The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How many turned up for Trump's rally last night? The one he did last week was half empty, although he didn't say or show that. Also, were there many protestors at/outside his rally last night?

It's not only insane, but it's criminal he's continuing to do there rallies for the simple reason he just loves the adulation. He's off playing golf all weekend and then spends a day travelling to and from a completely unnecessary rally. Surely somewhere in between all this he has a country to run?

With this fat bastard it's all about perception. His fans thinks he has achieve so much or at worst he is trying to but has to fight the establishment on their behalf. By the time you are done Trump will be the modern day Robin hood and fade away as a western political jihad/martyr in their eyes.
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The new policy took effect at 3 a.m. E.D.T. on Tuesday, and must be followed within 96 hours by airlines flying to the United States from airports in Amman, Jordan; Cairo; Istanbul; Jeddah and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia; Kuwait City; Casablanca, Morocco; Doha, Qatar; and Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

It applies only to flights on foreign carriers, and not American-operated airlines. Officials did not say how long the ban would remain in place or if other airports would be added.

Royal Jordanian, the state-run airline of the Hashemite kingdom, said that medical items are exempt from the ban, and that larger electronic items could still be carried in checked baggage. It announced the changes to what it called “our dearest passengers” in a Twitter post Monday afternoon that was later deleted.

So if I fly Etihard or Emirates from Dubai I have to check in my laptop? How are these airlines letting themselves be bullied?
How can they not? The US government could just turn around and refuse them permission to fly to the US otherwise.

90% of oil executives I know in Houston have loyalty programs with Eithad or Emirates. They run more direct flights into that region than all other airlines combined. It would seriously damage some businesses that the Republicans wants to prop up in a very red state.
wtf is Trump in Louisville doing another (campaign) rally?

Who pays for this? GOP or the federal govt? He's friends organised it with their respective companies?

The GOP/Trump campaign pay a portion of the costs when the trip is "campaign related", but taxpayers pick up a huge bulk of the bill.

Clinton campaign paid 36k when she travelled on board AF1 for a 1 hour trip to North Carolina to attend a campaign rally. But the overall cost of flying the plane for one hour is close to 200k.
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They may have discovered some communication that indicated that there maybe some attempt on blowing up planes via a notebook?
What I don't get then is why the ban is apparently limited to some countries / airports (10 airports in 8 different countries). As I understand it, you can fly with your laptop in the cabin from e.g. London to the US but have to check it in if you fly from Cairo to the US.
What I don't get then is why the ban is apparently limited to some countries / airports (10 airports in 8 different countries). As I understand it, you can fly with your laptop in the cabin from e.g. London to the US but have to check it in if you fly from Cairo to the US.
Exactly. It is a load of BS.

Jason Miller, trump supporter, said it was not true that people said trump had business ties in Russia.

The host asked how he knew he didn't.

Jason Miller replied because trump said so.

The rest laughed while pointing out all the lies Trump said.

Seriously though, it is like these Cable news network channels can't find better people to defend trump?

Well, it is a very hard thing to do, I agree. But yeah.

We do have some very intelligent people here in the United States. Unfortunately, we do have a large majority who are thick as planks as well.
What I don't get then is why the ban is apparently limited to some countries / airports (10 airports in 8 different countries). As I understand it, you can fly with your laptop in the cabin from e.g. London to the US but have to check it in if you fly from Cairo to the US.

They found information on some of the laptops and other storage devices (thumb drives etc) during a recent raid in Yemen, that AQAP may have been trying to sneak bombs onto smartphones, tablets, and laptops for passengers flying from certain middle eastern airports.
They found information on some of the laptops and other storage devices (thumb drives etc) during a recent raid in Yemen, that AQAP may have been trying to sneak bombs onto smartphones, tablets, and laptops for passengers flying from certain middle eastern airports.
If someone wanted to do this, wouldn't it be the easiest thing in the world to fly from an airport where devices aren't banned from the cabin?
Edit: And correct me if I don't remember it correctly but aren't smartphones still allowed from all airports?
"Passenger X, I'm arresting you for posting funny pix of our glorious President on Facebook. Oh, and then there's that 'terrorism' thing..."
What I don't get then is why the ban is apparently limited to some countries / airports (10 airports in 8 different countries). As I understand it, you can fly with your laptop in the cabin from e.g. London to the US but have to check it in if you fly from Cairo to the US.

Either they have heard of attacks coming from somewhere in that region or the airports there are very slack?
US folks, can you let us know what the newspapers run with tomorrow? I'm intrigued whether they lead with "Wiretapping is nonsense" or "There's a Russia investigation running". The BBC went with the first one for hours, as has the national station here.
It's time they drew a line under the "wiretappping" and go all out on the Russian connection. Trump will push the "wiretappping" all the way to the plot of Austin Powers just to deflect attention from the Russian interference. They need to get serious and instead if wetting their knickers over social media brain farts they need to go old school and start putting documents and verifiable information in to the public domain.
If someone wanted to do this, wouldn't it be the easiest thing in the world to fly from an airport where devices aren't banned from the cabin?
Edit: And correct me if I don't remember it correctly but aren't smartphones still allowed from all airports?

Conceivably yes, but it would be much bigger hassle since AQAP are based in the middle east and are more or less still a crude jihadi group struggling with their own survival. It would be much easier for them to get it down in an Arabic speaking area imo.
The laptop ban makes zero sense given American airlines flying through the same airport are not affected by it. They rely on the same airport security staff as the foreign airlines operating from that airport.
The laptop ban makes zero sense given American airlines flying through the same airport are not affected by it. They rely on the same airport security staff as the foreign airlines operating from that airport.

No American airline has direct flights to the Middle East.
If fox & friends mention Richard Reid this week in relation to this ban the next EO will demand every Muslim fly shoeless.
I'm not really seeing the point of this unless they want to take you're property without having evidence and going through the proper channels to take it from you're person. They still won't stop TSA pulling 8 year old girls out off unnecessary lines for a pat down though.
If someone wanted to do this, wouldn't it be the easiest thing in the world to fly from an airport where devices aren't banned from the cabin?
Edit: And correct me if I don't remember it correctly but aren't smartphones still allowed from all airports?
Yes. It makes zero sense.

Also if it's in luggage then there will be exploration in luggage hold. That can cause huge fire or maybe even blow open a hole at bottom of plane. So problem, if there is one, is hardly solved
You really think US customs are going to open passenger luggage without their knowledge? How will they break so many locks?
Is this sarcasm? I did not mean that the opening of suitcases would remain undetected, but rather that the whole procedure would be more streamlined and take less time without the passenger being able to protest / make a scene out of it.

Also, modern suitcases have combination locks that can also be unlocked by a TSA key. The other will be just cut open, as usual.
You really think US customs are going to open passenger luggage without their knowledge? How will they break so many locks?
They already do so. My luggage has been checked by US customs 3-4 times. Once they even broke a non compliant lock.
They already do so. My luggage has been checked by US customs 3-4 times. Once they even broke a non compliant lock.

I specifically put a compliant lock, it was broken, and I did it again, the new one was broken again. Lazy fecks.
You really think US customs are going to open passenger luggage without their knowledge? How will they break so many locks?

This already happens. I've had multiple times where I've collected my bags, gone home, and when I opened them, seen a little card that says something to the effect of "this bag was opened by US customs"
You really think US customs are going to open passenger luggage without their knowledge? How will they break so many locks?

they may have massive equipment that are highly sensitive to explosives which they cant use at the check-in counters.
You really think US customs are going to open passenger luggage without their knowledge? How will they break so many locks?

Bags are routinely checked on domestic flights, so I doubt there would be an issue with doing the same on international ones.
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