The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The Republicans don´t even try to hide their contempt for the ordinary people at these town hall meetings. I think the part of being a representative of the people is lost on them and ignoring this part can really backfire on them in the future. I really hope people won´t forget their behaviour at the next election as most of them really don´t care about the people nor want to be a part of a democracy it seems. They just want to force their legislation through the senate and the house regardless of the cost to the people. They even try to sell the something better will be implemented in the future to try stop people from protesting but this is horse shit as whatever they plan to in the future it won´t be good for the ordinary people.

Wow..:eek: it's not the first GOP town hall meeting i've seen where the crowd has turned against the speaker, but nothing as brutal as this. If this continues, it might be the beginning of the end for the GOP, especially with that Orange clown in the WH who will no doubt do irreparable damage to their reputation
I know about both systems and yet it hasn't made me any more intelligent.
I assume that the point @fcbforever was trying to make is that the people who posted this crap in Reddit show a lack of education, horizon and respect. They take for granted that the presidential system of the US is the one that all democracies go by, don't even consider that other countries might implement different systems and are shocked when they find out that other countries do just that.
That's a key difference to not knowing, being aware of possible difference and asking those who know.
I assume that the point @fcbforever was trying to make is that the people who posted this crap in Reddit show a lack of education, horizon and respect. They take for granted that the presidential system of the US is the one that all democracies go by, don't even consider that other countries might implement different systems and are shocked when they find out that other countries do just that.
That's a key difference to not knowing, being aware of possible difference and asking those who know.
The original post was calling into question the intelligence of those that do not know the workings of a Parliamentary system.

Which is a bit smug, since many intelligent people on the other side of the pond don't understand delegates, the electoral college, or the like...
Interesting comments from Bernstein on CNN. Says FBI investigation is "closing in" on some of Trumps associates.

Go to around the 53 minute mark

Interesting comments from Bernstein on CNN. Says FBI investigation is "closing in" on some of Trumps associates.

Go to around the 53 minute mark

Bernstein has been fantastic throughout all of this. He's spot on yet again when he talks about the media needing to cover Trump's lies as their own story.
I assume that the point @fcbforever was trying to make is that the people who posted this crap in Reddit show a lack of education, horizon and respect. They take for granted that the presidential system of the US is the one that all democracies go by, don't even consider that other countries might implement different systems and are shocked when they find out that other countries do just that.
That's a key difference to not knowing, being aware of possible difference and asking those who know.

The original post was calling into question the intelligence of those that do not know the workings of a Parliamentary system.

Which is a bit smug, since many intelligent people on the other side of the pond don't understand delegates, the electoral college, or the like...

Pretty much what Crossie said and no idea how it can be understood differently. I wouldn't use the word respect there though.

And sorry mate, but there is a fundamental difference between not even thinking about the fact that a system might be different and not completely understanding a system.
I mean, how can you not know that a parliamentary system works differently to a presidential system and how? I do not expect people to know why there are "Ausgleichsmandate" in the Bundestag, it's not relevant. But that you are electing a parliament in a parliamentary system and a president in a presidential one?

You can just smell the desperation. I also think there is definitely way more than just one person leaking stuff from the White House, and that's not including the people leaking stuff on behalf of Trump and Bannon.

You can just smell the desperation. I also think there is definitely way more than just one person leaking stuff from the White House, and that's not including the people leaking stuff on behalf of Trump and Bannon.

What classified info has been leaked? Usually the FBI are serious when this is the case.

We should find out later when Comey speaks. I doubt there will be any major bombshells but it's been strongly rumoured what he is going to say/reveal won't be to the liking of Trump and his crew. Let's hope that's the case.

You can just smell the desperation. I also think there is definitely way more than just one person leaking stuff from the White House, and that's not including the people leaking stuff on behalf of Trump and Bannon.

You can make the case that he has always made desperate tweets to deflect attention, but in this one specifically you can just sense his invulnerability wavering. Smells good.
Wonder who it is. Cant be any of the usual suspects as none of them including Flynn work at the WH.

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So, russia is both fake news AND involved leaked intelligence documents that show russian connections.

The man isn't even a good bullshitter, which begs the question why are the media not actually calling this idiocy for what it is. I get there is this inbuilt reverence to the position he holds, but you have to get over it, Maggie Thatcher was a cnut, Blair was a functioning sociopath and cameron a complete fecking moron. I can say that and still recognize that the position of prime minister has gravitas, the people who held it debased themselves, not the position. American's need to start realizing that before it is too late to have the freedom to criticize him.
So, russia is both fake news AND involved leaked intelligence documents that show russian connections.

The man isn't even a good bullshitter, which begs the question why are the media not actually calling this idiocy for what it is. I get there is this inbuilt reverence to the position he holds, but you have to get over it, Maggie Thatcher was a cnut, Blair was a functioning sociopath and cameron a complete fecking moron. I can say that and still recognize that the position of prime minister has gravitas, the people who held it debased themselves, not the position. American's need to start realizing that before it is too late to have the freedom to criticize him.
Well, Cameron is Richard Feynman, compared to this orange bladder.
You can make the case that he has always made desperate tweets to deflect attention, but in this one specifically you can just sense his invulnerability wavering. Smells good.

It's the "FAKE NEWS" big capital letters and then the fact he speaks for everyone, something he annoyingly does frequently, by saying "everyone knows it" The fact he is dead wrong is probably besides the point and I suspect lost on him, but surely he knows that everyone doesn't know it? He only has to read the replies to his Tweet to see that many people not only do not know or think that it is fake news at all and even within his own supporters people want an inquiry in to everything Russian and the election, his cabinet picks, his family and of course, himself.

This Russian story just is not going away and is so intriguing now. I think that there are just so many people involved that it would be near impossible that someone hadn't left a trail, there just has to be links, the only question is how many and how much and who does it implicate on either side, and to what extent?

Changing the topic slightly, Bill Maher's Real Time was excellent this week, probably one of the best of the series so far, his guests were very, very good indeed and extremely interesting, it's definitely well worth a watch.
Watch Trump tweet about "Project Dragnet" today. Its Infowars new allegation that NSA were monitoring Trump and his family (and others) for years.

That's when you ask "who are others"?

He does that a lot. People need to start asking "who?"

And wonder what kinda dream he had to wake up tweeting that?
I hope he dreamed he was impeached or him, Bannon and Miller being handcuffed and thrown in jail with CNN live coverage. :drool:

This will be an interesting day with the public hearing with Comey and the hearing of Gorsuch for SCOTUS.
Will the hearing be on TV? If so what time? Dunno if I can stay awake much longer but really wanna see it.
Trump calls Putin, seeking advice how to deal with the opposition:
P: "Machine gun every democrat, and paint the White House in red."
T: "But why red?"
P: "I knew that you wouldn't ask about the first one."
Just read the NYT article on Comey's meeting with congress today. It sounds like all the republicans are going to ask about is if there is any evidence of wire tapping by Obama and if they are going to investigate the leaks.

Will any of the Dem's get a chance to ask about the Russian links or will they be silenced?

Feck me, he's on a roll today isn't he? These really early morning tweets, he must be shitting himself about something, he hasn't been able to sleep.
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