The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Seems incredible Nunes won't be subject to some kind of recrimination.

Another one bites the dust. The Republicans are tearing themselves apart :lol:

Nunes has also revealed exactly what Comey was being careful not to reveal in his hearing. That they have collected evidence of direct communications between members of the Trump Administration and Foreign Agents.

Shit's about to get real :D
That is damning .Can't see these to working together. Nunes must be covering
Nunes has also revealed exactly what Comey was being careful not to reveal in his hearing.
That's what I'm talking about. It's not just that he went outside the committee and informed Trump... it's what he blabbed about and what it means, things that I don't think crossed his mind when he went to the press on this.
The level of incompetence is amazing. You'd have to be fairly naive to think things wouldn't leak from the committee to the White House, but it's baffling to be so public about it. It's like he was expecting a rub on the head from Trump and a Scooby-snack and took leave of his senses.
The republicans in all branches of government are clearly feeling the heat right now and know how high the stakes are. The decisions they are making are absolutely mental.
Another one bites the dust. The Republicans are tearing themselves apart :lol:

Nunes has also revealed exactly what Comey was being careful not to reveal in his hearing. That they have collected evidence of direct communications between members of the Trump Administration and Foreign Agents.

Shit's about to get real :D

I've been busy all day, any chance you could bring me up to speed on what's going on mate? What has Nunes done?
Basically. Feckin hell. Can he claim any form of immunity here?

I'm fairly sure there's no immunity against rampant stupidity. Given the GOP control both houses, I can't see him ended up with anything more than removed from the committee (at worst), but hopefully this will do wonders for building a case for an independent investigator.
Looking at Nunes...

1) he revealed classified surveillance of foreign targets
2) he confirmed that the Trump people were in direct contact with people under FISA surveillance warrants

3) he gave Trump a heads up about these findings before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee
4) he gave a press conference before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee

He's possibly the worst mole ever planted in an investigation.
More like;
Looking at Nunes...

1) he revealed classified surveillance of foreign targets
2) he confirmed that the Trump people were in direct contact with people under FISA surveillance warrants

3) he gave Trump a heads up about these findings before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee
4) he gave a press conference before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee

He's possibly the worst mole ever planted in an investigation.

Worse still he's shown the documents to the Trump administration so they know what the intelligence committee know and can start working on corroborating their answers.
Looking at Nunes...

1) he revealed classified surveillance of foreign targets
2) he confirmed that the Trump people were in direct contact with people under FISA surveillance warrants

3) he gave Trump a heads up about these findings before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee
4) he gave a press conference before ever telling his "independent" investigation committee

He's possibly the worst mole ever planted in an investigation.

I talked yesterday about how inconceivable it was that he was allowed to head an investigation like this, and then he goes out and does this.. you couldn't make this **** up. I'm starting to think that it's all part of some greater plan and they are just trolling at the moment because I refuse to believe that people in these type of positions are this feckin stupid. A bunch of 5th graders would handle this better than this lot.

Folks outside Ireland, are you familiar with the term GUBU?

Grotesque, Unbelievable, Bizarre and Unprecedented.

Feels like it might be useful in the coming days and weeks.

Never heard it, though it feels as if it was tailor made for what's been going on the last 6 months.
Not sure if this has been mentioned on here.

Donald Trump is likely trying to use he´s daughters look and charm as a distraction during these meetings to gain some kind of advantage. He likely knows that in real talks about politics and negotiation with most world leaders he is at a disadvantage due to no political experience and next to no general political knowledge. This is properly he´s way to try to even the playing field some as he knows he got a beautiful daughter. It would be a real slimy way to use he´s daughter but it would be right up there with how he operates. Also using beautiful women during negotiations is an ancient practise and it is something you can find plenty examples of in history. She has no skill set to be there other than being he´s daughter and being pretty so it is hard to think of any other reason for her being there at those meetings.
Donald Trump is likely trying to use he´s daughters look and charm as a distraction during these meetings to gain some kind of advantage. He likely knows that in real talks about politics and negotiation with most world leaders he is at a disadvantage due to no political experience and next to no general political knowledge. This is properly he´s way to try to even the playing field some as he knows he got a beautiful daughter. It would be a real slimy way to use he´s daughter but it would be right up there with how he operates. Also using beautiful women during negotiations is an ancient practise and it is something you can find plenty examples of in history. She has no skill set to be there other than being he´s daughter and being pretty so it is hard to think of any other reason for her being there at those meetings.

Orrrrr #realfirstlady
Be glorious if Nunes has got himself in deep shit though the scrutiny he's summoned onto himself :drool:

On another note, it looks to me like the Freedom Caucus (or at least enough of them) are preparing to capitulate.
Followed that to Dworkin's twitter account.

1) You can't make this stuff up.
2) Can you also post the tweet about Trump and Trey Gowdy? (Not on twitter, so can't myself)

You have to take Dworkin's tweets with a grain of salt. A bit on the lefty InfoWarsish side.

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