The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I missed the entirety of that answer from Comey a minute ago but it sounded to me like he just dismissed the Republican use of the Clapper quote about no evidence of collusion as the information Clapper was privy to was about general Russian interferences rather than Trump collusion.
Have a horrible feeling this wont amount to anything.
I don't think it will. The intelligence services serve at the behest of the administration. If they incriminate him, they're creating something of a constitutional crisis (not disregarding that a crisis may already have been created owing to the potential influence of foreign governments in Trump's election).

Having said that, if anyone cares less about creating constitutional crises, that man would be Comey. He was the single most influential factor in Trump's election.
Dems are absolutely killing it. They have literally hundreds of points to bring up here.

Republicans: "What about leaks?", "Are FISA's legal?"
Having said that, if anyone cares less about creating constitutional crises, that man would be Comey. He was the single most influential factor in Trump's election.

Dwazza raised an interesting point though. If Comey believed both Clinton and Trump were corrupt then you'd side with the person who has the most evidence and therefore easier to get rid off once in power. That's conceivable no?
Wow important disclosure, he's a Giants fan

The idea the FBI director needs to debunk the sitting President of the United States on live TV is extremely troubling. America is way better than that.

As someone said earlier, it was ridiculous for him to be live-tweeting the hearing. It was just begging for comment with the two witnesses themselves.
Dwazza raised an interesting point though. If Comey believed both Clinton and Trump were corrupt then you'd side with the person who has the most evidence and therefore easier to get rid off once in power. That's conceivable no?
I suppose so, but it seems very skullduggery to me. Unless he was of the view that the GOP wouldn't mind Trump being a fall guy, and then replacing him with Pence. Otherwise he's effectively destroyed Clinton's campaign at the final hour in order to then investigate his own boss. If that's the case, then Bannon's comments about the "deep state" would actually be legitimate.

We'll have to see what comes of the investigation, but I'm hugely skeptical that anything overly incriminating toward Trump will emerge.
The audacity of their lies is what gets me. How can you insist on a lie that is so easily verifiable?
That's what I'm wondering about for a long time. Even during the GOP primaries and the election campaign 45 was lying and lying and lying - it didn't hurt him the slightest.
As someone said earlier, it was ridiculous for him to be live-tweeting the hearing. It was just begging for comment with the two witnesses themselves.
I agree. To be clear, I'm not blaming these two gentlemen; I'm just troubled by the fact that they need to sit there any refute allegations/tweets by the President.
I suppose so, but it seems very skullduggery to me. Unless he was of the view that the GOP wouldn't mind Trump being a fall guy, and then replacing him with Pence. Otherwise he's effectively destroyed Clinton's campaign at the final hour in order to then investigate his own boss. If that's the case, then Bannon's comments about the "deep state" would actually be legitimate.

We'll have to see what comes of the investigation, but I'm hugely skeptical that anything overly incriminating toward Trump will emerge.

Well in the scenario both of them were corrupt, then isn't it the duty of Comey to do what is best for the country? Tricky situation, but it would explain the timing of the Clinton leaking. Guess we'll see in time.
"it's a great honour" to be prime minister, and answers brusquely about whether she feels the need to be liked. "It's not a popularity stakes, being prime minister. I think what's important is for people to feel that I'm delivering for them."

Teresa May

I wonder if this directed at the Don?
Stefanik fecked up then. She just managed to get Comey to confirm that Republican parties were hacked by the Russians and nothing was leaked.

I have absolutely no idea what she was trying to achieve there.
Stefanik fecked up then. She just managed to get Comey to confirm that Republican parties were hacked by the Russians and nothing was leaked.

I have absolutely no idea what she was trying to achieve there.
If true - because it was initially reported last year (October IIRC) and then GOP rejected they have been attempts to hack them which failed.
Clinton destroyed by leaks which are later linked to Russian efforts to elect Trump. Regardless of the source, the leaks are damaging. Then Trump is linked to Russians in an effort to damage Clinton. This is also damaging to Trump, but lacks the FBI's seal of approval. The FBI then announces an investigation into Clinton, giving legitimacy to the leaks, and effectively destroying her campaign. We now find out that the FBI had an investigation involving Trump's collusion with the Russians, and that it has been running since at least July of last year.

Well in the scenario both of them were corrupt, then isn't it the duty of Comey to do what is best for the country? Tricky situation, but it would explain the timing of the Clinton leaking. Guess we'll see in time.

It's impossible to view that chain of events and not come to the conclusion that Comey preferred Trump to Clinton. I think he made his decision about what he thought was best for the country when he fecked Clinton's campaign over. If he comes back with hard hitting (impeachment style) evidence against Trump, then we'll have to suppose that he played both Clinton and Trump, and that he himself is guilty of influencing an election, as well as possibly sabotaging a presidency. I say sabotage because he opted to not reveal evidence of Russian collusion with Trump, or the basic fact that he was operating an investigation surrounding that possibility.

It isn't the head of the FBI's job to make decisions on a scale this grand. He's a government employee, not a head of state. He reports to people who report to the president, and is overseen by the AG (Sessions as of now).
Dennis Heck bringing it home there.
Comey has gone up in my estimation after this after that ridiculous stunt against Hillary during the election. He's been very professional here.

Castro has just asked what I've been thinking. A lot of the leaks have come from the Trump administration and Republican side in order to defame the agencies.
Damm missing Heck

It was a bit of a summing up. Emphasising the reasons why this must be a through and bipartisan investigation with American interests before political interests.
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