The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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And don't forget the emails.
Not saying I want the world to be destroyed, but I quite like the idea of an alien civilisation discovering the planet's charred remains in a few thousand millennia, and the only record they find from us says "But her emails..."
And don't forget the emails.

And Hillary enabled Bill.

That just reminded me. Trump brought those women to the debate. I mean, that is fecking mental. Literally the most classless I think I've ever seen.
It's definitely crazy, I don't know what to make of it, but I get the feeling a lot of people in this thread are going to be disappointed, or at least left clinging on to the hope long after he's settled into the job. History suggests it's extremely unlikely he won't finish his term (although of course everything about his candidature has been unlikely). On the other hand I can certainly see the establishment that he wants to break increasingly asserting control over his presidency. It may be the best this thread can hope for.

Though I prefer him at war with Congress, IC, etc, not passing anything.
Literally the most classless I think I've ever seen.

It just shows how nasty, vindictive, petulant and vicious he can be. You saw his petulance the other day with Merke, he didn't even try to hide it, nor offer any excuse or apology, the same with the Obama wiretapping now. John Oliver has it spot on as he keeps referring to him as a psychopathic toddler manchild.
Any attention whore in the world is able to sell rather wild speculation as definitive facts and many people are desperate enough to believe everything. If you actually look at the facts (e.g. the intelligence report or the congressional hearing) there is little evidence, that he is in trouble. Most of it is just noise without much content. At the moment I'd rather bet on him winning a second term, than on him getting kicked out early....

I also don't see the outrage of Nunes saying what he did. I find no reason on principle to disbelieve him and believe the Dem members of his own panel. That Trump Tower got sureveilled is extremely likely - since the NSA catches everything.
Now, of course, he is playing this for max political gain, assuming correctly that the general public, which is less informed than this thread, won't know about the universal nature of those programs, and that "Trump was wiretapped" is the more likely take-home message as compared to "Our huge security apparatus which caught everything caught a bit of Trump."

Making daddy proud..

Wes Streeting is my parents home MP! I knocked on doors and helped campaign for him in last election.

Made some big objections during Hard BrExit. Very smart emerging talent in the UK Labour party.
Wes Streeting is my parents home MP! I knocked on doors and helped campaign for him in last election.

Made some big objections during Hard BrExit. Very smart emerging talent in the UK Labour party.
Alas, fairly sure to lose his seat next election.
I don't understand how things can be business as usual while an administration is under FBI investigation. Just a hypothetical - if the FBI suspects the president of being a foreign agent but need a few months to investigate/prove it, it's sounds crazy that the president is free to do whatever he wants in those few months.
Would Ryan not delay the healthcare bill vote if he thought he never had the numbers to pass it?

They've probably done enough arm twisting to get the votes for the bill to pass the chamber. They're allowing the media to think they've not got the numbers so when the bill passes, Trump will loudly yell at how good of a negotiator he is and how he pulled of this unexpected win.
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Another one bites the dust. The Republicans are tearing themselves apart :lol:

Nunes has also revealed exactly what Comey was being careful not to reveal in his hearing. That they have collected evidence of direct communications between members of the Trump Administration and Foreign Agents.

Shit's about to get real :D

During the election i read an article (can't remember where) which discussed how much damage Trump could potentially do to the GOP in case he became POTUS. It was a good read and it seems the author was spot on, because it has been a trainwreck since day one.

I think it's also worth remembering that the GOP did not really want Trump as their candidate, but his popularity forced them into it.

If this trend continues i wonder how long the GOP will tolerate this.
I don't understand how things can be business as usual while an administration is under FBI investigation. Just a hypothetical - if the FBI suspects the president of being a foreign agent but need a few months to investigate/prove it, it's sounds crazy that the president is free to do whatever he wants in those few months.
The opposite path is equally untenable.
During the election i read an article (can't remember where) which discussed how much damage Trump could potentially do to the GOP in case he became POTUS. It was a good read and it seems the author was spot on, because it has been a trainwreck since day one.

I think it's also worth remembering that the GOP did not really want Trump as their candidate, but his popularity forced them into it.

If this trend continues i wonder how long the GOP will tolerate this.

Are you kidding? They're loving it.

They can push through their bullshit agenda, and when it all invariably goes tits up, they'll cut their losses with Trump, blame him for the debacle and frame the narrative that you need an establishment Republican to run things properly.
Are you kidding? They're loving it.

They can push through their bullshit agenda, and when it all invariably goes tits up, they'll cut their losses with Trump, blame him for the debacle and frame the narrative that you need an establishment Republican to run things properly.

Well, i suppose some of the darker segments of the party feel like they now have a carte blanche to do as they please, but i believe such a mess will damage them, both internally and among their voters
The level of incompetence is amazing. You'd have to be fairly naive to think things wouldn't leak from the committee to the White House, but it's baffling to be so public about it. It's like he was expecting a rub on the head from Trump and a Scooby-snack and took leave of his senses.
I asked on Monday about Nunes' qualification to lead the committee because to me, he comes across as simple-minded and pretty dumb. If anything, his behavior of yesterday underscores my perception. He acts like someone in a Banana Republic. The US are so much better than this but the current administration and most of the GOP are crooks.

Not sure if this has been mentioned on here.

It has, and the reason for her presence according to 45 is actually this:
One important topic of this meeting was to explain the German education system for non-academics, the so-called 'dual system'. Some German companies have established this in the US, and Merkel wanted to make sure 45 understands that German businesses not just offer 700,000 direct jobs in the US but also this highly successful education system.
Ivanka is supposed to work on a 'project' or whatever 45 called it to do this not just in German companies in the US but in other companies, too.
Not that I'm buying that she's qualified to do that but that was the official reason.

Schindler has been pretty much on this from the beginning. Claims his Intel buddies have said Trump will die in jail once everything is revealed.

I sincerely hope that 45 and his gang as well as those GOP folks who supported or enabled him will soon be history. This farce of a presidency must end.
Will be interesting to see if Nunes still maintains that he's seen no evidence of collusion.

Schiff has seen some new damning evidence in recent days for him to go from "there is circumstantial evidence" to now claim that "there is more than circumstantial evidence".
At what point would FBI investigate ties between Nunes and Russia?

Another poll in which Twitler drops to 37% approval rate (Quinnipiac) and some further encourgaing signs that at least some people woke up.

:D Can't wait to see the outcome of the vote. Spicey says there's no plan B, only plan A and plan A and it'll get through.

At what point would FBI investigate ties between Nunes and Russia?

They don't even have to, all they need to do is put in an anonymous source to NYT or WaPo that he may or may not be under investigation and the slimy snake will crawl away.
Great article

That was an interesting read. I'm very interested in the bits on America polarizing into basically 2 countries and the next bit about how what fringe elements did (viewed themselves as outside the bounded political circle) is now being practiced by the mainstream right.
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