the fact where Nunes said that he still doesn't have any evidence at all that Trump tower was tapped. Is he (and his followers) actually stupid enough to think that this proves him right????
Trump said he felt "somewhat vindicated" after Nunes told him about what he had found. :wenger: I guess he missed the fact where Nunes said that he still doesn't have any evidence at all that Trump tower was tapped. Is he (and his followers) actually stupid enough to think that this proves him right????
Yeah, if anything it is bad news.
If it happened, its pretty likely Trump knew about it. All the dots are beginning to slowly connect. Next step will be to give someone like Flynn or Stone immunity in exchange for their testimony against Trump.

Without a doubt, this is potentially such a unique situation I'm just playing with hypotheticals in my head and seeing where and how he could try to hold on if this goes down. While keeping my expectations low of course.
I refuse to get my hopes up.
Yeah. It certainly doesn't look like something that's going away any time soon though, and is exactly the kind of scandal that Trump was trying to play up with Clinton. Hopefully the teflon will wear off soon enough.
One thing that worries me though: "suspected" Russian operatives to "possibly" coordinate

That aside...

The irony of Trump being undone by his own tweet about Obama would cause the universe to collapse in on itself

You've got to love how thick and fast the leaks continue to come.

When I was watching Comey getting questioned about them by almost every Republican Rep and how they were urging him to get to the bottom of them and punish the sources, I was wondering how many of the leaks Comey himself and commissioned. It's clearly a powerful tool for the beureau. There's no way he's going to start ratting out his best agents.
The sheer brass balls of the man is astonishing. "Partially vindicated" He's taking the fecking piss. At the very least he owes Obama an apology, but he can't even do that can he? He's a disgrace, a disgusting, pathetic disgrace.
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