The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm sure Drumpf can twist 5 or 6 more arms and get it passed. If not then he's going to look like a complete clown.
He said he'd of walked out of the room if Trump had asked him to overturn Roe v. Wade and went on to say that Roe v. Wade is precedent, that precedent is important and must be considered, and that what was once controversial no longer is.

He also affirmed that due process rights are extended to undocumented people in America (something the Trump admin attempted to argue against in their legal argument over Travel Ban #1)

Wow! He maybe not as bad as everyone thinks then, maybe the Dems would be silly wasting their Fillibuster on him and should save it. They were most frightened of someone wanting to overturn Roe v Wade, the fact he seems completely agains that is refreshing to hear, the fact he said he would fight Trump on it, or wouldn't even entertain him about it is even better.
They are asking how did the FBI decide that they investigate a connection between a foreign adversary and a member of the Government. Could it be that they lied about talking to the foreign adversary?

Just posting this for humour rather than any expectation of Hannity being anything other than a moron.
So how far are we from actual impeachment?
It'll never happen for as long as the Republicans have the majority. The GOP folks in power are absolutely rotten to the core (very few exceptions), and their hypocrisy is endless. Don't expect them to do anyting that comes close to removing 45 from the WH.
Everytime I read this thread, people are looking for reassurances for Trump's impeachment or him losing the presidency :lol:

People are also eager that the new healthcare law will be a major hurdle for Trump. I actually see it the other way. If he can't get it passed, he'll blame Republicans who voted against it and say they have no backbone and run his 2020 campaign for his supporters. If he passes it, he would have delivered on his campaign promises. Who the feck cares about uninsured people? The poor people who voted for Trump don't mind losing healthcare as long as ACA is repealed, as they think they are paying for someone who is sitting at home and getting health coverage on their already low wages. For many is US, healthcare is a burden. The only people who realize the importance is the people who are already sick and who need health coverage. They are of much less number and most probably would die before the next election.
So how far are we from actual impeachment?

If logic and morals had a proper role in the decision? Pretty close.

With this Republican shit show of partisanship, self preservation and personal agendas being the deciding factor? A million miles away.
The laptop ban makes zero sense given American airlines flying through the same airport are not affected by it. They rely on the same airport security staff as the foreign airlines operating from that airport.

To make sure that american airlines make more money, since they cant compete with the likes of qatar or etihad.
To make sure that american airlines make more money, since they cant compete with the likes of qatar or etihad.
I wouldn't put past Etihad, Qatar and Emirate airlines to introduce inbuilt computers for passengers as part of their entertainment system.
I wouldn't put past Etihad, Qatar and Emirate airlines to introduce inbuilt computers for passengers as part of their entertainment system.

That would be ok for casual browsing but as far as sensitive work goes not many companies would advocate access on public devices because they can't control security or protect their data.
That would be ok for casual browsing but as far as sensitive work goes not many companies would advocate access on public devices because they can't control security or protect their data.
Yes. It would be purely for browsing and entertainment.
He is not getting away with anything. people are too impatient.

What you are seeing is trump doing exactly what he has always done, denying knowing about anything as soon as the heat is turned up. What you are seeing is him really acknowledging that he is in the shite, bigly. Thats big, its the first time he has been defensive about his position, and he is obviously worried. The difference is that normally, he has the most expensive lawyer in the fight. This time, he is fighting the nsa and the fbi, and his money is meaningless.

They can;t just come out and say he's in league with russia or anything that will need an immediate and forced removal (as that would for national security) because that is how you start a civil war. There are still millions who believe everything he has said, think the fbi are making up fake stuff and obama and the british tapped his phones, because he says they did.

Watergate took two years to shake out for a reason. This will be quicker, because the consequences for leaving him that long are much more damaging to the country

I bet the residents of his apartments feel dirty every time they go home or drive past that Trump signage.
Today, I realized again how screwed up we are. It's not about the new health care or tax cuts, etc. It's the fact that the major news by the FBI director yesterday fully disappeared from the headlines just 24 hours later. How can this happen so fast?!! Don't tell me "we're in a fast-moving world". The left is unable to control the narrative even we they have a lot to rely on. If the roles were reversed, we would be talking day in day out about this (e.g., Benghazi, Hillary's email server [which was a major mistake by her], the IRS, etc.)
I wouldn't put past Etihad, Qatar and Emirate airlines to introduce inbuilt computers for passengers as part of their entertainment system.

I'd never travel on a US/UK airline over the middle east or SE Asia airlines, certainly not in business class.

Load all the data you require onto a memory drive and then plug and work which will work for business travellers. Not perfect but a feasible workaround.
It'll never happen for as long as the Republicans have the majority. The GOP folks in power are absolutely rotten to the core (very few exceptions), and their hypocrisy is endless. Don't expect them to do anyting that comes close to removing 45 from the WH.
Nailed it. Vast majority of the public are too dumb to even notice.
Sen. Al Franken and Judge Neil Gorsuch a very tough time over the frozen trucker.

NPR mentioned this case the other day but didn't go into full details just that the trucker waited for near three hours in subzero conditions for help to fix a rig, then unhooked his trailer, and drove off to get medical attention. Gorsuch railed in favor of the company in the suit. NPR segment also mentioned many Dems have concerns over Gorsuch's track record of often ruling in favor of business/corporate interests.
The guy who trolled Eichenwald's twitter feed with a flashing image to induce an epileptic seizure got arrested.

Cmooon Dianne for my March 28th prediction ;D

If he does resign, which I think he would definitely do if he felt it was a case of jumping before being pushed, then you know exactly how he will react.

1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah call a Wambulance.

2. It was all the media's fault, they cannot be trusted and the people who voted against him and the protestors and waaaaaah, all traitors all should be ashamed, but it's their loss as he would have been the greatest leader the world has ever seen.

3. More waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah self pity, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, guilt trips, waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh projection, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
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