The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump is not having a good day. No proof of wiretap

I read a Fox article earlier saying it could be a bad day for the Dems with the idea of a Russia investigation being dismissed and Wire Tapping by the Obama admin being confirmed. A complete fantasy piece :lol:
That guy's tweets should be threadbanned. I won't forgive him for the "bombshell is imminent" crap he pulled in the last weeks of the election that never came.

He's the Tancredi Palmeri of US politics.

TBF it wasn't up to him to print the story. Got released anyway. Just way late.
15mins into this hearing, this Mike Rogers guy seems half as sharp in answering as Comey. What business does Rogers as Head of NSA (if I got it right?) think he has in commenting on diplomatic relations?
15mins into this hearing, this Mike Rogers guy seems half as sharp in answering as Comey. What business does Rogers as Head of NSA (if I got it right?) think he has in commenting on diplomatic relations?

Certain diplomats who are suspected of being intelligence operatives for their respective countries, are apparently surveilled by NSA, which is why he's there.
Certain diplomats who are suspected of being intelligence operatives for their respective countries, are apparently surveilled by NSA, which is why he's there.

Allright, didn't know that. Still, no reason for him to comment on Trump tweets and it's consequences for displomatic relations with the UK/Germany.
15mins into this hearing, this Mike Rogers guy seems half as sharp in answering as Comey. What business does Rogers as Head of NSA (if I got it right?) think he has in commenting on diplomatic relations?

He has extensive contact with the relevant allies, within the scope of his activities, not constantly overseen by the State Dept. or administration. So he has a relevant opinion about how the Germans or the British reacted or might react to issues that arise from those activities.

He also can take slightly less care in his answering than Comey, because Comey as head of the FBI is in charge of criminal investigations, he is not.
Felonious dissemination.... nefarious motives.... Trump won't have a fecking clue what he's talking about. Neither will most of his supporters.
He has extensive contact with the relevant allies, within the scope of his activities, not constantly overseen by the State Dept. or administration. So he has a relevant opinion about how the Germans or the British reacted or might react to issues that arise from those activities.

Ok, makes sense that he understood and answered it that way then, could've been more precise, but thanks.
How did Adm Rogers "have it"? And why did it matter? Why is it assumed as a fact that the NSA picked up Flynn's convo, and not possibly the FBI's surveillance of Russian ambo?
You just want his wardrobe. :rolleyes:

:lol: I make enough to get my own. Picked up this jacket a few weeks ago for a song. :drool:

Painful times coming for America. The dream of the likes of Fox that this would all die today are way off the mark, it's only beginning.

The fact he's bringing it all into the open is a clear indication that the process of bringing charges has started.

Comey's comments on Hillary while a candidate are one thing, it's another completely to reveal the current POTUS administration is under investigation by at least two of the IC. I mean that is compromising the authority and respect of the administration hugely.
Ok, makes sense that he understood and answered it that way then, could've been more precise, but thanks.

There's also a degree, when testifying to Congress, that principals of several branches can express opinion. IIRC, Generals testifying regarding Middle East issues would at times lightly express opinion and interpretation about ISIS or Iran that would diverge from official WH policy.
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