The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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NPR mentioned this case the other day but didn't go into full details just that the trucker waited for near three hours in subzero conditions for help to fix a rig, then unhooked his trailer, and drove off to get medical attention. Gorsuch railed in favor of the company in the suit. NPR segment also mentioned many Dems have concerns over Gorsuch's track record of often ruling in favor of business/corporate interests.

Sen. Al Franken and Judge Neil Gorsuch a very tough time over the frozen trucker.

He just found that out today didn't he :lol:

Wasn't his brand of Republicanism progressive back then anyway?


Edit: relevant for what's written on the eagle at the top.
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I can just imagine how the ad begins.

"You know, Republicans weren't always the racist ones. 150 years ago..."

It would of course end by implying Obama was an ingrate.
It's actually fairly smart by him because 33% of college graduates in the US don't know that fact. Imagine the crazies swelling with pride (Democrats are the racist ones etc)
He just found that out today didn't he :lol:

Wasn't his brand of Republicanism progressive back then anyway?
Yeah, boy was reading Marx and everything.

In fact, someone should set up a competing PAC just for that, every time the "You know, Republicans weren't always the racist ones" ad pops up it should be followed with a "You know, Republicans loved seizing the means of production" ad.
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He could take a dump on a NASCAR car. They'd just say he streamlined it.

Complete nutters that would go to any length to justify their support for him.

Feck my life, he really is a fecking idiot. I remember him being questioned about past Presidents and he struggled to name even two I think it was. Complete and utter moron.

It's so refreshing having him in the Senate.

Yes, yes it is. If not just for sanity, that video there is brilliant, he just lays it all out in plain English and doesn't bother with lawyer speak or trying to be clever, just honest and to the point. I really admire him, he's actually so much smarter than many of the so called educated Senators out there.
Yes, yes it is. If not just for sanity, that video there is brilliant, he just lays it all out in plain English and doesn't bother with lawyer speak or trying to be clever, just honest and to the point. I really admire him, he's actually so much smarter than many of the so called educated Senators out there.

Eh... he has a BA from Harvard.

We are going to make coal great again... open more mines and factories, give more jobs to miners, we are going to........................ Oh. shit. guess not then.
There's a fascinating potential study, that won't happen, in to the effects of Trump's administration on the mental health of academics.

Post-truth politics offers no opportunity to the scientific method. A significant number of people who've spent their lives aiming to affect policy have been disregarded as irrelevant, as a result.

I miss the days people were fearing the rise of technocracy.

We are going to make coal great again... open more mines and factories, give more jobs to miners, we are going to........................ Oh. shit. guess not then.

Clearly, they were so tired of winning, they had no choice but to shut down, because of all the winning they did. Nothing story.
Win. Win. Win
Clearly, they were so tired of winning, they had no choice but to shut down, because of all the winning they did. Nothing story.


Here's another one,

You really would think he would learn wouldn't you? Attacking Judges yet again, it's pretty disgusting really, although it could backfire if he ever comes up against one in the future. Also disgusting is him praising the Dark Sith Lord Cheney. Ugh! Although no surprise, I find it hilarious he constantly attacks GW for the Iraq war, but Cheney is ok? Mind you, what would you expect from a man who only today found out that Lincoln was a Republican.

Here's another one,

You really would think he would learn wouldn't you? Attacking Judges yet again, it's pretty disgusting really, although it could backfire if he ever comes up against one in the future. Also disgusting is him praising the Dark Sith Lord Cheney. Ugh! Although no surprise, I find it hilarious he constantly attacks GW for the Iraq war, but Cheney is ok? Mind you, what would you expect from a man who only today found out that Lincoln was a Republican.

That is, what we call in the business, dick riding. Just saying it to say it because he noticed him. It really makes Trump look more stupid (if that's even possible) praising a likely war criminal when he called for Hillary to be locked up for emails.

...he warmly praised Mr. Cheney, who is close to current Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, “for giving me a very early endorsement.”

Evil recognizes evil.

Here's another one,

You really would think he would learn wouldn't you? Attacking Judges yet again, it's pretty disgusting really, although it could backfire if he ever comes up against one in the future. Also disgusting is him praising the Dark Sith Lord Cheney. Ugh! Although no surprise, I find it hilarious he constantly attacks GW for the Iraq war, but Cheney is ok? Mind you, what would you expect from a man who only today found out that Lincoln was a Republican.

He is clearly stupid, lack self-awareness and naive. He doesn't know what he doesn't know. The most dangerous quadrant.

Putin can retire and write a book on how he hijacked the poltical system of the 'most powerful' nation in the world -- using the most unlikely baffoon.

Life imitating art.
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