The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So the UK is also about to implement a device ban. Just six countries (the eight ones from the US bar Marocco and another one) and all airline carriers are affected.

Questions from and concerns expressed by experts (why are smartpones allowed, devices can explode in the belly of the plane, why no sniffer dogs and machines instead etc) are not answered yet.
He is clearly stupid, lack self-awareness and naive. He doesn't know what he doesn't know. The most dangerous quadrant.

Putin can retire and write a book on how he hijacked the poltical system of the 'most powerful' nation in the world -- using the most unlikely baffoon.

Life imitating art.
Not just hijacked - humilated, ridiculed and brought down.
So the UK is also about to implement a device ban. Just six countries (the eight ones from the US bar Marocco and another one) and all airline carriers are affected.

Questions from and concerns expressed by experts (why are smartpones allowed, devices can explode in the belly of the plane, why no sniffer dogs and machines instead etc) are not answered yet.
Canada have suggested they are considering it too.
I want someone to ask him what the "GOP" is and what the letters stand for.

Feck me mate, please don't go down that hole, I have countless questions I would want him to answer in an interview. What are the 3 branches of Government in the USA would probably be my first and continue from there.
Not just hijacked - humilated, ridiculed and brought down.

If the system pushed back and brings Trump down, it would only be messy in the short run but it will also show how robust the system, that was set up by the founding fathers a couple of hundred of years ago, works.

Here's another one,

You really would think he would learn wouldn't you? Attacking Judges yet again, it's pretty disgusting really, although it could backfire if he ever comes up against one in the future. Also disgusting is him praising the Dark Sith Lord Cheney. Ugh! Although no surprise, I find it hilarious he constantly attacks GW for the Iraq war, but Cheney is ok? Mind you, what would you expect from a man who only today found out that Lincoln was a Republican.

When was he asked this!!?:nervous:
When was he asked this!!?:nervous:

I'm sick and tired of that cnut speaking for other people to disguise the fact he doesn't know something. "Nobody knew healthcare could be so difficult" For fecks sake, he's so oblivious to the obvious and tries to hide his stupidity by suggesting others are as uneducated as he is.
I'm sick and tired of that cnut speaking for other people to disguise the fact he doesn't know something. "Nobody knew healthcare could be so difficult" For fecks sake, he's so oblivious to the obvious and tries to hide his stupidity by suggesting others are as uneducated as he is.

He doesnt realise that he just aint that bright. His strength is the force of nature that is his personality but thats based on his Grand Canyon deep insecurity.
He doesnt realise that he just aint that bright. His strength is the force of nature that is his personality but thats based on his Grand Canyon deep insecurity.
I still think this is largely because he was moderately intelligent for most of his life, before senility hit.
He doesnt realise that he just aint that bright. His strength is the force of nature that is his personality but thats based on his Grand Canyon deep insecurity.

As Fareed said on CNN the other day, Trump has spent his life bullshitting everyone and everything and I suspect, even himself. I think because he has so much money and he's always had power and now has great power, and he's always constantly had people blowing smoke up his arse that he's started to believe his own hype and he's actually convinced himself that he is smarter than he actually is. I think he also thinks he's way more popular than he actually is too. We know he doesn't like criticism of any kind, he can't handle the fact people don't like him, he's vindictive and he really doesn't like to hear the world no. The man has a list of issues longer than my arm. It's crazy people take him seriously, let alone voted for him. It just shows how obsessed people are with money and the perception many people have of those with it.
I still think this is largely because he was moderately intelligent for most of his life, before senility hit.
I think he is ok.

Just that a very good BSer for dumb fecks. It might be ok to do in some business as he has status and money and people would more likely to ignore or buy in.

And, he can't really lose that habbit while being POTUS.
I think he is ok.

Just that a very good BSer for dumb fecks. It might be ok to do in some business as he has status and money and people would more likely to ignore or buy in.

And, he can't really lose that habbit while being POTUS.
I tire of saying this but I again suggest looking at clips of him speaking when he was younger. His speech patterns and mannerisms are very different.
As Fareed said on CNN the other day, Trump has spent his life bullshitting everyone and everything and I suspect, even himself. I think because he has so much money and he's always had power and now has great power, and he's always constantly had people blowing smoke up his arse that he's started to believe his own hype and he's actually convinced himself that he is smarter than he actually is. I think he also thinks he's way more popular than he actually is too. We know he doesn't like criticism of any kind, he can't handle the fact people don't like him, he's vindictive and he really doesn't like to hear the world no. The man has a list of issues longer than my arm. It's crazy people take him seriously, let alone voted for him. It just shows how obsessed people are with money and the perception many people have of those with it.

These crazy people treat or see him like some divisive footballer -- like how the scousers see Suarez. They just cant see him do no wrong despite biting, spiting or being racially abusive towards our Evra. Or the teenagers crazy over Bieber. You could see it in their faces during the CNN interviews outside the YUM Arena in Louisville in another one of his campaign rally.

Its fandom and not real logical political/economical support. Not as a serious politician or leader.
The guy who trolled Eichenwald's twitter feed with a flashing image to induce an epileptic seizure got arrested.

Good to hear. Hopefully sends a message to the other trolls that they can be tracked down when they do this sort of stuff.
With a statue on Mt Rushmore and ivanka taking over in 2025

All jokes aside that's what i'm actually afraid of. The stories of Ivanka moving in to the White House and having security clearance are extremely disturbing. The fact he hasn't distanced himself from his businesses is bad enough but he will now be breaking the anti-nepotism laws too. I've said it before but worse still than that is everyone knows what the USA is like with keeping Presidents in the family, it's like some strange unwritten rule that Presidents or Presidential candidates must all have been sons or daughters of brothers of previous President. It's like a Royal family except they have to undergo the formality of an election rather than a coronation.

With that in mind I think it's ultra important that Trump is removed from office in absolute disgrace so it lessens the likelihood his daughter or even his two moron sons don't ever try to run as President. I just know Trump has already thought of that and I bet my house that it's come up as a family discussion. Ivanka and Don Jr being the two most likely contenders, Don first then Ivanka following suit. The USA and world could never be rid of these feckwits, it really is worrisome.
All jokes aside that's what i'm actually afraid of. The stories of Ivanka moving in to the White House and having security clearance are extremely disturbing. The fact he hasn't distanced himself from his businesses is bad enough but he will now be breaking the anti-nepotism laws too. I've said it before but worse still than that is everyone knows what the USA is like with keeping Presidents in the family, it's like some strange unwritten rule that Presidents or Presidential candidates must all have been sons or daughters of brothers of previous President. It's like a Royal family except they have to undergo the formality of an election rather than a coronation.

With that in mind I think it's ultra important that Trump is removed from office in absolute disgrace so it lessens the likelihood his daughter or even his two moron sons don't ever try to run as President. I just know Trump has already thought of that and I bet my house that it's come up as a family discussion. Ivanka and Don Jr being the two most likely contenders, Don first then Ivanka following suit. The USA and world could never be rid of these feckwits, it really is worrisome.

Ummmm Trump sort of breaks that mold doesn't he? Sander ran without being the son of a previous President and did quite well. Honestly being related to Bill hurt Hillary in a lot of voters minds. Granted we had the Bushes and Clintons, but even the first George and Bill Clinton were not the sons of previous President. Neither was Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedy's were a powerful family but only one got to be President, might have been two had it not been for Bobby getting killed, but Ted was far less likely to ever be President (sort of the Jeb of the family). FDR and Teddy were 5th cousins. Truman was not any Presidents son.
Ummmm Trump sort of breaks that mold doesn't he? Sander ran without being the son of a previous President and did quite well. Honestly being related to Bill hurt Hillary in a lot of voters minds. Granted we had the Bushes and Clintons, but even the first George and Bill Clinton were not the sons of previous President. Neither was Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedy's were a powerful family but only one got to be President, might have been two had it not been for Bobby getting killed, but Ted was far less likely to ever be President (sort of the Jeb of the family). FDR and Teddy were 5th cousins. Truman was not any Presidents son.

I was being flippant as obviously not all President/candidates are related, but there certainly is a like for keeping it in the family as Hillary was running as too was Jeb Bush, but as I said I wasn't being entirely serious about all being related. I was being serious by worrying that Trumps spawn could decide to run in coming years, and I was also being serious that I bet it has been discussed, especially with Ivanka and Don Jr, heck probably Eric too, the family is arrogant enough to want a legacy of controlling the world hence why I said it would be best if Trump left in absolute disgrace.

Changing the subject, here's a Murdoch owned paper sticking it to Trump....

That's not surprising, but what is really, really depressing is some of the comments. I truly despair, some people are just full of such mistrust and are so completely lost. A few comments had me feeling depressed but the ones saying that Obama should be being arrested and the ones saying Trump is always right and telling the truth really got to me. It's like the old saying, you can't fool all the people all of the time but you can fool some of the people some of the time.
And he just happened to be his first pick as Campaign Chair. Republicans can't polish this turd.

Everyone: That's a tonne of smoke, pretty certain there is a fire.

FBI: We're investigating this smoke and will find out if there's a fire.

Republicans: Cheers FBI, look at this huge grey cloud you have created around the Trump Administration.
Toughness, more than any other attribute, is what Mr. Trump has sought to project during his short and successful political career — and he believes his behavior makes him look tougher, no matter what the press thinks.

As a presidential candidate, he wanted to look dour, and vetoed any campaign imagery that so much as hinted at weakness, aides said. Which is why every self-selected snapshot — down to the squinty-eyed scowl attached to his Twitter account — features a tough-guy sourpuss. “Like Churchill,” is what Mr. Trump would tell staffers when asked what look he was going for.
*manly facepalm*

(Source: Failing New York Times)

Everyone: That's a tonne of smoke, pretty certain there is a fire.

FBI: We're investigating this smoke and will find out if there's a fire.

Republicans: Cheers FBI, look at this huge grey cloud you have created around the Trump Administration.

You got smoke from a real fire. Then you add all the smoke from fog machines designed to make some of us think there is some other fire so we don't pay enough attention to the real fire as we are too busy chasing false ones (think all the disinformation from the White House). All you end up with is a bunch of us running around with in a smokey fog with no hope of ever seeing things with any sort of clarity or focus.
You got smoke from a real fire. Then you add all the smoke from fog machines designed to make some of us think there is some other fire so we don't pay enough attention to the real fire as we are too busy chasing false ones (think all the disinformation from the White House). All you end up with is a bunch of us running around with in a smokey fog with no hope of ever seeing things with any sort of clarity or focus.

Sydney Morning Herald did a pretty good job of highlighting some obvious real smoke:

Jeff Sessions, Attorney-General: As the country's top law officer, he was obliged to recuse himself from any Justice Department handling of the Trump/Russia investigations after it was revealed that he had failed to disclose two meetings with Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, in the course of the campaign.

Roger Stone, long-time adviser: He seemed to claim in the course of the campaign that he had advance knowledge of the leaking through WikiLeaks of troves of emails hacked from Democratic Party computers by Russian agents. (Sean Spicer: Trump and Stone speak "from time to time" but they had not done so recently.)

Jared Kushner, Trump's adviser and son-in-law: He had a meeting with Kislyak during the transition period and reportedly has real estate business deals with Russians.

Michael Flynn, a high-profile campaign surrogate and national security adviser: He was sacked by Trump after revelations that he lied about his conversations with Kislyak. Also under investigation as a former military officer, for accepting payment for attending a gala for the Kremlin-owned Russia Today TV network - during which he sat at Russian President Vladimir Putin's table at a banquet. (Sean Spicer: he was just a "volunteer of the campaign.")

Donald Trump jnr, the President's son: He travels to Russia and famously told a New York real estate conference in 2008, "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets" and "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Paul Manafort, former campaign manager: He was sacked after six months after revelations that he has received millions of dollars in questionable payments from pro-Russian politicians and businessmen in Ukraine and of contacting Russian interests in the course of the campaign. (Sean Spicer: "[He had only a] limited role for a very limited amount of time.")

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State: A former ExxonMobil chief executive and Putin friend, he oversaw a partnership deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars between ExxonMobil and Russian energy giant Rosneft after which Putin awarded him the Order of Friendship.

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce: In the 1990s, he served on the board of the US-Russia Investment Fund, which helped drive business in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and has a stake in a Cyprus bank favoured by wealthy Russians.

Carter Page, former adviser on foreign policy: He reportedly met Kislyak during last year's Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio; speaks to business groups in Russia and, some years ago, worked in Moscow as an investment banker. (Sean Spicer: "An individual who the president-elect does not know and was put on notice months ago by the campaign.")

J.D. Gordon, former adviser on national security: A former Pentagon spokesman, he too reportedly met Kislyak in Cleveland. (Kellyanne Conway: "[He had] very attenuated contacts to the campaign. [The President] doesn't know [him], didn't work with [him].")

Some who are independent of the Trump circle are dismissive about the alleged collusion with the Kremlin.

Mike Morrell, a former acting director of the CIA, is an authoritative voice in knocking it down. "There is smoke, but there is no fire at all," he said.

But the circumstantial case put to Monday's hearing before the House Intelligence Committee by senior Democrat Adam Schiff is seemingly sufficiently compelling for the FBI.

Here's the scenario that Schiff, drawing on public sources, presented as, perhaps, a series of coincidences in the course of 2016, but perhaps not - and therefore warranting serious investigation.

Early July:

Page travels to Moscow with approval of the Trump campaign. In Moscow, he makes a speech critical of the US focus on democracy and corruption. Page secretly meets Igor Sechin chief executive of Rosneft, reportedly a former KGB agent and close friend of Putin and of Tillerson. Sechin reportedly offers Page brokerage fees in a deal involving the sale of a 19 per cent stake in Rosneft. Reuters reports the transaction but the name of the buyer and the amount of brokerage fees are unknown.

About the same time the Trump campaign is offered documents damaging to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton - Russian-sourced but laundered through WikiLeaks - in return for a future Trump administration watering down Washington's criticism of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and taking a stand against NATO.

Mid July:

Manafort, who had selected Page as the campaign's Moscow go-between, attends the Republican convention with Page. Kislyak also attends - meeting Page, Gordon, Sessions and another Trump adviser, Walid Phares. The Republican platform is changed to delete references to giving "lethal defensive weapons" to Ukraine - and later Gordon admits that he had a hand in the revision.

Late July:

The first batch of damaging Democratic Party emails is released.

August 8:

Stone boasts publicly that he has communicated with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and claims more documents would be coming, including an "October surprise".

Mid August:

Stone claims to have had contact with the hacker of the Democratic computers and, soon after, makes the remarkable prediction that Clinton campaign executive John Podesta's personal emails would soon be published - which duly happens.


Post election, Trump appoints Flynn as his national security adviser, but he sacks him in February after he is revealed to have lied about his meetings with the Russian ambassador.

Comey is suspect in Democratic circles because of his 11th-hour, campaign revelation that Hillary Clinton's controversial emails were still being investigated by the FBI.

But, just as Trump delighted in expressing confidence in Comey as the FBI boss made Clinton squirm during the campaign, Democrats now revel in Comey's seeming determination to get to the bottom of the whole Russia business.

"I can promise you, we will follow the facts wherever they lead," he told the committee on Monday.

Schiff left the hearing with a spring in his step, telling reporters: "It gives me some level of confidence knowing that an agency that does have the resources is devoting itself to determining just what type of co-ordination might have taken place."
Sean 'Manafort played a very limited role' Spicer:

Throwback to July 2016:
Many Republicans dilemma:
Yes = 45 happy, Koch brothers unhappy.
No = 45 unhappy, Koch brothers happy.

This will be an interesting vote.

Ahahaha, Churchill is totally who he's trying to copy on the Crippled America cover, just noticed:

The five stars on the front cover that are to create the illusion that it's part of a five star review is a perfect example of how he operates.
The five stars on the front cover that are to create the illusion that it's part of a five star review is a perfect example of how he operates.
Maybe he's a General at Man City, chief.
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