The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How can you prove if anything gets stolen? Will be tempting for checkers to stockpile iPads etc!
I demand this potential hearing to be public! :drool:


If true, it's such a weird decision. It's either incredibly stupid, a very brazen message, or... it's because Putin has leverage over them and he's insisting on this to troll people.
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He's really getting away with anything. How low can the GOP sink to support this fecking moron?
Straight out of the "That money was just resting in my account" playbook.
He is not getting away with anything. people are too impatient.

What you are seeing is trump doing exactly what he has always done, denying knowing about anything as soon as the heat is turned up. What you are seeing is him really acknowledging that he is in the shite, bigly. Thats big, its the first time he has been defensive about his position, and he is obviously worried. The difference is that normally, he has the most expensive lawyer in the fight. This time, he is fighting the nsa and the fbi, and his money is meaningless.

They can;t just come out and say he's in league with russia or anything that will need an immediate and forced removal (as that would for national security) because that is how you start a civil war. There are still millions who believe everything he has said, think the fbi are making up fake stuff and obama and the british tapped his phones, because he says they did.

Watergate took two years to shake out for a reason. This will be quicker, because the consequences for leaving him that long are much more damaging to the country, but you have to expect months.
He's really getting away with anything. How low can the GOP sink to support this fecking moron?

I will be honest and say because most of them are not much different than Trump. They are willing to do anything like enriching them selves if you look at their policies that are mostly corporation friendly. They have not proposed much or anything that will improve the ordinary citizens life yet. They are all about the free marked and small state ( the ones with the most money and influence wins big time here as they get the freedom to do more or less what they want ). They also use the word freedom a lot to sell their idea´s to the general population and it works fairly well as it is a word most associates with something very positive but the word is very unspecific in nature as freedom can be defined in many ways. Freedom is a word that appeal to your Patos ( Origin is from the Greek word Pathos and means emotions ) and this is the most commonly used appeal form of the 3 basic appeal forms.

I could write many pages about this but i will spare you all from this and just get to the point quickly. I just want to point out that most of the republicans are bullshitters and con men like Trump.
If fox & friends mention Richard Reid this week in relation to this ban the next EO will demand every Muslim fly shoeless.
I'm not really seeing the point of this unless they want to take you're property without having evidence and going through the proper channels to take it from you're person. They still won't stop TSA pulling 8 year old girls out off unnecessary lines for a pat down though.

for me, the timing of it is just another distraction tactic
He is not getting away with anything. people are too impatient.

What you are seeing is trump doing exactly what he has always done, denying knowing about anything as soon as the heat is turned up. What you are seeing is him really acknowledging that he is in the shite, bigly. Thats big, its the first time he has been defensive about his position, and he is obviously worried. The difference is that normally, he has the most expensive lawyer in the fight. This time, he is fighting the nsa and the fbi, and his money is meaningless.

They can;t just come out and say he's in league with russia or anything that will need an immediate and forced removal (as that would for national security) because that is how you start a civil war. There are still millions who believe everything he has said, think the fbi are making up fake stuff and obama and the british tapped his phones, because he says they did.

Watergate took two years to shake out for a reason. This will be quicker, because the consequences for leaving him that long are much more damaging to the country, but you have to expect months.

You're absolutely right about his business dealings. He has never faced the consequences for his actions and is used to getting everything his way. As for consequences for what he is doing now, absolutely nothing will happen. If they find any dirt on him, it will somehow be covered up.
As for consequences for what he is doing now, absolutely nothing will happen. If they find any dirt on him, it will somehow be covered up.

Not a chance. Too many people are looking and there is just too much at stake, he also has way too many enemies. The only question is not if, but when.
The laptop ban would very much have to do with intelligence gathered and nothing else. Trump doesn't control the intelligence agencies and our agencies would not advise the government to follow suit without any due diligence.
What's been said?
He said he'd of walked out of the room if Trump had asked him to overturn Roe v. Wade and went on to say that Roe v. Wade is precedent, that precedent is important and must be considered, and that what was once controversial no longer is.

He also affirmed that due process rights are extended to undocumented people in America (something the Trump admin attempted to argue against in their legal argument over Travel Ban #1)
What do you guys make of Nunes? How is this farce allowed to happen?

He's a moron. Trying to sit on the fence between attempting to appear impartial and not capitulating to the emerging niagara of negative information about Trump.

Also, he's apparently tied to a California winery that is co-owned by a Putin pal. Not sure if confirmed though.
Cotton still against in the Senate as well. Surely Ryan won't take a vote without the numbers?

Best case scenario is they take a vote and it dies in the House - Ryan and Trump are publicly humiliated and all the house members who voted for it get hammered at the polls. Perfect finish to Trump's calamitous week.
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