The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How dare Abadi. We will be requesting a Trump tower in Baghdad to make amends.
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Someone raised the point here (can't recall who) that the first thing Trump did when elected was raise the cost of staying at his own resort because of the increased status. What I never thought about was the fact that government security and agents will have to stay there on the same days that Trump does. It's a very smart way to redirect state funds into his own business. (Allegedly).

I keep seeing similar news everywhere.

If it's really that obvious, why is no one suing him? Or is this legal but just scumbag act?
I keep seeing similar news everywhere.

If it's really that obvious, why is no one suing him? Or is this legal but just scumbag act?
I don't think it's illegal. Mar-a-Lago is a traditional winter resort for presidents, going back to Nixon. The difference is that Trump owns it, spends more time there than any of his predecessors, and has raised the rates since being elected.
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I keep seeing similar news everywhere.

If it's really that obvious, why is no one suing him? Or is this legal but just scumbag act?
Each visit to Florida costs 3 million or so. Is it legal (if that's your question)? yes. But boy, 5-6 visits in 2 months just don't look good at all. What will he do when he get even more bored of the presidency?
I don't think it's illegal. Mar-a-Lago is a traditional winter resort for presidents, going back to Nixon. The difference is that Trump owns it, spends more time there than any of his predecessors, and has risen the rates since being elected.
How many times did Obama go there?

BTW, look at this: "Security is a constant in each president’s day to day as well as are the expected costs — former President Obama’s detail followed him without question during his annual trips to Martha’s Vineyard and his native Hawaii. His travel expenses totaled nearly $97 million over the course of his eight years in office, the Post reported."

97M/8=12M a YEAR, not a month!
Each visit to Florida costs 3 million or so. Is it legal (if that's your question)? yes. But boy, 5-6 visits in 2 months just don't look good at all. What will he do when he get even more bored of the presidency?

I think there's a graphic the other day that shows that he's on course to cost about a billion over four years on him and his family travels/protection. A pretty penny from that would go to his estates.

In normal circumstances, a president would get a lot of heat for openly profiteering from the office that way.
I think there's a graphic the other day that shows that he's on course to cost about a billion over four years on him and his family travels/protection. A pretty penny from that would go to his estates.

In normal circumstances, a president would get a lot of heat for openly profiteering from the office that way.
Speaking of unnecessary travels, his early start to the 2020 election caused a confirmation hearing for his Sec.Labor to be cancelled because the chairman of that committee went with him. These are the same confirmations that he's been bitching about being delayed. #sad
An overwhelming number of Trump supporters on Twitter reference God in their Bios. Is that huge support coming from his anti-abortion stance or due to his anti-immigration stance? Both I assume.

Just been reading an exchange from someone on Twitter that referenced Trump playing a game of chess where others can't even see the board (wow), then falling back on Hilary a few times before flaming and leaving.

The bio : God First, supports Vets, Police, Fire, 1st and 2nd amendments. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp

An overwhelming number of Trump supporters on Twitter reference God in their Bios. Is that huge support coming from his anti-abortion stance or due to his anti-immigration stance? Both I assume.

Just been reading an exchange from someone on Twitter that referenced Trump playing a game of chess where others can't even see the board (wow), then falling back on Hilary a few times before flaming and leaving.

The bio : God First, supports Vets, Police, Fire, 1st and 2nd amendments. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp

The funny thing about these people is their disregard for environmental causes.

The Bible says God told people to be "stewards of the Earth". It even gives guidelines for sustainable farming. Try telling one of them that "God's an environmentalist"
An overwhelming number of Trump supporters on Twitter reference God in their Bios. Is that huge support coming from his anti-abortion stance or due to his anti-immigration stance? Both I assume.

Just been reading an exchange from someone on Twitter that referenced Trump playing a game of chess where others can't even see the board (wow), then falling back on Hilary a few times before flaming and leaving.

The bio : God First, supports Vets, Police, Fire, 1st and 2nd amendments. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp


Cheek of someone saying this when Trump insulted the family of a dead soldier.
Cheek of someone saying this when Trump insulted the family of a dead soldier.

Not just that, of the millions relying on meals on wheels, half a million or so are vets. Likewise with many of the other federal aid programs he is cutting, vets make up a disproportionate number of those relying on fed support.

I also wonder how a 3 time divorced womanizer is exhalted by the religious so easily. Because, you know, he is against everything their religion stands for.

By the way, an easy way to send any of these religious tea party nuts into a frenzy is to point out that the bible paints jesus as a socialist. You can almost here the cogs grinding.
Not just that, of the millions relying on meals on wheels, half a million or so are vets. Likewise with many of the other federal aid programs he is cutting, vets make up a disproportionate number of those relying on fed support.

I also wonder how a 3 time divorced womanizer is exhalted by the religious so easily. Because, you know, he is against everything their religion stands for.

By the way, an easy way to send any of these religious tea party nuts into a frenzy is to point out that the bible paints jesus as a socialist. You can almost here the cogs grinding.

Also one who spent time with whores and was all about forgiveness and that. Completely correct on the vet stuff too - I suspect plenty of vets will be hit by Republican cuts.
By the way, an easy way to send any of these religious tea party nuts into a frenzy is to point out that the bible paints jesus as a socialist
I did that exact thing today! Their response was to say "well the Old Testament says 'those who don't work don't eat'" as I was walking off to start my classes that day.

Well, I came back at the end of the day and explained to her that 1) that is in the New Testament and 2) it's Paul telling people to get back to work and stop waiting for the end of the world.

It's amazing how much they THINK they know about their book.
I did that exact thing today! Their response was to say "well the Old Testament says 'those who don't work don't eat'" as I was walking off to start my classes that day.

Well, I came back at the end of the day and explained to her that 1) that is in the New Testament and 2) it's Paul telling people to get back to work and stop waiting for the end of the world.

It's amazing how much they THINK they know about their book.

It does have a few confusing plotholes to be fair. They killed off the protagonist and then just sort of brought him back - really poor writing. Not really sure why the Joseph character was cool with God having a kid with his wife; again, struck me as one of the main characters getting away with something for plot convenience. No wonder Americans don't understand it!
I did that exact thing today! Their response was to say "well the Old Testament says 'those who don't work don't eat'" as I was walking off to start my classes that day.

Well, I came back at the end of the day and explained to her that 1) that is in the New Testament and 2) it's Paul telling people to get back to work and stop waiting for the end of the world.

It's amazing how much they THINK they know about their book.
Oh, well. At least they got Jesus on record condemning the gays in Leviticus.
US folks, can you let us know what the newspapers run with tomorrow? I'm intrigued whether they lead with "Wiretapping is nonsense" or "There's a Russia investigation running". The BBC went with the first one for hours, as has the national station here.
I did that exact thing today! Their response was to say "well the Old Testament says 'those who don't work don't eat'" as I was walking off to start my classes that day.

Well, I came back at the end of the day and explained to her that 1) that is in the New Testament and 2) it's Paul telling people to get back to work and stop waiting for the end of the world.

It's amazing how much they THINK they know about their book.

A lot of these people properly only learned what they been told by their local church. I suspect that a lot of the pastors in U.S.A don´t actually discuss the actual content in a rational/Intellectual way or is able to read the original bible source material to a high enough standard for them to criticize what they have been told. This would explain why there is a major lack of understanding of the bible in many areas of U.S.A as wrong information or lacklustre information gets passed on and on within the different Christian churches.
An overwhelming number of Trump supporters on Twitter reference God in their Bios. Is that huge support coming from his anti-abortion stance or due to his anti-immigration stance? Both I assume.

Just been reading an exchange from someone on Twitter that referenced Trump playing a game of chess where others can't even see the board (wow), then falling back on Hilary a few times before flaming and leaving.

The bio : God First, supports Vets, Police, Fire, 1st and 2nd amendments. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp

Yeah, a lot of them mention God, Vets, 2A in their bios. Usually all three.

How much I would love to be able to come back to that post :D

In all seriousness, the end will probably come quickly when it does. It will build slowly but surely til the tipping point, where no matter how he fights, it'll be a rollercoaster to oblivion.
This whole presidency is less like real life than a grandiose satirical novel overlain with a sense of intrigue and awful foreboding. It is filled with what-ifs? What if there was no Russian collusion, just a hacking team's windfall and an attempt at cosying up, combined with massive incompetence and egotism by a clueless child-man and his lackeys, fellow travellers and users?
What if there was collusion, on a massive scale, and basically Trump was under orders, putting together a team and framing policy as directed by Putin? Most people seem to think the truth is somewhere between these extremes. But I am getting flashes in dreams of elaborate (and sometimes tragic) plotlines, none reassuring, resembling something from Le Carre or Homeland. Let's hope my imagination has entered an over-active phase.
Y'all want to see/hear deluded, Anderson 360 is running a segment on Trump supporters answering questions about the ongoing stuff.

"The media is so liberal!"

"Yeah, it's ok for Russia to leak on Hillary because she's so evil!"

And on and on and on...
Y'all want to see/hear deluded, Anderson 360 is running a segment on Trump supporters answering questions about the ongoing stuff.

"The media is so liberal!"

"Yeah, it's ok for Russia to leak on Hillary because she's so evil!"

And on and on and on...
They still think she's "a murderer". When pressed for proof, they have none, but defend it anyway. Kinda like their orange messiah.
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